Warrant, 21 March 1701, Edinburgh

Procedure, 30 December 1701, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Twenty one day of March Jaj viic and one years



Warrant for Liberating Mathew Finlasone

The Lords of His majestys privy Councill do heirby ordain Mathew Finlaysone ane under Servant to the African Company to be committed prisoner to the guard of Edinburgh, there to remain ay and while he give bond and find Sufficient Caution acted in the books of privy Councill, That he shall appear before the saids Lords of Privy Councill or the Lords of His Majestys Justiciary whensoever he shall be Called or Required thereto, under the penalty of Two Hundered merks Scots money in caice of Failzie in any pairt of the premises, and upon finding of the forsaid Caution ordains him to be sett at Liberty.

Att Edinburgh The Twenty one day of March Jaj viic and one years



Warrant for Liberating Mathew Finlasone

The Lords of His majestys privy Councill do heirby ordain Mathew Finlaysone ane under Servant to the African Company to be committed prisoner to the guard of Edinburgh, there to remain ay and while he give bond and find Sufficient Caution acted in the books of privy Councill, That he shall appear before the saids Lords of Privy Councill or the Lords of His Majestys Justiciary whensoever he shall be Called or Required thereto, under the penalty of Two Hundered merks Scots money in caice of Failzie in any pairt of the premises, and upon finding of the forsaid Caution ordains him to be sett at Liberty.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 203.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 203.