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Editorial Introduction
Historical Introduction
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Act, 29 December 1692, Edinburgh
4 January 1692
Letter: royal: Letter for adjourning the parliament
Proclamation: Proclamatione for adjurning the parliament
5 January 1692
Act: Act The Toune of Innerkeithen anent accounts
Decreet: Interlocutor The Tacksmen of the excyse of Fyffe and Angus
Letter: Letter Duncan Menzies to Sir Thomas Livingstoune
Act: Protection Mr Thomas Wilsone
Act: Act Mr William Selkirk
Act: Act Mr Robert Skeen for stipend
Act: Act Mr Antonie Murray for half a years stipend of Dunsyre for the year 1691
Act: Act Mr Thomas Strachen for stipend
Act: Act James and Marion Donaldsones for stipend of Dolppingtoune
Act: Act Mr John Bethuin for stipend
7 January 1692
Act: Liberation Captain John Livingstoune
Order: recommendation: Recommendation for aliment to John Thomsone and order for prosecuting David Hay
Procedure: committee formed: Committee anent William Frazer
12 January 1692
Commission to the Council: Earle of Tweeddale made Lord Chancellor
Act: Act for a new cashet and to mark wrytes till it be made
Warrant: Warrand for processing Halyburtone and Frazer
Act: Act Mr Arthur Miller and Mr Samuell Nimmo for stipend
Act: Act the Heretors of Dunscore for stipend
Act: Act John Aitkine to be secretary to the Commander in cheiff
Procedure: remission: Petitions for bygone arrears remitted to the Thesaurie
14 January 1692
Commission by the Council: Earl of Lothians Commission to the Generall Assemblie
Act: Act Mr John Auchterlony for stipend
Act: Act Mr James Scott for stipend
Act: Act Mr Hercules Lindsay for stipend
Act: Liberation Seatoune of Gairletoun
Order: recommendation: A ship from Ireland designed to the Bass
16 January 1692
Letter: royal: Letter from the King Anent the Highland Rebells
Procedure: committee formed: Committie anent the above Letter
Warrant: Warrand Captain Fletcher to hire a ship to Innerness
Order: remission: Remitt Major Forbes anent a frygott to Fortwilliam
19 January 1692
Commission to the Council: Commissione To George Weir to be a macer of privie Councell and Exchequer
Act: Act requiring Lists and originall subscriptiones of these that have taken the Indemnity to be transmitted to the Clarks of the Councell
Procedure: recommendation: Recommendatione to The Thesaury to provyde a ship and money for the present expedition against the Rebells
Act: Liberation Grogan Oneill and John Bourgatt
Letter: Letter from the Marques of Athole anent a Company of men
Procedure: committee formed: Committie Anent provyding a ship against the Bass and a Letter to the shirreffs to sease sturdie beggers
Procedure: committee formed: Committie Anent the toune of Edinburgh Anent persons seased as souldiers
Warrant: Warrand to the magistrats of Edinburgh to seize sturdy beggers to be souldiers
21 January 1692
Act: Repryve William Irvine
21 January 1692 (pm)
Decreet: Decreit Grieve and Smith Against Norie
Warrant: Warrand to the sheriff of Haddingtoune to seize sturdie beggars
Warrant: The Lyke warrand Granted to the Lord Pollwarth
Order: Peremptar ordor for prosecuting Hallyburtone and Frazer
Act: Liberatione David Madder
26 January 1692
Act: Act the heretors and Kirk session of the west kirk for stipend
Act: Act The Heretors of Libbertoune for Mr Gideon Jack
Act: Act the Lord Ruthven for stipend of Forgandunie
Act: Act Mr John Gray for stipend
Petition: Petitione Mr Andrew Bruce
Letter: royal: Letter Anent Seamen
Procedure: committee formed: [Committee for levying seamen]
Warrant: Warrand to the Earl of Leven to transmit McNiccolls to Flanders
Act: Repryve Uilliam Irvine
Warrant: Liberatione and warrand to the Earle of Leven to Carrie Dionisus Inglis to Flanders as a souldier
Act: Liberatione Alexander Hutcheon
Order: Ordor for raising Lybell Against Sargant Mcqueen
Act: Act and Commission James Mitchell
Act: Act Leiutenant Collonell Olyphant to Goe to London
Procedure: committee formed: Committie to speake with the Earle of Seaforth anent the house of Island-donald
28 January 1692
Act: Liberatione Valentine Prouse
Act: Liberatione and Confynment Thomas Hutchins
29 January 1692
Proclamation: Proclamatione for Levying of seamen
Letter: from the council: The draught of a Letter to the Magistrats of maritim tounes Anent seamen
Order: service to be held: The Threttieth day of January appoynted to be observed
2 February 1692
Act: Liberation for Alexander Hay
Act: Act Mr Alexander Burnet for the stipend of Lonmey Cropt 1691
Act: Act Mr Alexander Grant for stipend of Fala
Act: Act Mistress Melvill for ane year and half a years stipend of the Kirk of Morham
Act: Act Mr William Hamilton for Stipend
Act: Act The Heritors of Partoun for stipend
Act: Act The Laird of Swintoun and Mr Robert Sandilands for stipend
Act: Protection for Alexander Viscount Kenmure
Act: Protection for Thomas Wilson
Order: Order for processing David Hay and [...] Thomsone
Order: Order for Transporting of John Williamson from Dundee to Kirkcaldy
Warrant: Warrand to Bailzie Blair to take tryall anent a horse found when the Earle of Argylles quarter master wes robbed
4 February 1692
Act: Liberation Peter Chrystie
Act: Act The shirreff deput and shireff Clerk of Aberdeen anent oathes of alleadgeance
Order: Recomendation to Sir Thomas Livingstoun to writ north anent the house of Island Donald
Act: Act Mr John Glen for stipend
Act: Act Mr James Hay for stipend
Act: Act Mr Andrew Meldrum minister for stipend
Act: Act Mr William Guillan for stipend
Act: Act Mr James Gillespie minister and Buchanan of Craigievairne for stipend
Act: Act Heretors of Mortlick for stipend
Act: Liberation John Reid printer
Act: Act Mr William Cameron minister for stipend
Act: Act Heritors of Callender of Monteath for stipend
Act: Act Mr John Lyon Minister for stipend of Kinetles
Act: Liberatione for Sir Walter Seattoun
Act: Act Mr James Drummond for stipend
Procedure: Comittee anent the Hearthmoney
Warrant: Warrant to the magistrates of Edinburgh to advance money to seamen volunteers
Order: Recomendation To the earle of Leven and Sir Thomas Livingstoun to trye If any of the seamen hes taken as land souldiers
9 February 1692
Act: Act Heretors of Insch and Leswalt for stipend
Act: Liberation Elizabeth Urquhart
Warrant: Warrand for delyvering up John Gordon of Aberzeldies bond of Cautione
Procedure: Oathes of alleadgeance from Elgin
Act: Liberatione Captain Dobie and Captain Grahame
Act: Act Heretors of Dumblaine for stipend
Act: Act Mr Andrew Guthrie for stipend
Act: Act Heretors of Mochrum for stipend
Act: Act Heretors of Collace for stipend
Act: Act Heretors of Duning for stipend
Act: Act Mr Archibald Buchan for stipend
Act: Act William Pattoun of Panholls for stipend
Act: Act Heretors of Glenluce for Stipend
Warrant: Warrand for delyvering up Captain Lebloes and Lord Hattouns Bond
11 February 1692
Act: Act Heretors of Forress for stipend
Act: Act Mr Alexander Forbes for stipend
Act: Act Walter Robert
Act: Act James Mathieson
Act: Act Mr James Kirk for stipend
Procedure: Comittee Royall burroughs anent Linen cloath
