Procedure: committee formed, 29 April 1703, Edinburgh

Att Holyruidhouse the Twenty Nynth day of Aprile Jaj viic and thrie years


Procedure: committee formed

Committee for determineing of debates anent the ryding of the parliament

Her Majesties high Commissioner and the Lords of her Majesties privy Councill being informed That ther are some debates lyke to fall out amongst the peers anent their precedencie at the ryding of the parliament They Doe hereby Nominat and appoint the officers of State and Lords of The Thesaury with the Earle of Erroll and Lord president of the Session to be a Committie to adjust the Samen and in caice of difficultie to report to his Grace her Majesties high Commissioner and the Lords of her Majesties privy Councill that timeous order may be taken theranent; And Recommends to the said Committie to meett to morow morning at ten of the Cloak in the forenoon.

Att Holyruidhouse the Twenty Nynth day of Aprile Jaj viic and thrie years


Procedure: committee formed

Committee for determineing of debates anent the ryding of the parliament

Her Majesties high Commissioner and the Lords of her Majesties privy Councill being informed That ther are some debates lyke to fall out amongst the peers anent their precedencie at the ryding of the parliament They Doe hereby Nominat and appoint the officers of State and Lords of The Thesaury with the Earle of Erroll and Lord president of the Session to be a Committie to adjust the Samen and in caice of difficultie to report to his Grace her Majesties high Commissioner and the Lords of her Majesties privy Councill that timeous order may be taken theranent; And Recommends to the said Committie to meett to morow morning at ten of the Cloak in the forenoon.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 556.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 556.

Order, 29 April 1703, Edinburgh

Att Holyruidhouse the Twenty Nynth day of Aprile Jaj viic and thrie years



Recommendation to Livt Genall Ramsay anent the ryding of the parliament

His Grace her Majesties high Commissioner and the Lords of her Majesties privy Councill, Recommend to Livetennent George Ramsay Commander in Chief of her Majesties forces within this kingdome To cause dispose her Majesties foot guards upon the sixth day of May nixt to come dureing the ruding of the parliament that day in such order upon both sides of the Street as to make a Lane from the Neitherbow to the pallace of Holyruidhouse for the more orderly ryding of the Members of parliament without disturbance or Confusion; and to give the Necessary orders that there be no Shootting displaying of Ensignes or beatting of Drumms dureing the Cavalcade and that no Coaches Carts, Sleads or Coall horses be Seen upon the Streets from the said Neitherbow to the pallace after ten a Cloak in the morning The Said sixt day of May untill the whole Solemnity be over.

Att Holyruidhouse the Twenty Nynth day of Aprile Jaj viic and thrie years



Recommendation to Livt Genall Ramsay anent the ryding of the parliament

His Grace her Majesties high Commissioner and the Lords of her Majesties privy Councill, Recommend to Livetennent George Ramsay Commander in Chief of her Majesties forces within this kingdome To cause dispose her Majesties foot guards upon the sixth day of May nixt to come dureing the ruding of the parliament that day in such order upon both sides of the Street as to make a Lane from the Neitherbow to the pallace of Holyruidhouse for the more orderly ryding of the Members of parliament without disturbance or Confusion; and to give the Necessary orders that there be no Shootting displaying of Ensignes or beatting of Drumms dureing the Cavalcade and that no Coaches Carts, Sleads or Coall horses be Seen upon the Streets from the said Neitherbow to the pallace after ten a Cloak in the morning The Said sixt day of May untill the whole Solemnity be over.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 555-6.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 555-6.

Order, 29 April 1703, Edinburgh

Att Holyruidhouse the Twenty Nynth day of Aprile Jaj viic and thrie years



Order to the Magistrats of Edinburgh and Cannogate anent the ryding of the parliament

His Grace her Majesties high Commissioner and the Lords of her Majesties privy Councill For the better accomodation of the members of parliament; and for the More easie and orderly ryding therof upon the sixth day of May nixt to come without disturbance or Confusion; Doe hereby appoint and Ordaine The Magistrates of Edinburgh betwixt and the day forsaid to cause remove and cary away all rubish stones and timber from off the high Streets betwixt the Weighouse and Neitherbow; and the baillies of the Cannogate to Cause to take care the samen be done from the Neitherbow To the pallace of Holyruidhouse; And appoints and Ordaines The saids Magistrates of Edinburgh to Cause Raile the Streits upon each side from the Lady Steps to the Neitherbow By Stakes fastned in the Streets and Cords from Staik to Staik leaveing a Convenient distance betwixt the railes upon the tope of the Street wher the members are to ryde And which distance the saids Magistrates of Edinburgh are to take care to have Covered with Sand to prevent the Slipping of the horses the time of the ryding And the Magistrates of the Cannogate are ordained to cause the Street from the Neitherbow to the pallace be Likewayes Covered with Sand; And upon the said Sixth day of May nixt to come The saids Magistrates of Edinburgh are appointed and ordained to make a lane of their Citizens in armes in best order from the Lady-Stepps to the Neitherbow; Their Captains, Livetenent and Ensignes Standing within the railes and the rest without And the saids Magistrates are to take care and give Strict orders that their be no Shootting or any displaying of Ensignes or beatting of Drums dureing the Cavallcade and that ther be no Coaches, Carts Coall horses or Slades Suffered to be seen upon the Streets after ten of the Cloack in the Morning untill the whole Solemnity be over under all highest pains; And that the Magistrates of the Cannogate take care the Same order be Observed from the Neitherbow to the pallace; And ordaines the Magistrates of Edinburgh to cause make and place two banks of timber within the Abbay closs for mounting on horssback; And two at the Lady Steps for mounting on horssback and dissmounting.

