Act, 25 September 1701, Edinburgh

Procedure, 30 December 1701, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh 25 September 1701



Act for ane aliment Anna Anderson and her Children

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell by Anna Anderson Spous to Robert Gibson of Linkwood for her selfe and in name and behalfe of her Childeren, Showeing That the petitioner with much Griefe Craves leive to represent to the saids Lords how Robert Gibson of Linkwood her Husband, haveing turned furious was Committed to the prison of Elgine, But he sett firs thereunto in the night tyme, wherewpon It was Intirely brunt doun, and he narrowly rescewed out of a window Herewpon the magistrats and toun Counsell, were Impoured by the saids Lords of his majesties privie Counsell, (on application thereanent) to keep the petitioners Husband in shakles, And it is Sadly nottour that he Continues in the same distemperall Condition to this houre, notwithstanding whereof the tenants of his interest, being frighted att his threats, and induced by some nawghty persones who make thr own advantage thereof, pay in ther rents to my Said Husband, which he throwes away in his fitts or the same is peiked from him, by some that wait the Catch, about him, while in the mean tyme, the petitioner and her Childeren are a Starveing for want, It is therefore humbly Represented, that in the mean tyme while ther is no nearest of Kinn Serveing a Breife of furiosity or Iditory for being tutor of law to my Husband the saids Lords would sequestrat his rents in the hands of the magistrats of Elgine or sheriff of Murray with power to deburse out of the first end thereof such a Competent aliment as they or either of them, (being Judges ordinary of the place) shall find neccessary for mantinance of the petitioner and her family, because otherwayes the rents will perish and be Squandred away which the saids Lords as Representing his majestie who is pater patriet Can prevent in the Intervall while the session is not sitting, and these who may have right, to serve tutor of law (2if there be any such doe not apply, and Therefore Craveing to the effect after mentioned as the said petition bears, the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell haveing Considered this petition given in to them by the within Anna Anderson and her Childeren, they hereby remitt to the sheriff principall of the shyre of Murray and his deputs in the said shyre, to take tryell what is the Condition of the within Robert Gibson his Estate, and what the samen extends to and gives power to the said sherriff or his deputs to appoynt ane aliment for the said Robert Gibson, furth of his Estate, and Likewayes Gives power to them, to appoynt ane aliment furth of the said Estate, payable to the said Anna Anderson, petitioner for maintaining her selfe and her Childeren, and to make report of ther procedure in this mater to the Counsell, betwixt and the first day of Janrij nixt to Come, and to make the rest of the said Estate furthcomeing to all parties haveing interest, and apoynts the petitioners recept to be sufficient for what shall be Given, to her, and the magistrats of Elgine ther recept for what shall be given to the said Robert Gibson

Att Edinburgh 25 September 1701



Act for ane aliment Anna Anderson and her Children

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell by Anna Anderson Spous to Robert Gibson of Linkwood for her selfe and in name and behalfe of her Childeren, Showeing That the petitioner with much Griefe Craves leive to represent to the saids Lords how Robert Gibson of Linkwood her Husband, haveing turned furious was Committed to the prison of Elgine, But he sett firs thereunto in the night tyme, wherewpon It was Intirely brunt doun, and he narrowly rescewed out of a window Herewpon the magistrats and toun Counsell, were Impoured by the saids Lords of his majesties privie Counsell, (on application thereanent) to keep the petitioners Husband in shakles, And it is Sadly nottour that he Continues in the same distemperall Condition to this houre, notwithstanding whereof the tenants of his interest, being frighted att his threats, and induced by some nawghty persones who make thr own advantage thereof, pay in ther rents to my Said Husband, which he throwes away in his fitts or the same is peiked from him, by some that wait the Catch, about him, while in the mean tyme, the petitioner and her Childeren are a Starveing for want, It is therefore humbly Represented, that in the mean tyme while ther is no nearest of Kinn Serveing a Breife of furiosity or Iditory for being tutor of law to my Husband the saids Lords would sequestrat his rents in the hands of the magistrats of Elgine or sheriff of Murray with power to deburse out of the first end thereof such a Competent aliment as they or either of them, (being Judges ordinary of the place) shall find neccessary for mantinance of the petitioner and her family, because otherwayes the rents will perish and be Squandred away which the saids Lords as Representing his majestie who is pater patriet Can prevent in the Intervall while the session is not sitting, and these who may have right, to serve tutor of law (2if there be any such doe not apply, and Therefore Craveing to the effect after mentioned as the said petition bears, the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell haveing Considered this petition given in to them by the within Anna Anderson and her Childeren, they hereby remitt to the sheriff principall of the shyre of Murray and his deputs in the said shyre, to take tryell what is the Condition of the within Robert Gibson his Estate, and what the samen extends to and gives power to the said sherriff or his deputs to appoynt ane aliment for the said Robert Gibson, furth of his Estate, and Likewayes Gives power to them, to appoynt ane aliment furth of the said Estate, payable to the said Anna Anderson, petitioner for maintaining her selfe and her Childeren, and to make report of ther procedure in this mater to the Counsell, betwixt and the first day of Janrij nixt to Come, and to make the rest of the said Estate furthcomeing to all parties haveing interest, and apoynts the petitioners recept to be sufficient for what shall be Given, to her, and the magistrats of Elgine ther recept for what shall be given to the said Robert Gibson

1. NRS, PC2/28, 147r-147v.

2. Closing bracket missing.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 147r-147v.

2. Closing bracket missing.