Order: Order to the Magistrats of Innerkeithing to advance money to seamen volunteers
Act: Act Mr Alexander Williamson for stipend
Act: Act Mr George Barclay for stipend
Act: Act Mr Alexander Burnet for stipend
Act: Act Liberation Richard Gunne to Captain Hay
Warrant: Renewed Warrand for prosecuting serjeant Mcqueen
Act: Act Heretors of Comrie for stipend
Act: Act Collectors of the Hearth money
Act: Act Mr John Murdoch for stipend
Act: Act Heretors of Crocemichell for stipend
16 February 1692
Order: Recommendation to Sir Thomas Livingston anent witnesses against Halyburton and Fraser
Commission by the Council: Comission for tryeing off Jonathan Grant
Decreet: Decreet Coupar and Gellie Against pariochiners of Airth
Act: Act Heretors of Blair for Stipend
Act: Act Laird of Grant for stipend
Act: Act Heretors of Moniegaff for stipend
Act: Act Mr Henrie Knox for Stipend
Act: Act Minister and Kirk Session of Abernethie for stipend
Act: Act Mr William Speed for stipend
Petition: Petitione Mr John Wood
Act: Act Mr Walter Mcgill for stipend
Act: Act Leivetenant Brisban Banishing Archibald Baird to be a souldier
18 February 1692
Act: Act Doctor James Weems for stipend
Act: Act Heretors of Eglesgreig for stipend
Order: Restraint againest prisoners in Edinburgh and Canongate
Act: Liberatione Walter Robert
Commission by the Council: Comission John Forbes
Act: Act and Comittee anent Irving of Bonshaw
Act: Act officers of Earle of Angus's Regiment
Act: Act and Comittee John Coach
Procedure: Comittee anent persones under bale In relatione to these in the Bass
19 February 1692
Act: Anent seamen
23 February 1692
Procedure: Comittie Anent persones prest as souldiers
Act: Act Three of the Earle of Northesks tennents
Procedure: Comittee Ensigne Glaidstaines Against Robert Boyd
Act: Act and pass Captain John Gordon
Act: Act Captain Alexander Hamilton of Grainge Against John Forbes
Act: Act anent tuo Souldiers to be witnesses against Irving of Bonshaw
Act: Act anent Maxwell and other witnesses against a Halyburtoun and a Fraser
Order: A Tumult at Drumfreiss
25 February 1692
Act: Act Mr Alexander Lundie Anent the Manse and Gleib of Coupar
Act: Act Mr James Strachan for stipend
Act: Act Mr John Wood for stipend
Act: Act Andrew Glassfoord for stipend
Order: Recomendation Leivtenent William Troup
Letter: royal: Kings Letter Anent William Irving
Act: Repryve William Irving
Procedure: Comittee Anent seamen
Act: Act Subcollectors of the Hearth money
Procedure: committee: Comittie anent the Indemnity and oath of alleadgeance
Act: Act and Comittee Andrew Rattray
Act: Act Viscount Frendraught
Act: Act against Dionesus Inglis
Act: Act anent Barclay and Raitt tenents to the Earle of Northesk
Act: Act Mr James Kirk for stipend
Act: Act Heretors of Balmackghie for stipend
Order: Recomendatione Chrystie Arreisted Colonell Lauders Baggadge
Commission by the Council: Commission for tryeing Jonathan Grant Guilty of Murder
Commission by the Council: Commission for tryeing of [...] Murdoch Guilty of bestialitie
1 March 1692
Procedure: Committee anent broken men in braes of Perthshyre
Order: Recomendatione for The Magistrats of the Severall burghs anent payment of seamen
Warrant: Warrand Giveing in to the Clerks Counsell the process for Murder againest William Irving and Committee
Procedure: committee: Comittee To speak with George Clerk factor anent provisiones of the forces going to Holland
Act: Protection for the viscount of Kenmure
Procedure: Accompts Resting be the forces to the Countrey
3 March 1692
Act: Act Mr John Ker for stipend
Decreet: Decreet Mr Robert Skene against Heretors of Dunsyre for Stipend
Procedure: committee: Comittee Anent William Fraser
Act: Protectione to some posts from being pressed as souldiers
Act: Recomendatione Repryve to William Irving
Act: Act and Comittee anent William Fraser
Act: Act Alexander Halyburtoun for advocatts
Act: Act Heretors of Tareagles for stipend
Act: Act Heretors of Kirkoan for stipend
Act: Act Mr William Speed Anent stipend
8 March 1692
Act: [Act anent lists of seamen]
15 March 1692
Commission to the Council: Comission off privie Counsell
Procedure: Lord Enstruther and Sir Patrick Murray receaved Councillours
Commission to the Council: Commission In favours of the Right Honourable James Johnstoun Esqr To be one of the tuo Secretaryes of State of the Kingdome of Scotland
Petition: Petitione William Fraser
Petition: Petitione Alexander Halyburtoun
Procedure: Comittee anent men and provisions Lately got in to the Bass
Procedure: Comittee To draw tuo draughts of Letters anent sea men
Commission by the Council: Commission to the Governour of Blackness anent Sir Thomas Dalziells servants taken on to be souldiers
Act: Act ordaining horning againest burghes for not giveing in Lists of seamen
Procedure: committee: Comittee for secureing againest the Bass
22 March 1692
Procedure: Lord Hattoun received a Councellour
Procedure: Comittee anent fisher boats seized by the Bass etc
Procedure: The Lords Hattoun and Enstruther added to the Comittee anent the Bass
Act: Act anent passes to Cannan etc and Buchan
Act: Act of exoneration In favours of Henrie Fletcher as governour of the Bass
Act: Act anent persones in rebellion allowed to stay at home in Scotland
Warrant: Warrand for Colonell Hill to Grant passes to priests
Procedure: petition: Petitione for the Laird of Grant
23 March 1692
Procedure: committee: Comittee for secureing trade in the Firth againest the Rebells in the Bass
Procedure: committee: Comittee anent Sir Thomas Dalziell men taken on to be souldiers
Act: Act against suspensions at the instance of the subcollectors of the hearthmoney
Order: Recomendation to the Lord Chancellor to signe a pass to the ship that transports Buchan and Cannan to France
Warrant: Warrand for buryeing the Earle of Argylls chyld in the abbay church
24 March 1692
Procedure: Lord Cardross received a Councellour
Act: Act Mr Osburns children for stipend
Procedure: Remitt Mr John Fraser for stipend
Procedure: Comittee anent Irving of Benshaw
29 March 1692
Procedure: The Earls of Linlythgow and Strathmore and Kintoir and the Laird of Blackbarrony receaved Councillours
Letter: royal: The Kings Letter for adjourneing the parliament
Proclamation: Proclamation for adjourning the parliament
Act: Liberatione for The Earle of Perth
Act: Act William Livingstoun brother to the Viscount off Kilsyth
Act: Act Captain John Crightoun
Procedure: committee: Comittee anent Halyburtoun and Fraser
Act: Act The Laird of Grant anent Cess of his Lands of Urquhart
Warrant: Warrand for detaining persones Imprisoned by souldiers
Order: Recomendation Magistrats of Stirling to the Lords of theasurie
Act: Act anent transporting some women for witchcraft
Order: Order to the Magistrats off Kirkaldie anent seamen
Commission to the council: Comissiones of Theasury and Exchequer
Commission to the Council: Commision In favours of the Viscount of Tarbat to be Clerk of register
Procedure: committee: Comittee anent seamen
19 April 1692
Procedure: Earl of Argyll, Lords Belhaven and Carmichaell and the Master of Forbes received Counsellors
