Att Edinburgh the second day of Apryll 1701
Act Robert Luke Merchant in Glasgow for entering some prohibit goods
Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of His2 Majesties privie Councill by Robert Luke Merchant in Glasgow Humbly Shewing That where the petitioner being abroad in Holand in January last towards the disposeing of some goods and effects he had there at the time and with the product therof Did buy ane certain quantitie of Hollands ware amongst which there is a small parcell of Calicoes, Handkirches and others And haveing put the saids goods aboard John Hoggs ship of Borroustonness who arryved therewith at Borroustouness the seventh or eight instant when the petitioner went to the Customehouse to enter the saids goods The Collector and other officers Refused to admitt the saids Callicoes, Handkerchefs and etc to ane entrie In respect of the late act of parliament prohibiting the Import thereof And seing the petitioner being abroad as said is and Ignorant of the said act of parliament did foresee no hazard in buying and Importing the saids goods and that they arryved at Borroustouness and were offered to ane entrie within the space of Fourty dayes after the promulgation of the said act Which space is alloued for makeing the same publict and that the refuseing to enter the said goods would be or eman to ruine the petitioner a youngman in the beginning of his trade And that the saids Lords in Justice had alloued other Merchants in Like caise to enter their goods Therfore Humblie Craveing to the effect aftermentioned As the said petition bears The Lords of His Majesties privie Councill haveing considered the above petition given in to them by the said Robert Luke They heirby Give order and warrand to the Tacksmen of His Majesties Customes, Collector; Clerks, surveyors, Waiters, and other officers to suffer and permitt the petitioner to enter his goods amongst which there is the above parcell of Callioes Handkerchefs and others and to receave the ordinary duties therfore
1. NRS, PC2/28, 76v-77r.
2. Corrected from ‘Her’.
1. NRS, PC2/28, 76v-77r.
2. Corrected from ‘Her’.