Att Edinburgh The Third Day of May Jaj viic and one years
Act Mr John Forrest
Anent the Petition given in to the Lords of His majesties Privy Councill by Mr John Forrest Student in divinity Shewing That the said Mr John hes with great pains prepared a new Edition of a book, Entituled Cali Sedulii Scoti poemata Sacra by Comparing it with ane ancient manuscript and all former Editions, and illustrating the Same with notes, 2 Which have been Seen and approven by the Primar, and Some of the professors of the Colledge of Edinburgh, The masters of the publick Schools ther, and Severall other prious and Learned men, who all Judge the book very fitt, to be Read by persons of all ranks, but especialy by the youth, That they may at once with greater pleasure acquire the Knowledge of the Latin Tongue, and be Instructed in the principles of the Christian Religion, And that Likeways their Lordships petitioner he with Considerable Expences and great Exactness made a fair Impression of the said book. And Therfore Humbly Craving to the Effect underwrittin as the said petition bears. The Saids Lords of His majestys privy Councill having Considered the above petition given in to them by Mr John Forrest They heirby grant to the petitioner the Sole and only priviledge of printing publishing and Selling the forsaid book, And have discharged and heirby discharges all printers Stationers and others whatsoever, to print reprint Import Sell or disperse within this Kingdom the forsaid book, And for the Space of nynteen years from that date heirof with out the petitioners licence or his heirs and assigneys, under the penalty one Thousand merks Scots to be payed by each Contraveener to the petitioner and his forsaids besides the Confiscation of the books So printed Imported, Sold or disperst, and making up what Loss the petitioner may Sustain therby.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 224.
2. One illegible word scored out here.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 224.
2. One illegible word scored out here.