Procedure: oath: The Lord Lyon, King at armes took oath of alleadgeance and assureance
Act: Act Viscount of Kilsyth
Act: Act The Heretors off Colmonell and Ballentrae for Stipend
Order: Recommendation In favours of Mr James Kirkwood for stipend
Procedure: committee: Additionall Comittee anent seamen
Procedure: committee: Additionall Comittee anent persones Imprisoned as souldiers
Order: Recommendation to the theasury anent the men of warr that attacqed the Bass
Act: Repryve Alexander Halyburtoun
Act: Repryve William Fraser
Order: Recomendatione in favours of severalls of the officers of the Forces to the Theasury
21 April 1692
Procedure: Earl of Forfar and Lord Raith received councellors
Act: Act Earl of Sieforth
Act: Liberation Sir James Hamilton
Order: Recomendatione to the theasury anent tuo men of warr that attacqued the Bass
Warrant: Warrand for buryeing the deceist Dutchess of Queensberry in the abbay church
Act: Act Earle of Leven
Act: Act Mr Henry Scrymzeor for stipend
Act: Act Irving of Bonshaw
Act: Act Mr John Broun for stipend
Act: Act Mr John Meinzies to get up his bond and goe abroad
Act: Act James Carruthers
Act: Liberatione Captain James Murray
Act: Liberatione Leivetenant James Murray
Warrant: Warrand for delyvering [...] Home prisoner for Incest to Leivetenant Cockburne
Procedure: committee: Comittee for delyvering the puncheous of the three pounds Scotts and other Lesser pieces of coyne to the Lord Cardross
Warrant: Warrand for observing the Queens birth day
Act: Act James Malcolme declareing a bond Null
Proclamation: Proclamatione for a Monthly fast
Procedure: committee: Comittee anent Halyburtoun and Fraser
Order: Recomendation for Halyburtoun and Fraser to the Kings majesty for a remissione
26 April 1692
Procedure: proclamation: Comittee anent the Forces and for putting the Countrey in a posture of defence and provisiones to the Castles etc and ane proclamatione against ministers
Order: Recomendation to the Theasurie for provisiones to the Castle of Edinburgh and Buyeing pouder and Leed
Warrant: Warrand for a passport to the Laird of Mcclean
Order: Sist of executione In favours of Sir Archibald Cockburn of Langtoun anent his Cess
Order: Order for wreitting Letters to Councillours
28 April 1692
Procedure: Comittee for nameing officers to fencible men and heretors
Proclamation: Proclamatione againest ministers there not prayeing for their majesties King William and Queen Mary
Procedure: Comittee for speaking with the Earle of Sieforth anent Island Donald
28 April 1692 (pm)
Order: Order anent a danish ship seized in the road of Leith by ane English man of warr
Warrant: Warrand for bringing Captain Roope to the Lord Chancellour
29 April 1692
Act: Liberation John Mccure
Order: Order to the Magistrats of Edinbrugh anent the toun guards, Lodgers, or ministers
Order: Order anent the Castle of Edinburgh
30 April 1692
Order: Order for makeing up the Garisone of Dumbartoun
Order: Orders to wreitt Letters to the Clerks to the Comissioners of supplie anent Calling out the heretors
Order: Recomendation to my Lord Chancellor for seizing suspect persones
2 May 1692
Procedure: Duke Queensberry receaved a Counsellour
Order: Letters to Comanders of heretors to be altered
Procedure: Morison of Prestongrainge Appointed to Comand the heretors in Peebles shyre
Order: Letters ordered to persones under baill
Petition: The Lord Chancellor desyres to be easd of suspect persons
Order: Fencible men in Edinburgh Appointed to be readiness
3 May 1692
Procedure: Remitt to Colonell Hill anent Glencoemen
Proclamation: Proclamation discharging the Importation of forraigne victuall
Order: Letters ordered to persones under baill
Order: Earl of Arran to remaine in Edinburgh or Cannongate till Called for
Order: A Letter ordered to the Earl of Perth
5 May 1692
Procedure: Laird of Pollock receaved a Councellour.
Procedure: Excuse for the Earl of Strathmore
Procedure: Excuse for the Marquis of Douglas
Procedure: second nomination of a Comittee for putting the Countrey in a posture of defence
Warrant: Warrand to the Governour of the Castle of Stirling to receive the Earl of Perth prisoner
Procedure: committee: Comittee anent Lists of bands ammunition ball and armes
Warrant: Warrand for deleitting tuo words out of the Letters to touns anent ammunition etc
Procedure: remit: Remitt to the above Comittee anent seizing horse and armes
Warrant: Warrand for seizing James Cockburns papers
Procedure: Excuse for the Duke of Hamilton
6 May 1692
Procedure: Field officers in Arguyll shyre
Procedure: address: Address from Glasgou
6 May 1692 (pm)
Order: Fencible men in Edinburgh to Randevouze
Procedure: committee: Comittee for Inspecting James Cockburns papers
Warrant: Warrand to secure the Earle of Sieforth
7 May 1692
Procedure: The Earle of Breadalbain and Sir Thomas Livingstoun receaved counsellours
Order: Order to search for the Earle of Sieforth
Procedure: committee: Comittee to examin persones anent James Cockburne
Procedure: Comittee to examine persones anent the Earle of Sieforth
Order: Order to registrat the Earle of Sieforth and his Cautioners bond
Decreet: Decreet Ther majesties sollicitor Against Some ministers
8 May 1692
Warrant: Warrand to Sir Thomas Livingstoun to seize suspect persones horses and armes
Warrant: Warrand to Sir Thomas Livingstoun for detaining the three regiments in Leith road
Order: Order to Captain Roop not to saill till there majesties pleasure be knowen
Procedure: Lord Chancellour to dispatch a flyeing pacquett
9 May 1692
Order: Lord Bellenden Late ArchBishop of Glasgow and Nevill Payn ordered Closs prisoners
Order: Order Ensigne Crightoun to be under Centinells
Order: Order for transporting John Tweedie from Canongate to Edinburgh tolbooth
Order: Order anent Fencible men in Edinburgh and there officers the members of the Colledge of Justice and the Mint house
Procedure: Lord Polwarth and the Laird of Blackbarrony allowed to goe to the Country to comand as officers
Order: Major Ker and Captain Lyndsay discharged to goe from this place
Procedure: A fleeing pacquett ordered anent Captain Roope
Proclamation: Proclamation for Calling out the heretors and Fencible men
10 May 1692
Warrant: Warrand for reduceing the tolbooth of the Canongate
Procedure: Comittee for examining tuo persons that surpryzed the above tolbooth
Procedure: Report of the Comittee anent John Tweedie
Order: Reference to Sir Thomas Livingstoun anent the Earl of Sieforths escape
Act: Liberation William Wind
Act: Liberation James Cockburne
Procedure: committee: Comittee anent Encamping the forces etc
Warrant: Comissioners of Haddington Shyre allowed to meet anent randezvouzing the heretors
Procedure: committee: Comittee for Letters from shyres anent Heretors and fencible men
Procedure: committee: Comittee anent [...] Mcbrair and his papers
Warrant: Major Ker allowed to goe to Flanders.
Order: Recomendation to Sir Thomas Livingstoun to take tryall who robbed the pacquett
Act: Liberation Jean Sablier
Order: Recomendation to the Earles of Leven and Forfar to view the fencible men in Edinburgh in the present randezvouse.
