Act, 5 January 1692, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Fifth day of January Jaj vjc nyntie tuo years



Act Mr William Selkirk

Anent a petitione given In to the Lords of their Majesties privie Councell Be Mr William Selkirk Late minister at Gleenholme In Tueeddale Sheuing That the petitioner Having with the first given due and punctuall obedience to their Majesties government as shall be made evident afteruards to their Lordships yet nevertheless contrare to all Law and ordor was he about the midle of June Jaj vjc Eighty nyne by armed force and violence thrust away from his ministrie and ejected out of his duelling house with his wyfe and five children to his Great Loss and damnage Having his goods plenishing and furniture of his house throuen out of doors and putt to seek harbour and shelter for himself and said family else wher This is well knouen and can yet be Instructed by honest men called and requyred in the mean tyme to be witnesses to the premisses And are to this very day Living and residing in the forsaid paroch After all this upon the proclamatione of the sixth of Agust Jaj vjc Eighty nyne forsaid allowing such ministers as had obeyed the Law and yet were dispossessed to returne to their respective charges The petitioner being one of this number made offer to returne to his Ministrie and dutie at the forsaid Church But was obstructed and opposed as ane Instrument produced with the said petitione taken by him in the hands of a nottar publict will Instruct to their Lordships And farder ther is noe sentence aither Civill or ecclesiastick Against the petitioner But on the Contrare [the parochiners of the paroch]2 In the bounds wherof the forsaid Church lyes upon his applicatione to them Being Convinced of the Great Injurie done him were pleased to give him their testimoniall Lykewayes produced with the said petitione Bearing as is abovementioned And that the petitioner Hath ouned their Majesties government by obeying the Law And that they had nothing to lay to his charge as the said testificat doeth in itself at more length Bear And finally since the forsaid Church is still unplanted and none pretending right to the stipend therof And the petitioner being soe favourable stated And therfore Humblie craving to the effect underwryten as the said petitione Bears The saids Lords of their Majesties privie Councell Having Considered this petitione given In to them Be the above Mr William Selkirk with the Instrument and Certificat mentioned therin and produced therwith They heirby allow to the petitioner the stipend of the above kirk of Glenholme in Tueeddale for the haill Cropt and year of God Jaj vjc and nyntie one And ordaines him to be readily ansuered obeyed and payed therof Be the heretors fewars wodsetters Liferenters Fermers titulars tacksemen of teynds tennents possessors and uthers Lyable in payment of the said stipend for the said year Jaj vjc nyntie one And ordaines Letters of horning to be direct heiron at the petitioners instance for that effect he alwayes producing a decreit of Locality And in case ther be none ordaines the heretors and others forsaids Lyable in payment of the said stipend to make payment therof to the petitioner for the said year according as they shall be decerned by the judge ordinary

At Edinburgh 5 January 1692



Act for Mr William Selkirk

Concerning a petition given in to the lords of their majesties’ privy council by Mr William Selkirk, late minister at Glenholme in Tweeddale, showing that the petitioner having with the first given due and punctual obedience to their majesties’ government as shall be made evident afterwards to their lordships, yet nevertheless contrary to all law and order was he about the middle of June 1689 by armed force and violence thrust away from his ministry and ejected out of his dwelling house with his wife and five children, to his great loss and damage, having his goods, plenishing and furniture of his house thrown out of doors, and put to seek harbour and shelter for himself and said family elsewhere (this is well known and can yet be instructed by honest men called and required in the meantime to be witnesses to the premises) and are to this very day living and residing in the foresaid parish, after all this upon the proclamation of the sixth of August 1689 foresaid allowing such ministers as had obeyed the law and yet were dispossessed to return to their respective charges. The petitioner being one of this number made offer to return to his ministry and duty at the foresaid church but was obstructed and opposed as an instrument produced with the said petition taken by him in the hands of a notary public will instruct to their lordships. And further there is no sentence either civil or ecclesiastic against the petitioner, but on the contrary [the parishioners of the parish]2 in the bounds whereof the foresaid church lies upon his application to them, being convinced of the great injury done him, were pleased to give him their testimonial, likewise produced with the said petition, bearing as is abovementioned, and that the petitioner has owned their majesties’ government by obeying the law and that they had nothing to lay to his charge as the said testificate does in itself at more length bear. And finally, since the foresaid church is still unplanted, and none pretending right to the stipend thereof, and the petitioner being so favourably stated, and therefore humbly craving to the effect underwritten as the said petition bears. The said lords of their majesties’ privy council having considered this petition given in to them by the above Mr William Selkirk, with the instrument and certificate mentioned therein and produced therewith, they hereby allow to the petitioner the stipend of the above kirk of Glenholme in Tweeddale for the whole crop and year of God 1691, and ordain him to be readily answered, obeyed and paid thereof by the heritors, feuars, wadsetters, liferenters, fermers, titulars, tacksmen of teinds, tenants, possessors and others liable in payment of the said stipend for the said year 1691, and ordain letters of horning to be directed hereon at the petitioner’s instance for that effect, he always producing a decreet of locality, and in case there be none, ordain the heritors and others foresaid, liable in payment of the said stipend, to make payment thereof to the petitioner for the said year according as they shall be decerned by the judge ordinary.

