Att Edinburgh the Tuentieth day of March 1701
Act Thomas Sivewright for Importing some prohibit goods
Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill by Thomas Sievewright Merchant in Edinburgh Humblie Shewing That where the said Thomas Sivvewright haveing at or before the fyftein day of november last bypast Commissionat for a Certain small parcel of Merchant goods to London Consisting of a litle Box with small tin buttons Item a small parcell of Hair plush Item a litle Box with Cotoon, tapes and Ribbons and silk lupine which goods were put on board James Law skipper of Leith his ship before the tuenty third day of Janwary Last as his bill of Loading shouen to the Lords of privie Councill did testifie and the saids goods haveing arryved at the Road of Leith the third day of March instant The said Thomas Sevewright went to enter the saids goods att the Custome house of Leith which the Collectors or their Clerks (to the said Thomas his surprise) refused to enter as being goods prohibit by vertue of the late act of parliament dated the thretty first of Janwary last entitled act Dischargeing of sick stuffs and etc But since the said Thomas was willing to make faith that the forsaids goods were Commissionat for And Lukewayes the skiper that they were put on board at the times abovementioned which was long before the act And since if through stress of weather the ship had not bein Forces ashoar she would have aryved six weeks agoe Wherby the saids goods might have bein entered before the promulgation of the act of parliament It was hoped their Lordships would not find that the forsaid goods fell under the Certification of the said act and therfore Craving To the effect aftermentioned As the said petition bears The Lords of His Majesties privie Councill haveing considered the above petition given in to them by the said Thomas Sivewright with the wryts and papers mentioned therin And produced therwith They heirby Give order and warrand to the tacksmen of his Majesties Customes and their Collectors Clerks and others at Leith to enter the above goods presently aboard of the said ship wpon payment of the ordinary Customes for the same In respect the said Thomas Sivewright petitioner hes given a Declaration under his hand That the saids goods conforme to the petition and Bill of Loadning were Commissionat and bought before the thretty one day of Janwary last bypast being the date of the act of parliament dischargeing sick stuffs and etc to be Imported
1. NRS, PC2/28, 73v-74r.
1. NRS, PC2/28, 73v-74r.