Att Edinburgh the 23 September 1701 postmeridiem
Act in favours of Mr William Thomson for puting up his bond
Anent the petition given in and presented, to the Lords of his majesties privie Councill, by mr Wiliam Thomson minister of the Gospell att Tindergarth Shoewing that where the saids Lords of his majesties privie Counsell by ther act, dated the twenty fifth of June sixteen hunder and nynty one, allowed the petitioner the stipend of the above Kirk, of Tindergairth, for the haill Cropt and year of God one thousand six hunder and nynty, and yearly thereafter, in tymecomeing dureing the petitioners Incumbencie att the said Kirk In respect he hes found Caution acted in the books of privie Councill that he should repair the above kirk and manse out of the first end of the forsaid Stipend, and which Kirk and manse was accordinly sufficiently repared as the extract of the acts of visitation of the presbetrie for the said Kirk and manse showen to the saids Lords hes testified and Therefore Craveing to the effect after mentioned, as the said petition bears, The Lords of his majesties privie Counsell, haveing heard this petition given in to them be the above Mr William Thomson, read in ther presence they have remitted and hereby remitts the said petition to the Earle of Northesque, Viscount of Roseberrie Lord Aberuchill, and the Laird of Meggins to Consider the said petition, and to see if the Samen be instructed And appoynts them to meet to morrow, in the fornoon, and declairs any two of them be a quorum, and recomends to the said Commity to make there Report to the Counsell with ther first Conveniencey, and accordingly the said Commity haveing mett they made their Report as followes viz, The Commity haveing Considered a petition from Mr William Thomson, Minister of Tunnergairth, Representing that the Lords of privie Counsell by ther act dated the twenty fifth of June Jaj vjc and nynty one allowed the petitioner the stipend of Tinnergairth for the haill Cropt nynty and yearly thereafter, in tyme comeing dureing his incumbencie att the said Kirk in respect he found Caution that he should repair, the kirk and manse out of the first end of the forsaid Stipend, and that the Kirk and manse was accordingly sufficiently repaired as appeared by the extract of the acts of visitation of the presbetrie produced and Craveing the Lords of privie Counsell, would Grant warrand to the Clerk to deliver up the petitioner, the forsaid bond of Caution to be Cancelled, with the remitt by the Lords of privie Counsell to the said Commities to Consider the said petition and to see if the same be instructed, Togather with the said act of privie Counsell, In favors of the said Mr Wiliam Thomson, of the date forsaid, alloweing him, the stipend of the said Kirk for the haill Cropt and year Jaj vjc and nynty and yearely thereafter in tyme comeing dureing his Incumencie att the said Kirk, In respect he found Caution, the he should repair the kirk and manse out of the first end of the said stipend, Item ane Extract of the verdict of James Lockhart and Wiliam Weir massons and wreights Called and and Solemnly swore, before the presbitrie of Lochinabain mett and Tinnergairth, dated the first day of may, one thousand six hunder and nynty four, Craveing that they thereby wpon oath declaire that they Judge the manse, and office houses as they then stood repaired to be worth the soume of ane thousand pounds scots Item the extract of ane act of the said presbetrie of the said date bearing the heretors of the said paroch to have been present, and to have named the said James, Lockhart and Wiliam Weir, for wisiteing the said manse, and that the said Mr William Thomson minister acquesced therein, approveing the forsaid verdict and valuation, of the said workmen, Item ane other act of the said presbetrie, dated the said first day of may Jaj vjc and nynty four, beareing the said James Lockhart and Wiliam Weir, and Adam Johnstoun Thatcher, ther oaths were taken by the said presbetry whither or not all neccessary reparations of the said Kirk were sufficiently performed, and that ther Judgement wpon oath was that the forsaid Kirk was Compleitly and sufficiently repaired, It is the opinion of the Commity That the said Mr William Thomson, hath fullfilled the forsaid bond by repaireing the said Kirk and manse in the termes thereof, and that the said bond should be delivered wp to him to be Considered, The Lords of his majesties privie Counsell by ther Interloquitor of this dayes date haveing Considered the report of the Commity aneng the petition given in by Mr Wiliam Thomson minister att Tunnergairth they have approven and hereby approves of the said Report and ordains the Clerks of Counsell, to exhibite and deliver wp, to the petitioner the within bond granted be him as principall and Alexander Ramsay former in Penstoun his Cautioner therin mentioned of the date the twenty seventh day of June, Jaj vjc and nynty one years for which this shall be to the saids Clerks and all Concerned a Sufficient warand
1. NRS, PC2/28, 145r-146r.
1. NRS, PC2/28, 145r-146r.