11 May 1692
Procedure: Earl of Drumlanrig received a Counsellour
Procedure: report: A Lyne from the Earle of Erroll
Procedure: Dirletoun Nominate Collonell of the fencible men in Haddingtoun shyre
Order: Order for Incamping the Forces
Order: Report and order anent captain Johnstoun and Ensigne Dunbar
Procedure: Bangour appointed Major to a regiment of fencible men in Linlithgow shyre
Order: Recomendation to Sir William Lockhart anent Mcapie and McLaughlan
Warrant: Warrand for delyvering back Thomas Mcbrairs papers
Order: Recomendation to Sir Thomas Livingstoun to examine the Earle of Sieforths Land Lord in Leith
Decreet: Sentence againest some ministers
12 May 1692
Letter: to the council: Letter from Commissioners in Lanerkshyre
Procedure: petition: Petition for the magistrats of Stirling
Order: Order to Captain Sletzer for transporting six field pieces from Stirling to Edinburgh
Procedure: Gilmuirscleugh to Comand heretors of Selkirkshyre under Torwoodlie
13 May 1692
Procedure: Marqueis of Douglas to Comand the heretors of Lanerk shyre
Proclamation: Proclamatione for secureing the peace in the northern shyres
Warrant: Warrand Countess of Dalhousie to be Closs prisoner with the Lord Bellinden her husband
Act: Act Captain Johnstoun and Ensigne Dunbar
Order: Recomendation to the Lord Chancellour to wreitt to Councillours at London.
Procedure: Lords of session to meet for putting the Colledge of Justice in a posture of defence
Warrant: Warrand for takeing the Irons off John Tweedies Legs
Warrant: Warrand Countess of Perth to Enter the Castle off Stirling
Act: Act Magistrats of Glasgow
16 May 1692
Procedure: Viscount of Tarbatt receaved a Counsellour
Order: Earl of Sieforth Closs prisoner
Procedure: Comittee anent the Earle of Sieforth and others
Act: Act My Lord Aberuchill and Mr Roderick Mckenzie to geting their bond
Procedure: committee: Comittee anent seized horses
Procedure: Captains of fenciblemen in Haddingtoun shyre named be the Comissioners of supplie
Letter: royal: King's Letter anent the Duke of Linsters Commisione
17 May 1692
Procedure: report: Report of Comittee anent Earl of Sieforth
Act: Comittee and Liberation Patrick Watsone
Act: Liberatione William Wind
Order: Order John Hacquett for the open prisone
Warrant: Warrand Countess of Sieforth to be closs prisoner with the Earle her husband
Order: William Murray Imprisoned for false news
Act: Act Dischargeing Counsellors to remove from Edinburgh
Order: Order for Letters to the Comissioners of Linlythgowshyre to randezvouze
Order: Comittee and Liberation Philip Daulx
Procedure: Marquis of Douglas to Comand heretors of Lanerk shyre
Warrant: Warrand to the Sollicitor for Citeing horse Coupers
Procedure: Comittee anent Doctor oliphant and David Robertsone
Order : Order for Levyeing tuo regiments in Lanerkshyre
Procedure: Comanders of heretors in Arguyll shyre
19 May 1692
Order: Order to the Sollicitor to Lybell Doctor Oliphant and David Robertson
Warrant: Warrand for transporting Navalpain from Edinburgh to Blackness
Order: Recomendation to Sir Thomas Livingstoun anent the Castle and Garison of Dumbartoun
Act: Act anent the seized horses etc not belonging to heretors etc.
Act: Act approveing of Sir Thomas Livingstouns seizing of horses and appointing them to be brought to Edinburgh and suburbs
Warrant: Warrand to the Countess of Sieforth to be ane hour each tuo dayes with the Earle her husband
Warrant: Warrand to Sir William Lockhart to Imprisone persones under baill
Act: Address and Act anent a regiment of men be the toun of Edinburgh.
Procedure: report: Report and approbation of the Comittee anent Doctor Mcghie and Robert Clerk
Warrant: Warrand to the Lord Raith to take tryall who discovered the designe of seizing the horses
Act: Act anent the Earle of Wyntouns horses
Order: Order for thretty men to quarter for deficiencie
Procedure: committee: Comittee anent persones under baill
Act: Act dischargeing Captain Lindsay to remove from this place
20 May 1692
Act: Act James Dyckes and Laurens Ord
Procedure: [Recomendation to the Chancellor to write to the Secretary]
Procedure: Comittee for takeing the oathes of the Comissioners of the Lord Registers office.
Order: Recomendation to Blackbarrony to visite the records in the castle of Edinburgh
Procedure: The petitions for Doctor Mcghie and Robert Clerk Chirurgeon
Warrant: Warrand for takeing the Irons off Captain Jonston and Ensigne Dunbars Leggs
Order: Recommendation for armes to the party appointed to quarter for deficiencie
Procedure: address: Address from the shyre of Renfrew
Procedure: address: Address from the toun of Paisley
Order: Recomendation for buyeing picks and Halberts
Procedure: address: Address and from the toun of Glasgow and Comittee theranent
21 May 1692
Procedure: Comittee anent John Hacquett
Act: Act The Toun of Glasgow for Levyeing of ane regiment of men
Decreet: Decreet There Majesties Sollicitor against Oliphant and Robertson
Letter: royal: Letter from the Counsell To The Queens majestie
Order: Recomendation to the theasury for provyding the Kingdome with armes and amunition
Act: Act for the Earle of Seaforths Liberty
24 May 1692
Order: Order to the Sollicitor to apprehend preists
Procedure: committee: Comittee for drawing a letter to the King
Order: Recomendation John Hacquett for ane aliment
Order: Order To the Sollicitor to process Doctor Mcghie and his brother
Warrant: Lords Raith and Cardross allowed to goe to the Countrey
Procedure: Vicount Tarbatt takes the alleadgeance as Clerk of register
Procedure: Particular reference to the Comittee anent Baills
Procedure: Excuse for The Viscount of Stormont
Procedure: Excuse for Fothringham of Poury
26 May 1692
Procedure: Reference to a Comittee anent baills for giving up bonds to such as take the Indemnity
Warrant: Warrand to the Comittee anent the Lord Registers office for take the Lord Beillhavens oath
Warrant: Warrand for delyvering up Leiutenant James Murrayes bond
Warrant: Warrand for delyvering up the Lord Lochores bond
Order: Reference to the Comittee anent Seized horses and Sir Patrick Murray added to the said Comittee
Act: Liberation Margaret Douglas
Warrant: Warrand Countess of Dawissie to have access to the Lord Bellinden her husband
Act: Liberation Earl of Pearth
Warrant: Warrand to fyre the Guns of the Castles for the victory over the French fleet
Procedure: Lord Chancellor to wreit to Polloque anent some heretors in Dumbartounshyre
Warrant: Warrand for disposeing upon the old provisiones in Dumbartoun Castle
Commission by the Council: Commission of Justiciary for tryeing Andrew and James Liddells for stealling of sheep
31 May 1692
Procedure: commission: Commission Duke of Leinster
Procedure: Officers of heretors and fencible men in Renfrew shyre
Procedure: committee: [Lord Carmichael and Laird of Pollock added to the Comittee anent horses]
Decreet: Decreet There Majesties Sollicitor against Doctor Mcghie
Act: Act ordaining Ministers to give obledgements that they shall pray for King William and Queen Mary
Act: Liberation Joseph Mcghie
Act: Liberation Robert Rutherfoord
Act: Liberation Patrick Watsone
Act: Act Mr James Menzies for stipend