1. NRS, PC1/47, 558-9.

2. NRS transcription has inserted ‘the parochiners of the paroch’ here to make the sentence coherent. NRS, SRO10/582/1.

1. NRS, PC1/47, 558-9.

2. NRS transcription has inserted ‘the parochiners of the paroch’ here to make the sentence coherent. NRS, SRO10/582/1.

Act, 5 January 1692, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Fifth day of January Jaj vjc nyntie tuo years



Protection Mr Thomas Wilsone

This day a protectione was Granted for tuentty dayes to Mr Thomas Wilsone to attend a process at his Instance before the Councell

At Edinburgh 5 January 1692



Protection for Mr Thomas Wilson

This day a protection was granted for twenty days to Mr Thomas Wilson to attend a process at his instance before the council.

1. NRS, PC1/47, 558.

1. NRS, PC1/47, 558.

Letter, 5 January 1692, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Fifth day of January Jaj vjc nyntie tuo years



Letter Duncan Menzies to Sir Thomas Livingstoune

A Letter from Duncan Menzies to Sir Thomas Livingstoune Commander in cheiff of their Majesties forces within this kingdom acquanting him that the said Duncan Could not reach the Highlands till the day appoynted for taking the Indemnity is over And that therby he Could not have occasione to bring the highlanders to accept the Indemnity some persones Having putt them in a bad temper But that he is Confident to persuade them if a furder tyme were allowed Being by Sir Thomas produced and redd at the board And the Councell refuised to give any ansuer therto but recommended to the said Sir Thomas to transmitt the same to Court

At Edinburgh 5 January 1692



Letter from Duncan Menzies to Sir Thomas Livingstone

A letter from Duncan Menzies to Sir Thomas Livingstone, commander in chief of their majesties’ forces within this kingdom, acquainting him that the said Duncan could not reach the Highlands till the day appointed for taking the Indemnity is over, and that thereby he could not have occasion to bring the highlanders to accept the Indemnity, some persons having put them in a bad temper, but that he is confident to persuade them if a further time were allowed. Being by Sir Thomas produced and read at the board, and the council refused to give any answer thereto but recommended to the said Sir Thomas to transmit the same to court.

1. NRS, PC1/47, 558.

1. NRS, PC1/47, 558.

Decreet, 5 January 1692, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Fifth day of January Jaj vjc nyntie tuo years



Interlocutor The Tacksmen of the excyse of Fyffe and Angus

The Lords of their Majesties privie Councell Having Considered a petitione given In to them Be James Crawfurd of Muntquhany and James Lundie of Strathairlie tacksemen of the excyse off Fyff and Angus They Recommend to the Lords of their Majesties Thesaurie to Consider the said petitione And Give their instructions to their Majesties Sollicitor and assistants to Ansuer the same against the nixt dyet of Councell And appoyntes the petitioners to produce that day the Instructiones and documents of the losses alleadged sustained by them wherupon they Crave defalcatione of the tack deuty And appoyntes George Hamiltone of Barntoune and […]2 Enstruther of Wrae to see and ansuer the said petitione against the said day if they have any thing to object against the same And the saids Lords discharges any quartering to be used Against the petitioners for the above tack deuty untill the tuelvth of January Instant And if ther be any pairties already quartered for the same ordaines them furthuith to be removed And the saids Lords declares that they will hear this affaire upon the saids tenth of January instant And ordaines both parties and their procurators to attend the said day to debate the said matter

