Letter: royal, 29 September 1701, Edinburgh

Procedure, 30 December 1701, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Twenty Nynth day of September Jaj viic and one years


Letter: royal

Adress by the Councill To The King

Ane adress by the Councill to the King Read approven and Signed at Sederunt with others. Wherof the tenor Followes.
The Humble adress of the Lords and others of his Majesties most honorable privy Councill.
To the King.
May it Please your Majestie.
Wee Your Majesties most faithfull and dutifull Subjects intrusted by your Majestie to be your privy Councill and hereto Subscrybeing; Calling to mind the great and never to be forgotten delyverance which by yor Majestie under God was wrought and accomplished, for Us When our Religion Liberties and Lawes our dearest concernes were upon the brink of outter ruin; Which unexpressible blessing was by your Majesties wise and gratious conduct followed by a most happy Setlement both of Church and State; Wherby under the direction and influence of your royal Government Wee have in a most Singular maner enjoyed even in the midst of Warrs all that peace and tranqualitie which could be expected or wished for from the best of Kings.
Wherfore and in the deep Sense of these many and indelible obligationes, Wee have thought it our duty in the present Junctur of Affairs both at home and abroad to avow and acknowledge the many tyes and engadgments of fidelity and gratitude which wee Stand under to your Majestie And Likewayes Sincerely and Solemnly to testifie and assert our unalterable resolution to defend your Majesties Royal person as the only rightfull and Lawfull King of this realme to whom as our undoubted Lord and Soveraigne, Wee will faithfully and constantly adhere and to maintain your Majesties right and title and Support your government against the pretended prince of Wales and all opposers and enemies whatsomever without exception who shall offer in any sort to Impugne or disturb the Same and wee give your Majestie full assurance That no danger whatsoever Shall ever divert or hinder us from prosecuteing this our hearty and Steady resolution to the outmost of our power, In which wee are also most confident to have the Cordiall and Zealous Concurrence of all your Majesties good Subjects. May it please Your Majestie, Your Majesties most Loyale most faithfull, and most obedience Subjects and Servants. Sic subscribitur; ut In sederunt.

Att Edinburgh the Twenty Nynth day of September Jaj viic and one years


Letter: royal

Adress by the Councill To The King

Ane adress by the Councill to the King Read approven and Signed at Sederunt with others. Wherof the tenor Followes.
The Humble adress of the Lords and others of his Majesties most honorable privy Councill.
To the King.
May it Please your Majestie.
Wee Your Majesties most faithfull and dutifull Subjects intrusted by your Majestie to be your privy Councill and hereto Subscrybeing; Calling to mind the great and never to be forgotten delyverance which by yor Majestie under God was wrought and accomplished, for Us When our Religion Liberties and Lawes our dearest concernes were upon the brink of outter ruin; Which unexpressible blessing was by your Majesties wise and gratious conduct followed by a most happy Setlement both of Church and State; Wherby under the direction and influence of your royal Government Wee have in a most Singular maner enjoyed even in the midst of Warrs all that peace and tranqualitie which could be expected or wished for from the best of Kings.
Wherfore and in the deep Sense of these many and indelible obligationes, Wee have thought it our duty in the present Junctur of Affairs both at home and abroad to avow and acknowledge the many tyes and engadgments of fidelity and gratitude which wee Stand under to your Majestie And Likewayes Sincerely and Solemnly to testifie and assert our unalterable resolution to defend your Majesties Royal person as the only rightfull and Lawfull King of this realme to whom as our undoubted Lord and Soveraigne, Wee will faithfully and constantly adhere and to maintain your Majesties right and title and Support your government against the pretended prince of Wales and all opposers and enemies whatsomever without exception who shall offer in any sort to Impugne or disturb the Same and wee give your Majestie full assurance That no danger whatsoever Shall ever divert or hinder us from prosecuteing this our hearty and Steady resolution to the outmost of our power, In which wee are also most confident to have the Cordiall and Zealous Concurrence of all your Majesties good Subjects. May it please Your Majestie, Your Majesties most Loyale most faithfull, and most obedience Subjects and Servants. Sic subscribitur; ut In sederunt.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 304-5.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 304-5.