Letter: royal, 1 July 1701, Edinburgh

Procedure, 30 December 1701, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The first day of July Jaj viic and one years


Letter: royal

Letter from the King to the Councill anent the new Establishment and reduction of the forces

Letter from the King to the Councill anent the new Establishment and ordering the forces conforme therto Read and ordered to be recorded. Wherof the tenor followes
Sic Supra Scribitur William Rex
Right trustie and right weell beloved Cousin and Councillor Right trustie and intirely beloved Cousin and Councillor Right trustie and weell beloved Cousins and Counsillors Right trustie and well beloved Councillors And Trustie and weell beloved Councillors; Wee greet yow weell. Wheras wee have thought fitt to Signe a new Establishment of the forces of that our kingdome and it being necessary that our present Standing forces should be brought to the number contained in the said establishment Wee doe therfore Authorize and requyre yow to give orders to the Commander in Chief of our forces for makeing the following reductiones Viz Our two regiments of Dragoons from Threttie each troop to Twenty Six; Our Regiment of foot guard from Fourtie to Threttie Six Sentinells each Company; The Regiments of foot Commanded by Collonells Row, and Ferguson, From Ten Companies to Nyne each regiment, and each Company of the said nyne from Threttie to twentie eight Sentinels. And the Regiment of foot Commanded by Brigadeer Maitland from Threttie to Twentie six sentinels each Companie; And yow are to give orders that the men so reduced be disposed of to such officers as have not yett Compleated their Companies Since the recruits taken out of their for the Regiments Sent to Holland; And what remaines are to be disbanded and their armes secured to be Laid up in our Magizins And Since in order to the makeing the forsaid reductiones, It is necessary that Same officers be brock It is our pleasure that the youngest officers both Captains and Subalternes be pitched upon; For doeing wherof This Shall be your warrant, And so wee bid yow heartily farewell Given at our Court at Kensingtoune the 24 day of June 170i And of our Reign The 13th year. By his Majesties Command Sic Subscribitur Carmichaell.

Att Edinburgh The first day of July Jaj viic and one years


Letter: royal

Letter from the King to the Councill anent the new Establishment and reduction of the forces

Letter from the King to the Councill anent the new Establishment and ordering the forces conforme therto Read and ordered to be recorded. Wherof the tenor followes
Sic Supra Scribitur William Rex
Right trustie and right weell beloved Cousin and Councillor Right trustie and intirely beloved Cousin and Councillor Right trustie and weell beloved Cousins and Counsillors Right trustie and well beloved Councillors And Trustie and weell beloved Councillors; Wee greet yow weell. Wheras wee have thought fitt to Signe a new Establishment of the forces of that our kingdome and it being necessary that our present Standing forces should be brought to the number contained in the said establishment Wee doe therfore Authorize and requyre yow to give orders to the Commander in Chief of our forces for makeing the following reductiones Viz Our two regiments of Dragoons from Threttie each troop to Twenty Six; Our Regiment of foot guard from Fourtie to Threttie Six Sentinells each Company; The Regiments of foot Commanded by Collonells Row, and Ferguson, From Ten Companies to Nyne each regiment, and each Company of the said nyne from Threttie to twentie eight Sentinels. And the Regiment of foot Commanded by Brigadeer Maitland from Threttie to Twentie six sentinels each Companie; And yow are to give orders that the men so reduced be disposed of to such officers as have not yett Compleated their Companies Since the recruits taken out of their for the Regiments Sent to Holland; And what remaines are to be disbanded and their armes secured to be Laid up in our Magizins And Since in order to the makeing the forsaid reductiones, It is necessary that Same officers be brock It is our pleasure that the youngest officers both Captains and Subalternes be pitched upon; For doeing wherof This Shall be your warrant, And so wee bid yow heartily farewell Given at our Court at Kensingtoune the 24 day of June 170i And of our Reign The 13th year. By his Majesties Command Sic Subscribitur Carmichaell.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 242-3.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 242-3.