2 June 1692
Procedure: address: Address from the Shyre of Berwick
Procedure: address: Address from the presbyterian Heretors in the Louthians
Letter: royal: A Letter from the Queens majestie to the Councill
Letter: to the council: Secretary Johnstons Letter to the Councill
Proclamation: Proclamation for a thanksgiving
Procedure: Toun of Edinburgh receive thanks for their address
Procedure: address: Addresses from the shyre of Air and Citie of St Andrews
Procedure: Heretors of Haddingtoun Shyre who have signed the Engadgement
Procedure: Letter from Selkirk remitted to a Comittee
Order: Order to process John Crighton and Liberat him upon baill
Act: Act Heraulds and pursevants
Order: Sir William Lockhart to examine William Murray
Procedure: Reference to a Comittee to give back seized horses to such as take the oath of alleadgeance
Procedure: remittance: Reference to the Comittee to give up bonds upon takeing the oath of alleadgeance
Act: Act Mr Andrew Auchinlect for stipend
9 June 1692
Act: Act allowing Balbegno's bond to be given up
Procedure: Comittee To consider Lists of persons under baill and for takeing parrolls of honour
Order: Order to the Collectors of Supplie and Committee anent heretors of midlothian
Order: Recomendation to Sir Thomas Livingstoun to try anent ships at the Isle of Skye
Warrant: Warrand for Citeing the Magistrats of St Andrews anent hearth money
Warrant: Warrand to give up Glenbucketts bond
Act: Liberation William Murray
Act: Act anent Oliphant of Culleuchars bond
Order: Earl of Home Comitted to The Castle of Edinburgh
10 June 1692
Act: Act ordaining Kilsyth to be prisoner in his chamber
Act: Liberation Mr John Crightoun
Act: Liberation Robert Clerk
Act: Liberation David Robertson
Procedure: Comittee anent Griersone of Lagg
Warrant: Warrand for a pass to Munier and Daulx
Procedure: Excuse Viscount Oxenfoord
Order: Sprinkell sent to prison
Procedure: Approbation of Sir Thomas Livingstouns takeing Craigentinnies parroll of honour
Procedure: committee: Comittee for putting the Countrey in a posture of defence
Procedure: Reference to the Comittee anent offering parrolls of honour to Captain Crightoun and others
Order: Order to the sollicitor to Cite Hamiltoun and Straittoun
Warrant: Warrand to the sollicitor to proceed Lord Lochore and Lieutenant James Murray
Commission by the Council: Comission Captain Matthew Campbell to Comand a ship of warr
Commission by the Council: Comissione Captain Hew Campbell to Comand a ship of warr
14 June 1692
Procedure: Approbation of the Comittees allowing the Countess of Home access to the Earl her husband in the castle of Edinburgh
Procedure: address: Address Heretors of dumfreiss shyre
Procedure: address: Address Heretors of Linlithgow and Stirling shyres, Addresses from the Heretors of the shyres of Caithnes Perth and Arguyll,Address Heretors of the shyres of Ross and Cromarty
Order: Earl of Sieforth: Lord Bellinden: and the Late Arch Bishop of Glasgow allowed open prison
Order: Comittee anent John Tweedie
Warrant: Warrand to the Sollicitor to process Captain Wallace
Act: Act Mr William Kemp for stipend
Act: Act The relict of Mr William Violent for stipend
Act: Act Mr George Gray for stipend
Warrant: Warrand to receive in to the castle the wyves and children in use to stay there
Warrant: Warrand to give up Westerhalls bond of Cautionry for Sir Robert Greirson of Lagg
15 June 1692
Procedure: committee: Comittee anent the Mint
Warrant: Warrand for the viscountess off Frendraught to remain in the Castle of Stirling
Procedure: remit: Reference to the Comittee for putting the Countrey in a posture of defence
16 June 1692
Act: Repryve Halyburtoun and Fraser
Act: Act Heretors of Tinron for Stipend
Act: Act Mistress Landells for stipend
Order: Recomendatione to Sir Thomas Livingstoun To transport the proveist of Rutherglen from thence to Edinburgh
Act: Act of Exoneration Lord Bailhaven and James Hamilton
21 June 1692
Procedure: Lord Montgomerie and Sir Thomas Burnet of Leys received Councellours
Warrant: Warrand to give up Irving of Glassall and Collieson of Auchlounes there bonds
Warrant: Warrand to get up Gordon of Cults and his Cautioners bond
Warrant: Warrand for delyvering up Straiton of Balhaggartys bond
Warrant: Warrand for delyvering up Fraser of Inverallochyes bond
Warrant: Warrand for delyvering up Gight and Meldrum there bonds
Warrant: Warrand for delyvering up Lumsden of Auchindor his brother
Procedure: report: Report of the Comittee anent the militia
22 June 1692
Warrant: Warrand to get up John Wilkies bond
Act: Act Mr William Mckay for stipend.
Act: Act Mr John Whyt for stipend
Act: Act Mr William Smart for stipend
Act: Act Mr Alexander Keith for stipend
Procedure: Resolve anent the Late Arch Bishop of Glasgow
Procedure: committee: Comittee Mr Alexander Young
Act: Act for a Contribution to some poor people in Fisherraw
Act: Act Mr William Watterstoun for stipend
Act: Liberation Edward Irving of Bonshaw
Act: Act Captain Lindsay
Order: Recomendation Colonel Walter Whytefoord to the theasurie
Act: Act Mr James Cameron for stipend
Warrant: Warrand to delyver up Captain Straitton and his cautioners bond
23 June 1692
Procedure: committee: Comittee The Sollicitour against Heretors of Midlothian
Order: Recomendation to Sir Thomas Livingstoun anent seased horses
Warrant: Warrand to give back Garletouns Horses
28 June 1692
Procedure: The Earle of Melvill receaved a Counsellor
Commission to the council: Comission Earl of Melvill to be Lord privie seall
Warrant: Warrand to give up Hay of Crimondmoggats bond
Warrant: Warrand to get up Watson of Corsletts bond
Warrant: Warrand to transport Jean Ure and Katherin Comrie
Act: Act Sir John Forbes for stipends of Keith and Inch
Act: Act Mr William Lindsay for stipend
Act: Act Mr William Jacque for stipend
Act: Protection Ross of Balnagoun
Act: Act Mr William Watterstoun for stipend of Air
30 June 1692
Procedure: committee: Comittee for a proclamatione anent Beggars
Act: Act Mr Kenneth Mckenzie for stipend
Warrant: Warrand for persueing Captain Wallace but not for treasone
5 July 1692
Act: Act Mr James Aird for stipend
Procedure: Nominatione of the Marquis of Douglas his Bailzies to be Justices of peace and Comissioners of Supplie
Warrant: Warrand to Henrie Douglas to give up the privie Seall to the Earle of Melvill
Act: Liberation John Hacquett
Order: Sir Thomas Livingstoun to examine James Murray anent Drinking healths
Act: Liberation Doctor Mcghie
Warrant: Warrand for delyvering tuo prisoners in Edinburgh tolbooth to the Earl of Leven
Order: Recomendation to the Sollicitor to cause execute denunciationes
Order: Navill Pain allowed open prisone
Procedure: address: Address Heretors of the shyre of Aberdeen
Decreet: Interloquitor and reference in the process at the sollicitors instance against the heretors of Midlothian
7 July 1692
Procedure: Secretary Johnstoun receaved a Counsellor
Decreet: Interloquitor and warrand for Imprisoneing some heretors in Midlothian
Order: Reference to Sir Thomas Livingstoun anent Leiutenant Murray and Captain Mair
12 July 1692
Act: Liberation Earle of Home
Act: Liberation Livingstoun of Kilsyth
