Att Edinburgh The Eighteenth day of March Jaj viic and one years
Procedure: committee formed
Committy anent pressed men
Letter from His Majesty to the Lords of his privy Councill for Embarqueing the Three Regiments for Holland, and to affix a day for making up the Regiments out of which they are made up or recruited, Read and ordained to be Recorded, And the Saids Lords nominats and appoints the Earles of Lauderdale Leven and Annandale, The Lords Forbes Advocat and Thesaurer deput, Mr Fr: Montgomry and the Lord Provost of Edinburgh To be a Committee to meet and hear and Consider all Complaints which shall be made to them anent the Souldiers to be Levyed for making up the Regiment to go for Holland or the draughts taken out of the Severall Regiments to make Up the Regiments which are to go for Holland, and to Call for and Speak with the Major Generall and other officers to know how farr they be in readines or in what caice they are for transporting the Saids Regiments now to be transported for Holland and to give orders therant, and declares any three of the forsaid Committy to be a Sufficient quorum for Speaking with the Major Generall and other officers anent the transporting the three Regiments to Holland and declares any Two of the forsaid Committy to be a Sufficient quorum for hearing and determining the Complaints which Shall be made anent the recruiting the Regiments out of which the Saids draughts were made for these which are to go abroad and Recommends to the above Quorum, to meet at Four of the Clock this day in the afternoon, and to make their Report to the Councill on Thursday next.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 198.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 198.