Procedure, 23 September 1701, Edinburgh

Procedure, 30 December 1701, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Twenty Thrid day of September Jaj viic and one years



Recommendation to the Lord Advocat to wryt to the Commissioners of Justiciary anent a probation against Allaster More

The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Doe hereby Recommend to Sir James Stewart his Majesties advocat to wryt to the Commissioner of Justiciary for the peace of the Highlands in the Northern district and in the Councills name to requyre from them Sufficient information and evidence against Alexander Mcdonald Alias Alester More presently prisoner in the Tolbooth of Edinburgh and to cause send to Edinburgh such witnesses as can prove or bear evidence against the said Alexander Mcdonald alias Alester More And doe hereby Grant personall protectione to the witnesses to be adduced against the said Allaster and Discharges all messengers officers or others to put any Letters of Caption acts of warding or other personall dilligence to execution against the said witnesses in their passing to Edinburgh and returning to their oun home from the […] day of […] To the […] day of […] That they may pass and reposs as his Majesties free Leidges; And the saids Lords Declares that the expences hereof and all others which shall be depurst in prosecuteing the said Allaster More shall be upon the publict Charges.

Att Edinburgh the Twenty Thrid day of September Jaj viic and one years



Recommendation to the Lord Advocat to wryt to the Commissioners of Justiciary anent a probation against Allaster More

The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Doe hereby Recommend to Sir James Stewart his Majesties advocat to wryt to the Commissioner of Justiciary for the peace of the Highlands in the Northern district and in the Councills name to requyre from them Sufficient information and evidence against Alexander Mcdonald Alias Alester More presently prisoner in the Tolbooth of Edinburgh and to cause send to Edinburgh such witnesses as can prove or bear evidence against the said Alexander Mcdonald alias Alester More And doe hereby Grant personall protectione to the witnesses to be adduced against the said Allaster and Discharges all messengers officers or others to put any Letters of Caption acts of warding or other personall dilligence to execution against the said witnesses in their passing to Edinburgh and returning to their oun home from the […] day of […] To the […] day of […] That they may pass and reposs as his Majesties free Leidges; And the saids Lords Declares that the expences hereof and all others which shall be depurst in prosecuteing the said Allaster More shall be upon the publict Charges.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 287.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 287.