Att Edinburgh The Sixth day of February Jaj viic and one years
Act William Graham
Anent The petition given in to His Grace His majesties high Commissioner and the Right honourable, The Lords of His Majesties privy Councill by William Graham, Shewing That where he was Four moneths Closs prisoner in the tolbooth of Edinburgh the last Winter, and from thence he was ordained to Repair to Kilmarnock and find Caution to Stay within Two miles of that place and which to this day he hes duely obtemperat, and in harvest last he being pursued for his house dues and other Charges he was at, while in Edinburgh tolbooth, He did apply to his Grace and their Lordships for ane Supply for defraying his Expenses, accordingly he Receaved Twenty pound Sterling, and which did Satisfy only his debt contracted in Edinburgh, and he being confined in Kilmarnock this Twelve moneths, and having nothing to live upon, hes oblidged him to Contract considerable debts, for his own Sustinence abstracting for what he hes Contracted for mantenance of his poor family all the while at Edinburgh, And Seing he hade no other design by his comeing to his native Countrey, but to leave peaceable and most Submissively in the Government, and if need beis should find Caution for that Effect, and that it is not possible for him to live in ane Strange place, where he can have no occasion of any Employment for ane Livelyhood for his own and Families mantenance, And Therfore Humbly Craveing His Grace and Their Lordships To Consider his own and families Sad circumstances, and not only to allow him his liberation, upon finding Caution for his peaceable deportment, But also to Recommend him to the Lords of Thesaury for such ane Supply, as will defray these Twelve moneths Charges and Expenses, in which he is Engadged, as the Said petition bears. His Majesties high Commissioner and Lords of Privy Councill having considered this petition given in to them by the above William Graham, They heirby take off the petitioners confynement, and declares him quite therof, and free therfrae in all tyme comeing, The Said petitioner first before Extracting heirof, giving Bond and finding Sufficient Caution acted in the books of his Majesties privy Councill, That he shall live peaceably under, and with all Submission to the present Government of His Majesty King William, and that he Shall not act, consult or contrive any thing in prejudice therof, nor shall not converse nor Correspond with any Rebells, and that he shall appear before the saids Lords, whensoever he Shall be called or Required for that Effect, under the penalty ane Thousand merks scots money, in caice he shall transgress2 in the premises.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 174-5.
2. Insertion.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 174-5.
2. Insertion.