Edinburgh the Twenty fyfth day of September Jaj viic and one years
Proclamation explaining some parts of the Commission for the Justiciary of the Highlands
Proclamation anent the powers of the highland Justiciary Read voted approven and Signed. Wherof the tenor followes
William by the Grace of God King of Great Brittain France and Ireland defender of the faith To […] Macers of our privy Councill messingers at armes; Our Shirriffs in that part Conjunctllie and Severallie Specially Constitute Greeting Forasmuchas by the Commission of Justiciary granted by us under the great Seall for the Highlands and bounds therin mentioned of the date the threty day of May Last by past It is declared that fyve of the Commissioners therin named meetting at the time and place therin appointed Shall be a quorum; and the wholl other Commissioners are requyred to give attendance unless excused for relevant reasones; Under the pain of being removed from the said trust As also by the said Commission the first generall meetting of the saids Commissioners is appointed the first Thursday of September instant to hold Courts and to adjourne and to appoint new dyets as they shall think expedient Likeas by the said Commission two districts are appointed according to the division therin mentioned; with Conveeners for the said districts; Which Conveeners are to appoint the most convenient times for the meeting of the Respective Commissioners, or their quorum at the places therin designed; For clearing wherof and preventing of any Mistake that may arise theranent; Wee with advice of the Lords of our privy Councill; Likeas Wee hereby Declare that any of the Commissioners named in the said Commission for aither of the said districts may and are hereby Allowed to Compear before any of the meetings to be hold by vertue of the said Commission at any time betwixt and the first day of January nixt to come and them to qualifie themselves by Swearing the oath of alledgance and Subscrybeing the Same with the assurance and association as is prescribed by the Said Commission; which Shall be alse good and Lawfull as if they hade appeared and qualified themselves in maner forsaid at the first meetting therby appointed And Requyreing hereby the other Commissioners duely qualified in the termes of the said Commission to admitt and receive them to meet and act as Commissioners As If qualified from the begining as said is Certifieing such of the said Commissioners as Shall not Compear and qualifie themselves betwixt and the forsaid first of January in maner forsaid they shall be excluded from the trust; as if they hade not been named in the said Commission; Likeas Wee with advice forsaid Doe farder Declare that the said Commissioners meeting at the times and places mentioned in the Said Commission have power2 in absence of ther Conveener to adjourn themselves to Such time and place as they Shall See cause without prejudice to the Conveeners therin nominat to call and Conveen the said Commissioners pro re nata As also when present in the said meettings and the whole affairs therto appointed ended and Concluded to adjourn the Court with Consent of the said Commissioners to the day and place of ther nixt meeting As they Shall See cause Our Will is Heirfore and wee Charge yow Strictly and Command That incontinent these our Letters seen yee pass to the marcat cross of Edinburgh and to the marcat crosses of the head burghes of the severall shyres mentioned in our Said Commission of Justiciary; And therat in our name and authority; by open proclamation to make intimation hereof; That non pretend Ignorance; And Ordaines these presents to be printed; Given under our Signet at Edinburgh the twentie fifth day of September and of our Reign the threteinth year 170i Sic Subscribitur.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 295-6.
2. The word ‘and’ scored out here.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 295-6.
2. The word ‘and’ scored out here.