Att Edinburgh The Third Day of May Jaj viic and one years
Warrant for printing the act of parliament anent wrongous Imprisonment Siperatly
The Lord Advocat having Represented to the Councill that there are Severall abuses Committed by the officers of the Forces in making up their Levys, By forcing and pressing of men without their own Consent, and that least the said officers may pretend to be Ignorant of the Law made against the same, Therfore The Lords of His Majestys Privy Councill do heirby ordain the Sixth act of the last Session of parliament made for preventing wrongous Imprisonment, to be Seperatly printed and affixed at all the Seaports and other places needfull to the Effect neither officers or others concerned may pretend Ignorance.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 225.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 225.