At Edinburgh 5 January 1692



Interlocutor for the Tacksmen of the excise of Fife and Angus

The lords of their majesties’ privy council having considered a petition given in to them by James Crawford of Mountquhanie and James Lundie of Strathairlie, tacksmen of the excise of Fife and Angus, they recommend to the lords of their majesties’ treasury to consider the said petition, and give their instructions to their majesties’ solicitor and assistants to answer the same against the next diet of council, and appoint the petitioners to produce that day the instructions and documents of the losses alleged sustained by them whereupon they crave defalcation of the tack duty, and appoints George Hamilton of Barnton and [Robert] Anstruther of Wrae to see and answer the said petition against the said day if they have any thing to object against the same, and the said lords discharge any quartering to be used against the petitioners for the above tack duty until the twelfth of January instant, and if there be any parties already quartered for the same ordain them forthwith to be removed. And the said lords declare that they will hear this affair upon the said tenth of January instant and ordain both parties and their procurators to attend the said day to debate the said matter.

1. NRS, PC1/47, 558.

2. NRS transcription has put Robert. NRS, SRO10/582/1.

1. NRS, PC1/47, 558.

2. NRS transcription has put Robert. NRS, SRO10/582/1.

Act, 5 January 1692, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Fifth day of January Jaj vjc nyntie tuo years



Act The Toune of Innerkeithen anent accounts

The Lords of their Majesties privy Councell Having Considered the Accompts given In to them as resting be their Majesties forces to the Inhabitants of the toune of Innerkeithen with the Instructiones and verificationes therof Togither with the Report of the Committie appoynted for reviseing the Accompts resting Be their Majesties forces to the Countrie They Find the haill articles of the saids accompts (except the Eighteenth article of Captaine Harpars Company The fourth and sixth articles of the Leivtennant Collonells company The fourth article of the Majors Companie and tuenty fifth article of Captaine Hamiltons company all in the Lord Bargenies regiment and third article of Captain Jacksons troop of dragoones in the Lord Cardross regiment which the saids Lords finds not instructed and caused delite) sufficiently verified and proven pairtly be reciept under the hands of the officers and souldiers to whom the same was furnished And pairtly be the oathes of the persones furnishers taken before tuo of the Commissioners of Supply in the shyre of Fyffe And pairtly both by oathes and reciepts Conforme to the report of the Commissioners and the saids reciepts both produced to and Considered by the said Committie And finds That conforme to the saids accompts and Instructiones forsaids Ther is resting be their Majesties forces after named to the saids Inhabitants of Innerkeithen Besyds the articles above excepted and refuised as said is The soumes follouing viz By the Lord Bargenies regiment Imprimis by the officers therof The soume of one Hundreth and Eightie three pounds Four shilline four pennies Item Be Captain Harpars Company The soume of one hundreth and fourtein pounds fiftein shilline Eight pennies Scotts Item Be the Collonells Company The soume of Eightie seven pounds Eight shilline and six pennies Scotts money forsaid Item Be the Majors Company The soume of one hundreth and fiftie Eight pounds four shilline scotts Item by Captain Hamiltons Company the soume of one hundreth and four pounds Eightein shilline ten pennies scotts Item be Captain Thomsons Company The soume of one Hundreth and tuo pounds six shilline scotts Extending the haill soumes due be the said regiment to the soume of seven hundreth and fiftie pounds seventeen shilline and four pennies scots money forsaid Item Be Eglintouns troop of Horse the soume of tuenty pounds Eighteen shilline six pennies Scotts Item Be Jacksons troop of dragoones in the Lord Cardross his regiment the soume of Nyne pounds Eight pennies scotts Item Be Captain Lockharts troop of dragoones in the said regiment the soume of Fourtienyne pounds nynteen shilline and ten pennies scotts Extending the saids tuo soumes due be the Lord Cardross regiment to the soume of fiftie nyne pounds and six pennies scotts money forsaid And extending the haill soumes due by the haill forces above named to the soume of Eight Hundreth and threttie pounds sixtein shilline four pennies scotts And Finds that the haill articles wherof the said soume is made up were furnished before the Act of parliament of the date the tenth of September Jaj vjc nyntie years appoynting three months Cess and hearth money for payment of the soumes resting be ther Majesties forces to the country and bygone arrears due to the army and that they are in the termes of the Act of Councell of the date the Nynth of July Last bypast The saids Lords Finds that the said soume of Eight Hundreth and threttie pounds sixtein shilline four pennies scotts is to be payed to the saids inhabitants of the toune of Innerkeithen out of the Cess and hearth money appoynted by the above Act of parliament And Recommends to the Lords Commissioners of their Majesties Thesaurie to Cause payment be made to them of the same accordinglie

