Att Edinburgh The Tenth day of July Jaj viic and one years
Act and Warrand for Discharging the Exporting of Lambs skines or Morts
Anent a petition given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill be Michell Allan late dean of Gild of Edinburgh for himself and Severall other Merchands Shewing That wher the petitioners heartily accquiesce in the late act of parliament prohibiting the exportation of wooll and all Skins with wooll upon them; yet this act proceeding upon a prior act in the year Jaj vic Sixtie one and the clear reasones therin contained That no Skins should be exported out of this kingdome untill first manufactured and Improven by the petitioner to the best advantage The petitioners must with all Submission represent to the saids Lords That ther are a Sort of Skines called Lamb morts wherof there are many Thousands to be found throw the extraordinary cold and backwardnes of the late Springe; And which the petitioners have Samples ready to show that are profitable for nothing within this kingdome nor can be manufactured within the Same for any use or advantadge whatsomever Which Skins being Nevertheless such as in Dalsick Queensbridge and the Eastern parts they know how to manufacture and can make usefull for severall sorts of Furrs not known amongst Us The petitioners humbly conceive That it might be the benefit of the kingdome and the intrest of the Government and verie agreeable also to the forsaid Acts of parliament and clear reason therof to allow these Lamb morts to be transported specially Seing they are So easie distinguishable from all other Skines with wooll and that the quantitie of them at present might reasonably be Computed to six or seven Thousand pounds Sterling; at least as a profitable export for the good of the kingdome Which otherwayes must of a necessity perish at home and will be good for nothing; Beside (and which is very much to be regarded) the returnes of the said Skines is brought home in Lint; Hemp Iron Steell pott-ashes and knaple of very usefull for out Manufactures and without which the nation cannot be possibly served; And it is nottourly known And can be made appear if need bees that the said Lamb Morts are allowed to be transported from England Notwithstanding of the severity of their Lawes against the transport of wooll and all other Skines with wooll upon them And Therfore humbly Craveing the saids Lords would be pleased to take the premisses to their Consideration and to cause examine this matter by the Skinners furriers and others of any Skill in this trade and if the saids Lords should Find that the said Lamb morts might be much more profitably exported to allow the transport therof for the seen good and profitt of the realme as the petition bears The Lords of his majesties privy Councill Haveing heard the above petitione given in to them be Michaell Allan late Dean of Gild of Edinburgh for himself and severall other merchants their Read in their presence upon the thrid of July instant The Nominated and appointed the Earles of Lauderdale and Leven Lord Boyle Lord Thesaurer depute and Lord Philiphaugh to be a Committie to call for the present Deacon or former deacones of the furriers or any others persones whom they should think fitt and to speak with them anent the exporting of the above Lambs Morts if the Samen would be any prejudice to this kingdome or if they could be manufactured within the Same And Recommended to the said Committie to meett the morow therafter at ten in the forenoon And declared any thrie of them to be a Sufficient quorum and that they made their report to the Councill with their first conveniencie, And Therafter upon the Eight day of the said moneth of July The saids Lords added the Marques of Annandale to the said Committie and Declared any two of the said Committie to be a sufficient quorum And Recommended to the said Committie to meett the morrow at ten in the forenoon And to make their report to the Councill with their first Conveniencie; And the Lord Boyle haveing this day Reported to the Councill That he being upon the Committie appointed upon the above petition given in by Dean of Gild Allan for himself and other merchants anent the exporting of Lamb Morts skeins The Committie Did meett yesterday in the afternoon and haveing called for the skinners and furiers The furriers and Skinners Did informe that the said Lamb Morts could not be Manufactured nor were ever in use to be manufactured within this kingdome Bot were allwayes Sent of the Same The Councill Finds that the said Lamb morts were Comprehended under the act of parliament Dischargeing the exportation of wooll and skins with wooll upon them And Therfore Refuses the desire of the said petition, And discharges the exporting of the said Lamb morts In respect of the said act of parliament.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 251-3.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 251-3.