Order: Captain Murray Confined to Edinburgh
Order: Lybell againest Hamilton and Straitton discharged
Act: Liberation Captain Henrie Straitton
Warrant: Warrand for registrating Captain Crightons bond
Order: Order to give in Lists of persones under baill to the theasurie
Act: Liberatione Sir Robert Greirson of Lagg
Order: Recomendation Ensigne Crightoun to the theasurie
Act: Liberatione Captain Johnstoun
Order: Order to the magistrats of Edinburgh anent the ministers of South Leith
Warrant: Warrand for receaving Leiutenant Murrayes bond
14 July 1692
Procedure: committee: Comittee anent Judges not qualifyed by Law
Procedure: committee: Comittee anent the hearth money
Procedure: committee: Comittee anent the ministers of Leith
Act: Act Mr James Chalmers for stipend
Act: Liberation Sir Patrick Maxwell of Springkell
Act: Liberation Ensigne Loudon
Order: [Order, Heretors of Midlothian]
19 July 1692
Procedure: committee: Comittee anent the minister of South Leith
20 July 1692
Procedure: committee: Comittee anent Beggars
Order: Recomendatione to the theasurie anent the Irish bybles
Procedure: Lord Chancellour to Name a vice chancellour in the colledge of St Andrews
21 July 1692
Act: Liberation Porterfield of Comistoun
Act: Act Mr James Buchanan for stipend
Act: Act Mr George Purvis for stipend
Act: Act Mr John Fraser for stipend
Act: Act Mr James Adamson for stipend
Order: Recomendatione Captain Caldwells re[l]ict to the theasurie
Order: Recomendatione Lady Craigdarroch to the Lords of theasury
Act: Liberation Captain Hutcheons
Procedure: committee: Comittee for prepareing a Letter to the King
Procedure: committee: Comittee anent the minister of South Leith
Warrant: Warrand for Imprisoning the Lord Frazer in the castle of Edinburgh
Procedure: report: Major Mo[n]ro's report anent the Bass
26 July 1692
Order: Recomendatione some Dutch seamen to the theasurie
Letter: royal: Kings Letter for adjourning the parliament
Proclamation: Proclamation adjourneing the parliament
Letter: to the council: Kings Letter for removeing the Lord Montgomery from the Councill and receiving Mr Frances Montgomery in his place
Letter: royal: Kings Letter upon severall particulars
Order: Recomendatione to the former Comittee anent the militia upon the Kings Letter
Procedure: committee: Comittee for putting the alleadgeance and assureance to the heretors of Midlouthian and all other heretors
Procedure: Approbation of the presbitryes of Edinburgh makeing use of their Jus devolutum in calling a minister to South Leith
Order: Order to the Sollicitor to prosecute the Duke of Gordon, Earl of Seaforth Sir Thomas Livingstouns dragoons etc
Act: Protectione Viscount of Kenmure
28 July 1692
Procedure: committee: Comittee for examining William Smith prisoner as alleaged Come from the Bass
Decreet: Report and Interloquitor anent the heretors of Midlothian
Procedure: committee: Comittee for secureing the peace of the Highlands
Act: Act William Irving
Act: Act William Spens
Procedure: Approbation of Mcintoshes Comissione to Collonell Hill
Act: Act Mr Patrick Purdie for stipend
Warrant: Warrand for registrating Sir Thomas Livingstouns dragoons bonds
2 August 1692
Act: Liberatione Porterfield of Comistoun
Order: Letters of Denunciation There Majesties Sollicitor against Harvie
Act: Act ordaining news Letters to be revised
Act: Liberation Ensigne Dunbar
Order: Order for putting souldiers on the Isle of Maij
Act: Act Continowing the Bailzies of Old Aberdeen
2 August 1692 (pm)
Act: Act Ladie Machanie
3 August 1692
Decreet: Interloquitor The Sollicitor and John Adair against Crightoun and Yeoman
Procedure: Remitt to a Comittee anent quakers
Act: Act anent William Smith and his Spouse and others strangers
Act: Liberation Mr William Houstoun and order anent the keyes of Kilsyth Kirk
4 August 1692
Act: safe conduct: Safe conduct to Mckenzie and Stewarts
Procedure: committee: Comittee anent ministers not praying for the King and Queen
Act: Act Mr David Ogilvie for stipend
Act: Act Mr John Lauder for stipend
Act: Act ordaining ministers to take the oath of alleadgeance etc at there obtaining gifts of vacand stipends
Procedure: committee: Comittee anent Mr James Hunters petition and others of that Nature
4 August 1692 (pm)
Order : Order to the magistrats of Edinburgh anent ministers
Warrant: Warrand for Scot of Malleny to goe from Edinburgh to Kirklistoun prisone
9 August 1692
Procedure: committee: Remitt to the Comittee anent the militia
Letter: from the Council: Letter Lord Chancellour To The Laird of Grant
Act: Act Captain John Broun
9 August 1692 (pm)
Proclamation: Proclamation concerning game
Act: Liberatione William Gladstains and others
Act: Liberation William Smyths wyff
10 August 1692
Order: Recomendatione to the Earle of Strathmore anent My Lord Kinaird
11 August 1692
Act: Liberatione Mr Nicolas Dunbar
Procedure: Remitt to the Lord Chancellour anent heretors of Midlouthian
Procedure: commission: Anent a Comision for the Highlands
11 August 1692 (pm)
Act: Liberatione Lowis of Merchistoun
Act: Act Mr John Gibsone for Stipend
Act: Liberation William Smith
Act: Act for a voluntar Collection for releiving James Anderson from the turks
Proclamation: Proclamation anent observing the steeple port at Camphire
Proclamation: Proclamation anent Beggars
12 August 1692
Order: Order anent Ninian Mercer
Procedure: committee: Comittee for visiteing prisones
Procedure: Magistrats of Edinburgh Called anent ministers
Order: Recomendatione to the Lord Chancellour to signe a pass to Charles Maitland
Letter: from the Council: Letter from the Councill To The Kings Majestie
Letter: from the Council: Letter from the Councill to the Master of Stair
Proclamation: Proclamation anent the hearth money
13 August 1692
Warrant: Warrand and Recomendation to some Councillors anent the oath of alleadgeance and assureance
Procedure: Opinion of Councill anent Militia and schem of 5000 men
Order: Recomendatione to Sir Thomas Livingstoun to quarter some dragoons at Dumfreiss Kirkcudbright and New Galloway
Procedure: commission: Commissione anent the Highlands
15 August 1692
Proclamation: Proclamation anent robbing of the pacquett
18 August 1692
Act: Liberation Logan of Burncastle
19 August 1692
Act: Liberatione Scott of Mallenie
3 September 1692
Act: Liberation Oswald of Spittell
13 September 1692
Procedure: Mr Francis Montgomery receaved a Councillour
Procedure: Additional Commissioners anent the hearth money
14 September 1692
Order: Recomendatione to the sollicitor for Intimateing at Kirk doores the proclamationes anent beggars and hearth money
Act: Act Mcdonald of Slate and others
Act: Liberatione Scott of Lochquharrett
Act: Liberation Merchistoun, Comistoun and Spittell
Act: Additionall Act for offering the oath of alleadgeance and assureance
Act: Act Logan of Burncastle and Scot of Malleny
15 September 1692
Procedure: committee: Comittee anent Sir Robert Hamilton and others prisoners
Act: Act Colledge of Aberdein for stipend
Warrant: Warrand Countess of Seaforth to remain in Edinburgh castle with the Earl her husband
Order: Order to the magistrats of Edinburgh anent ministers and Beggars.