Att Holyruidhouse the Twenty Nynth day of Aprile Jaj viic and thrie years



Order to the Magistrats of Edinburgh and Cannogate anent the ryding of the parliament

His Grace her Majesties high Commissioner and the Lords of her Majesties privy Councill For the better accomodation of the members of parliament; and for the More easie and orderly ryding therof upon the sixth day of May nixt to come without disturbance or Confusion; Doe hereby appoint and Ordaine The Magistrates of Edinburgh betwixt and the day forsaid to cause remove and cary away all rubish stones and timber from off the high Streets betwixt the Weighouse and Neitherbow; and the baillies of the Cannogate to Cause to take care the samen be done from the Neitherbow To the pallace of Holyruidhouse; And appoints and Ordaines The saids Magistrates of Edinburgh to Cause Raile the Streits upon each side from the Lady Steps to the Neitherbow By Stakes fastned in the Streets and Cords from Staik to Staik leaveing a Convenient distance betwixt the railes upon the tope of the Street wher the members are to ryde And which distance the saids Magistrates of Edinburgh are to take care to have Covered with Sand to prevent the Slipping of the horses the time of the ryding And the Magistrates of the Cannogate are ordained to cause the Street from the Neitherbow to the pallace be Likewayes Covered with Sand; And upon the said Sixth day of May nixt to come The saids Magistrates of Edinburgh are appointed and ordained to make a lane of their Citizens in armes in best order from the Lady-Stepps to the Neitherbow; Their Captains, Livetenent and Ensignes Standing within the railes and the rest without And the saids Magistrates are to take care and give Strict orders that their be no Shootting or any displaying of Ensignes or beatting of Drums dureing the Cavallcade and that ther be no Coaches, Carts Coall horses or Slades Suffered to be seen upon the Streets after ten of the Cloack in the Morning untill the whole Solemnity be over under all highest pains; And that the Magistrates of the Cannogate take care the Same order be Observed from the Neitherbow to the pallace; And ordaines the Magistrates of Edinburgh to cause make and place two banks of timber within the Abbay closs for mounting on horssback; And two at the Lady Steps for mounting on horssback and dissmounting.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 554-5.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 554-5.

Procedure, 29 April 1703, Edinburgh

Att Holyruidhouse the Twenty Nynth day of Aprile Jaj viic and thrie years



Commission In Favors of James Duke of Queensberry to represent her Majesties royall person in the ensueing parliament

Commission under the great seall of this kingdome In favors of his Grace James Duke of Queensbery to Represent her Majesties Sacred person in the ensueing Session of parliament as her Majesties Commissioner Read and ordered to be Recorded Wherof the tenor followes.2

Att Holyruidhouse the Twenty Nynth day of Aprile Jaj viic and thrie years



Commission In Favors of James Duke of Queensberry to represent her Majesties royall person in the ensueing parliament

Commission under the great seall of this kingdome In favors of his Grace James Duke of Queensbery to Represent her Majesties Sacred person in the ensueing Session of parliament as her Majesties Commissioner Read and ordered to be Recorded Wherof the tenor followes.2

1. NRS, PC1/52, 553.

2. The commission is not recorded. The rest of p. 553 and most of p. 554 have been left blank.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 553.

2. The commission is not recorded. The rest of p. 553 and most of p. 554 have been left blank.

Procedure, 29 April 1703, Edinburgh

Att Holyruidhouse the Twenty Nynth day of Aprile Jaj viic and thrie years



[Errol and Morton qualified as privy councillors]

The Earles of Erroll; and Mortoune Did qualifie themselves to her Majestie as two of her Majesties privy Councill by Swearing the oath of alledgance and Subscrybeing the samen with the assurance and the Lord Chancelor did tender to their Lordships the oath de fideli and they did take their place at the board accordingly.

Att Holyruidhouse the Twenty Nynth day of Aprile Jaj viic and thrie years



[Errol and Morton qualified as privy councillors]

The Earles of Erroll; and Mortoune Did qualifie themselves to her Majestie as two of her Majesties privy Councill by Swearing the oath of alledgance and Subscrybeing the samen with the assurance and the Lord Chancelor did tender to their Lordships the oath de fideli and they did take their place at the board accordingly.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 553.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 553.

Sederunt, 29 April 1703, Edinburgh

Att Holyruidhouse the Twenty Nynth day of Aprile Jaj viic and thrie years1



Her Majesties Commissioner; Lord Chancelor; Earl of Erroll; Earl of Morton; Earl of Buchan; Earl of Eglingtoune; Earl of Loudon; Earl of Findlator; Lord Boyle T:D:; Lord President of Session; Lord Register; Lord Justice Clerk; Lord Aberurchill; Livt Generall Ramsay; Laird of Collingtoun; Laird of Stivenson; Laird of Caringtoun; Laird of Caverse; Laird of Carnwath and Lord Provest of Edinburgh

Att Holyruidhouse the Twenty Nynth day of Aprile Jaj viic and thrie years1



Her Majesties Commissioner; Lord Chancelor; Earl of Erroll; Earl of Morton; Earl of Buchan; Earl of Eglingtoune; Earl of Loudon; Earl of Findlator; Lord Boyle T:D:; Lord President of Session; Lord Register; Lord Justice Clerk; Lord Aberurchill; Livt Generall Ramsay; Laird of Collingtoun; Laird of Stivenson; Laird of Caringtoun; Laird of Caverse; Laird of Carnwath and Lord Provest of Edinburgh

1. NRS, PC1/52, 552.

2. NRS, PC1/52, 552.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 552.

2. NRS, PC1/52, 552.