Att Edinburgh the Thrid day of July Jaj viic and one years
Act In favors of the Magistrats of St Andrewes anent Mr Wm Gordon advocat
Anent the pitition given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill be John Earle of Crafurd provest and the rest of the Magistrats of the City of St Andrewes Shewing That wher Mr William Gordon advocat haveing been incarcerat in their prison of St Andrewes at the instance of Sir William Hope and severall others his Creditors hath upon Saturday last late at night Escaped Vi Majori, By binding the Jaylor and takeing from him the keyes of the said prisone and using other acts of violence against him And tho the petitioners have used their outmost dilligence searching for and persueing after him yet the petitioners could have no accompt of him only the petitioners hade ground to suspect That he hade betaken himself to his house and Castle of Balcomy Out of which It would be Impossible for them to dislodge him and bring him back to their said prisone Unless the saids Lords would be pleased to assist the petitioners with some of his majesties forces; And Therfore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords would be pleased not only to grant them warrand to apprehend and bring back the said Mr William Gordon to the said prison wher ever he may be found But also to give a Commission to any officer of his Majesties forces to assist the petitioner with Twentie or so many Souldiers as should be Sufficient for that effect The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill haveing Considered the above petition given in to them be John Earle of Crafurd provest and the rest of the Magistrats of the City of St Andrews They hereby Recommend to Major Generall Ramsay Commander in Chief of his Majesties forces within this kingdom To give due and Competent assistance to the said Magistrats out of his Majesties forces for apprehending and Bringing back the said Mr William Gordon to their prison and executeing their legall dilligence against him.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 247-8.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 247-8.