At Edinburgh 5 January 1692



Act for the Town of Inverkeithing concerning accounts

The lords of their majesties’ privy council having considered the accounts given in to them as resting by their majesties’ forces to the inhabitants of the town of Inverkeithing with the instructions and verifications thereof, together with the report of the committee appointed for revising the accounts resting by their majesties’ forces to the country, they find the whole articles of the said accounts (except the eighteenth article of Captain Harper’s company, the fourth and sixth articles of the Lieutenant Colonel’s company, the fourth article of the Major’s company and twenty fifth article of Captain Hamilton’s company, all in the Lord Bargany’s regiment, and third article of Captain Jackson’s troop of dragoons in the Lord Cardross’s regiment which the said lords finds not instructed and caused delete) sufficiently verified and proven partly by receipt under the hands of the officers and soldiers to whom the same was furnished, and partly by the oaths of the furnishing persons taken before two of the commissioners of supply in the shire of Fife, and partly both by oaths and receipts conforming to the report of the Commissioners and the said receipts both produced to and considered by the said committee, and find that, conforming to the said accounts and instructiones forsaid, there is resting by their majesties’ forces after named to the said inhabitants of Inverkeithing besides the articles above excepted, and refused as said is, the sums following viz. by the Lord Bargany’s regiment firstly, by the officers thereof the sum of one hundred and eighty three pounds, four shillings and four pennies; item, by Captain Harper’s company the sum of one hundred and fourteen pounds, fifteen shillings, eight pennies scots; item, by the Colonel’s company, the sum of eighty seven pounds, eight shillings and six pence scots money foresaid; item, by the Major’s company the sum of one hundred and fifty eight pounds, four shillings scots; item, by Captain Hamilton’s company the sum of one hundred and four pounds, eighteen shillings, ten pennies scots; item, by Captain Thomson’s company the sum of one hundred and two pounds, six shillings scots, extending the whole sums due by the said regiment to the sum of seven hundred and fifty pounds, seventeen shillings and four pennies scots money foresaid; item, by Eglinton’s troop of horse the sum of twenty pounds, eighteen shillings and six pennies scots; item, by Jackson’s troop of dragoons in the Lord Cardross’s regiment the sum of nine pounds, eight pennies scots; Item, by Captain Lockhart’s troop of dragoons in the said regiment the sum of fourteen pounds, nineteen shillings and ten pennies scots, extending the said two sums due by the Lord Cardross’s regiment to the sum of fifty nine pounds and six pennies scots money foresaid, and extending the whole sums due by the whole forces abovenamed to the sum of eight hundred and thirty pounds, sixteen shillings and four pennies scots; and find that the whole articles whereof the said sum is made up were furnished before the act of parliament of the date the tenth of September 1690 appointing three months cess and hearth money for payment of the sums resting by their majesties’ forces to the country and bygone arrears due to the army and that they are in the terms of the act of council of the date the ninth of July last bypast. The said lords find that the said sum of eight hundred and thirty pounds, sixteen shillings and four pennies scots is to be paid to the said inhabitants of the town of Inverkeithing out of the cess and hearth money appointed by the above act of parliament and recommend to the lords commissioners of their majesties’ treasury to cause payment be made to them of the same accordingly.

1. NRS, PC1/47, 557-8.

1. NRS, PC1/47, 557-8.

Sederunt, 5 January 1692, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Fifth day of January Jaj vjc nyntie tuo years1



Duke of Hamilton; Marquis of Douglass; Earl of Craufurd; Earl of Mortoune; Earl of Tueddale; Viscount Stair; Lord Raith; Lord Ruthven; Master of Burleigh; Lord Haltoune; Lord Aberuchill; Laird of Pollock; Laird of Leyes; Sir Thomas Livingstoune

At Edinburgh 5 January 16921



[William Douglas] duke of Hamilton; [James Douglas] marquis of Douglas; [William Lindsay] earl of Crawford; [James Douglas] earl of Morton; [John Hay] earl of Tweeddale; [James Dalrymple] Viscount Stair; [Alexander Melville] Lord Raith; [David] Lord Ruthven; [Robert Balfour] master of Burleigh; [Sir John Lauder] Lord Hatton; [Sir Colin Campbell] Lord Aberuchill; [Sir John Maxwell] laird of Pollok; [Sir Thomas Burnet] laird of Leys; Sir Thomas Livingstone

1. NRS, PC1/47, 556.

2. NRS, PC1/47, 556.

1. NRS, PC1/47, 556.

2. NRS, PC1/47, 556.