Warrant, 25 September 1701, Edinburgh

Procedure, 30 December 1701, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh 25 September 1701



Warrand to the sheriff of Aberdeen for sequestration of Sir Alexander and Mr Thomas Forbes papers

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell by Wiliam Ferbes of Tolquhon Showeing that where wpon the decease first of Alexander Torbes of Tolquhon, the petitioners uncle, and then of Mr Thomas Forbes his Father Brother to the said Sir Alexander, the succession of the lands Barroues and Estate belonging to them or either of them, is devolved wpon the petitioner as ther appearand air, Likeas by reason, of thercomeing to decase so soon the one after the other in the moneths of July and agust last, the writs and evidents of the said Estate, fell partly in the hands of one Elspeth Forbes, who was keeped by the said Sir Alexander as his house keeper, and are now in hazard to be miscaried before that the petitioner Can prosecute his right to the said succession in the due and ordinary Course of law and seing that it is the said Lords of his majesties privie Counsell ther usewall practice to Interpose extraordinarly in such Cases for preserveing for preserveing the interest of appearand and others that may be Concerned, and to prevent Imbazlings and withdraweing and surpresing that are so ordinary in such Cases it was Therefore Craved it might please the saids Lords of his majesties privie Counsell to Grant warrand to the sheriff of Aberdeen or to any other Judge ordinar in the bounds, to Sequestrat and secure such Trunks Cabinets and boxes of writes pertaineing pertaineing2 either to the said Sir Alexander, or Mr Thomas with other bundles of that kynd, that may be found in the Custody and hands of the said Elspeth Forbes, and her accomplices and Trusties which are evidently in hazard to parish and misary if the saids Lords of his majesties privie Counsell haveing Considered this petition given in to them, be Wiliam, Forbes of Tolquhon, they hereby give full power, and Commission to the Earle of Erroll principall sheriff of the shyre of Aberdeen, or his deputs to search for and source the papers Trunks Cabinets and boxes, wherein any papers or writes pertaineing to the within umquhill Sir Alexander and Mr Thomas Forbeses are and which were in ther Custody about the tyme of ther decease, and all other bundles of that kind that may be found in the hands of the said sheriff of Aberdeen or his deputs therein to remain till further order of Counsell

Att Edinburgh 25 September 1701



Warrand to the sheriff of Aberdeen for sequestration of Sir Alexander and Mr Thomas Forbes papers

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell by Wiliam Ferbes of Tolquhon Showeing that where wpon the decease first of Alexander Torbes of Tolquhon, the petitioners uncle, and then of Mr Thomas Forbes his Father Brother to the said Sir Alexander, the succession of the lands Barroues and Estate belonging to them or either of them, is devolved wpon the petitioner as ther appearand air, Likeas by reason, of thercomeing to decase so soon the one after the other in the moneths of July and agust last, the writs and evidents of the said Estate, fell partly in the hands of one Elspeth Forbes, who was keeped by the said Sir Alexander as his house keeper, and are now in hazard to be miscaried before that the petitioner Can prosecute his right to the said succession in the due and ordinary Course of law and seing that it is the said Lords of his majesties privie Counsell ther usewall practice to Interpose extraordinarly in such Cases for preserveing for preserveing the interest of appearand and others that may be Concerned, and to prevent Imbazlings and withdraweing and surpresing that are so ordinary in such Cases it was Therefore Craved it might please the saids Lords of his majesties privie Counsell to Grant warrand to the sheriff of Aberdeen or to any other Judge ordinar in the bounds, to Sequestrat and secure such Trunks Cabinets and boxes of writes pertaineing pertaineing2 either to the said Sir Alexander, or Mr Thomas with other bundles of that kynd, that may be found in the Custody and hands of the said Elspeth Forbes, and her accomplices and Trusties which are evidently in hazard to parish and misary if the saids Lords of his majesties privie Counsell haveing Considered this petition given in to them, be Wiliam, Forbes of Tolquhon, they hereby give full power, and Commission to the Earle of Erroll principall sheriff of the shyre of Aberdeen, or his deputs to search for and source the papers Trunks Cabinets and boxes, wherein any papers or writes pertaineing to the within umquhill Sir Alexander and Mr Thomas Forbeses are and which were in ther Custody about the tyme of ther decease, and all other bundles of that kind that may be found in the hands of the said sheriff of Aberdeen or his deputs therein to remain till further order of Counsell

1. NRS, PC2/28, 148r-148v.

2. Sic.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 148r-148v.

2. Sic.