Procedure: Additionall Commissioners anent hearth money in Linlithgowshyre
16 September 1692
Warrant: Warrand for giveing up William Murrayes bond
Act: Act anent electing off magistrats for St Andrews
Act: Act Mistres Marshell for stipend
Letter: from the Council: Letter from the Councill To the moderator of the presbitry of Dalkeith
Act: Liberation William Dalziell
Warrant: Warrand for transporting Robert Hamilton from Edinburgh to Haddingtoun tolbooth
Warrant: Warrand for putting James Monwell and John Wells in tuo distinct roumes
Warrant: Warrand for transporting Bell and Hallwells from Edinburgh to Canongate prisone
Act: Act for transporting John Herron from Edinburgh to Leith
Act: Act Lord Lundoirs and Heretors of Newburgh for stipend
16 September 1692 (pm)
Order: Recomendation to Sir Thomas Livingstoun anent the quarters of the forces
Order: Recomendatione for ane aliment to the witnesses againest Charles Lord Fraser
Warrant: Warrand to the Sollicitor for persewing the officers in Sir Thomas Livingstouns regiment of dragoons
Warrant: Warrand for receaveing the Viscount of Kilsyth prisoner in Edinburgh castle
Proclamatione: Proclamatione anent souldiers deserting or Marryeing without Certificats
21 September 1692
Procedure: letter:
11 October 1692
Order: Councellours not to goe out of the Kingdome
Letter: from the council: Letter from Ireland anent seizeing of rebells
Act: Act Robert Smart for stipend
Procedure: committee: Comittee for examineing some persones brought from Sanquhar
Procedure: committee: Comittee anent winter quarters to the forces and the Bass
12 October 1692
Act: Act Walkenshawes against Campbell
Warrant: Warrand for transporting Sir Robert Hamilton from Haddingtoun to Edinburgh tolbooth
Warrant: Warrand and Liberty to Earl Buchan and Viscount of Frendraught
Act: Liberation Ninian Mercer
Warrant: Warrand for searching John Brouns ship
Warrant: Warrand for seizeing Alexander Tait and Citeing John Broun
13 October 1692
Order: Recomendation Mr Lewis Dick
Procedure: committee: Comittee anent John Broun and Alexander Taitt
Procedure: committee: Comittee for Considering reports anent ministers not praying for there majesties
Order: Recomendatione to quarter tuo troops of horse at Drumfreiss
Procedure: committee: Comittee anent the Bass
Procedure: committee: Comittee anent severall prisoners
Order: Recomendatione anent furnishing of troops
Commission by the council: Comission for tryeing and Judgeing Paull Cleroch
25 October 1692
Procedure: committee: Comittee anent Lodgings to Sir William Hope
Decreet: Interloquitor Walkingshawes etc against Campbell
Order: Recomendation to the Sollicitor to speak with the Magistrats of Edinburgh anent beggars
Order: Order to the Clerks of Councill to wreitt to shirreffs anent Collectiones to french and Irish protestants
25 October 1692 (pm)
Letter: royal: Letter from the Councill to the King upon his returne from his Camp
Letter: from the council: Letter to the secretary of state
Order: Recomendation for dischargeing tuo Long boats at the Bass
2 November 1692
Procedure: Adjournment of the parliament
Letter: royal: King's letter for adjourning the parliament
Proclamation: Proclamatione for adjourning the parliament
Petition: Address for a Fast
3 November 1692
Proclamation: Proclamation for a solemne and publict thanksgiveing
Act: Liberatione Sir James Fleming
Warrant: Warrand to transport Peter Welsh
Procedure: petition: Petition Charles Lord Fraser
Warrant: Warrand for transporting Dobie and others from Dalkeith
Procedure: commission: Comissione to be drawn for tryeing John Duniepace and others
8 November 1692
Order: Mr Thomas Dobie allowed open prisone
Warrant: Warrand for transporting the Jaylor of Dalkeith to Edinburgh and raising a lybell against the bailzies therof
Procedure: Remitt Lord Ormistoune against Serjeant Bland
Act: Liberation for some seamen seized by Captain Kiggens
Order: Letters of denunciation Sollicitor against Conversers with the Late King James
15 November 1692
Procedure: committee: Additionall Comittee anent ministers
Procedure: committee: Comittee anent reports of the Comissioners of Supplie
Procedure: committee: Comittee anent new survey of hearths
Decreet: Interloquitor anent Crawfurd younger of Ardmillan
Act: Protection for Hamilton of Kilkerscleugh
Warrant: Warrand to shutt up the Exchange Coffiehouse
Order: Recomendation anent distressed french protestants
17 November 1692
Act: Act Charles Scott of Bavilaw
Letter: royal: Letter from the King to the Councill
Act: Act anent recruits out of the standing forces
Letter: royal: Letter from the King's Majestie for Levyeing recruitts
Act: Act for Levyeing Recruitts
Procedure: comittee: Comittee and Liberation William Robertson and Alexander Davidson
Act: Act Mr Archibald Borthwick for stipend
22 November 1692
Warrant: Warrand to the Sollicitor for processing ministers not praying for there majesties
Procedure: committee: Comittee to meet with magistrats anent disorders ministers and beggars
Act: Protectione Robert Robertson
Act: Protection Viscount Kenmure
Decreet: Decreet absolvitor Inhabitants of St Andrews against the Sollicitor
24 November 1692
Procedure: committee: Comittee The Sollicitor against some persons in Dalkeith
Act: Act additionall Comissioners for hearth money
Act: Liberation Leivetennent James Gordon
Decreet: Decreet and Denunceation The Sollicitor against officers in Sir Thomas Livingstouns regiment
Act: Act Heretors of Datoun for stipend
Act: Act Vauss of Barnbarrow for Stipend
Act: Act anent reports (upon Comissioners for tryeing Criminalls) to be sent to the Lords of Justiciarie or there Clerk
Procedure: committee: Comittee to meet with Collonell Cuninghame anent recruits
Warrant: Warrand for Comitting three priests Closs prisoners or allowing them to goe abroad
25 November 1692
Order: Order to Collonell Cunningham anent drawing recruits out of the forces
29 November 1692
Act: Liberation Bunton of Salmes
Act: Liberatione Sir John Ramsay
Act: Liberation Mr Thomas Dobie
Letter: royal: Letter from the King that he hes received the Councills tuo Letters and anent militia oath of alleadgeance and assureance persons gone to France, Highland Justiciarie, Naval Pain and others prisoners, ministers not praying, a Comissarie generall, stores and magazines, Captain of Clanronald muster of publict establishment or different way and Lord Bellinden
Act: Act for transporting Naval Pain from Blackness to Stirling castle
Act: Liberation Sir William Paterson Borthwick of Fallahill and Watson of Saughtoun
Act: Liberation Nisbet of Dean younger
Act: Liberation Dalmahoy's of that ilk and Ravilrig
Act: Liberation Scott of Bavilaw
Order: Recomendation to the Sollicitor anent the Captain of Clanronald
Order: Recomendation to the Sollicitor to secure witnesses against Earl of Seaforth and others
Letter: from the council: Letter from the Lord Chancellor to the Laird of Balnagoun
Procedure: committee: Comittee for examining the Jaylor of Dalkeith
8 December 1692
Act: : Liberatione Viscount Frendraught
Act: : Protection Viscount of Kenmure
Act: : Protection Cuningham of Robertland
Procedure: report: : Report of the Comittee anent the Jaylor of Dalkeith
Procedure: committee: : Lord Cardross added to the Comittee anent deputs whose principalls are not qualified by Law
Decreet: : Decreet and Act Dean of Gild McLurg and others against Provoest Hall and others
9 December 1692
Procedure: commission: : Comission Cockburn of Ormistoun to be Lord Justice Clerk
10 December 1692
Letter: to the council: : Letter from the Master of Stair to the Lord Chancellor anent the election of the magistrats of Edinburgh
Procedure: committee: : Comittee to Enquyre at what tyme the fleeing pacquet came.
Letter: royal: : Letter to the King anent the election of the magistrates of Edinburgh
Order: : Recomendation to the Chancellour to writ to the Secretary anent the said electione of the magistrates of Edinburgh
13 December 1692
Procedure: petition: : Petitione anent a ryot and murder Comitted at Burghtoun be Ensigne Campbell
Procedure: committee: : Comittee anent persones who shall be pressed as souldiers
Procedure: remit: : Remitt to the magistrats of Edinburgh anent William Davidson
Act: : Act Heretors of Trailflat and Tindwell for stipend
Act: : Act Heretors of Enstruther wester for stipend
Act: : Act Mr James Wilson for stipend
Act: : Act Lady Ardmillane for ane aliment
Act: : Liberation Lattimer and Johnstoun
Procedure: remit: : Remitt Ensigne Mcnaughton
15 December 1692
Warrant: : Warrand to Sir James Leslie to secure Daniell Sutherland
Act: : Act Mr Richard Howison and Mr Lyndsay for stipend
Procedure: committee: : Sir John Maxwell added to the Comittee anent deserters and recruitts
Warrant: : Warrand to open the Exchange Coffie house
Act: : Liberation James Smith Jaylor of Dalkeith tolbooth
16 December 1692
Proclamation: : Proclamation for apprehending Ensigne and Serjeant Campbell and regulating Levies off recruitts
Order: : Recomendation to the Sollicitor to send coppies of the within proclamation to all shirreffs stewarts etc
20 December 1692
Procedure: : Sir James Stewart receaved Kings advocat and a privie Councillour
Commission: : Comission Sir James Stewart to be there Majesties Advocat
Procedure: committee: : Lord Raith added to the Comittee anent Judges not qualifyed
Order: : Recomendation to the theasurie anent a ship againest the Bass
Order: : Remitt to the Magistrats of Edinburgh anent William Davidson
Act: : Protectione Cunninghame of Robertland
22 December 1692
Decreet: : Sentence There Majesties Sollicitor against Hay Lesly and Midletoun and Lundie ministers
Decreet: : Sentence The Sollicitor against Hay Leslie and Midletoun ministers
Decreet: : Interloquitor anent Judges not qualifyed by Law
Act: : Act anent recruitts out of Garisones
Commission by the council: : Commission Thomas Bruce to be muster maister generall
27 December 1692
Decreet: : Sentence against Mr Alexander Lundie
Act: : Prorogatione of Robertlands protection
Procedure: remit: : John Weir remitted to the Earl of Leven
Procedure: remit: : John Mcnaughton remitted to the Comittee anent Deserters
Procedure: : Offices declared vacant And Lord Advocat appoynted to wreitt to the Secretarie
Warrant: : Warrand to give up Captain Hugh Campbells bond
29 December 1692
Decreet: : Decreet of Certification There majesties Sollicitor against Mr Jasper Kellie
Procedure: petition: : Duke of Lennox Craves Comission to take the alleadgeance and assureance
Warrant: : Warrand for delyvering three persons to some officers to be by them carryed as souldiers to Flanders
30 December 1692
Procedure: [Untitled note]: :
31 December 1692
Order: : Order to Bailzies and Magistrates where recruitts are to receave them in to there tolbooths
Order: : Order to Sir James Leslie for sending pairtyes to guaird the recruitts
5 January 1692
Decreet: Decreet Mackenzie Against The viscount of Oxinfoord
Act: Act Hellen Mick qra McCorkadale
Act: Act and Remitt Abraham Torrin
Order: Recomendatione Bathea Hamilton
7 January 1692
Warrant: Warrand anent Hanna Salmon drumer prisoner in the toune guard for Robbery
Act: Act The Master of Burleigh and others
12 January 1692
Petition: [Petition John and David Beathuns delayed]
Act: Act The heritors and wodsetters of the shyre of Banff
Warrant: Warrand for Delyvering up the Lord Frazers bonds
Procedure: Remitt anent Ludquharnes taking the oath of alledgence
Procedure: remission: [Libel Countess of Weymss against David Mather remitted]
14 January 1692
Petition: [Petition David Mather remitted to committee]
Procedure: remission: [Libel Smith and Grieve remitted to a committee]
Order: Recomendatione in favors of Two Danish Troopers
Order: Recomendatione Elizabeth Douglas
Act: Act Mr William Gullon
19 January 1692
Act: Act Balcaskie and Mckenzie
Act: Act Mr Robert Stewart
21 January 1692
Act: Act and Remitt Lodovick Grant of Freuchie against Sir Robert Gordon
28 January 1692
Act: Act Sir Alexander Burnet and his brother
Act: Act Archibald Buchanan
Act: Act and Remitt John Williamsone
Decreet: Interloquitor Gordonstoune and others Against The Laird of Grant and others
2 February 1692
Order: Order for receiveing the Lord Corstorphin Cautioner for Valentine Sprouse
Order: Order for delivering up Livt Coll Oliphants bond
Procedure: remission: Remitt anent Mr Daniall Robertson
Procedure: Comittie Hope Against Monteithes
Act: Act James Winrame Against John Bayne
4 February 1692
Act: Act Grant Against Gordonstoune
Act: Act Adam Drumond of Mcginsh
Petition: [Petition inhabitants of Newburgh]
Act: Act Balnagown
Act: Act Isobell Angus
9 February 1692
Decreet: Decreet Mr Thomas Wilson Against Mr John Lyon
11 February 1692
Act: Act Margrat Nairne Lady Kinfains
Act: Act Jean Brown Against The heritors of the parish of Inschmachan
Warrant: Warrand for delivering up the depositiones and grounds of proces Mr David Greme Against Murray
16 February 1692
Order: Order anent John Coach as a diserting souldier
Petition: [Petition William McCaw]
Decreet: Decreet absolvitor James Man Against Halgreen
23 February 1692
Act: Act The Countesses of Rothes and Weymes
Petition: [Petition Laird of Grant]
25 February 1692
Order: Reference in the proces of Gordonstone Against Grant
Act: Act The Lady Semple and her husband
Petition: [Petition Alexander Tyllen]
Warrant: Warrand for giveing up Sir John Fowlis bond of Cautionrie for Sir Walter Seatton
1 March 1692
Warrant: [Petition and Warrant Lord Jedburgh]
Act: Act in favors of the Inhabitants within the Shyre of Aberdeen
Act: Act In Favors of the Tenants of Culforgie
Petition: [Petition Mr James Weymes]
Act: Act and Committie Barbarra Fowller
Petition: [Petition James Melvill of Cassingray]
3 March 1692
Commission by the Council: Commission To Robert Smart to be baillie depute of Musleburgh
Act: Act The Countesses of Rothes and Weymes and other heritors of the parishin of Auchterderren
Decreet: [Bill of Suspension against Mr Robert Skeen]
Order: Sist executione on bills of Suspensiones
22 March 1692
Act: Act Jariswood Against Brand
Order: Order anent Mr Simion Couper minister and Drumferling
Order: Order The Magistrats of Burntisland anent Mr George Johnstone
23 March 1692
Act: Act and Remitt Brown of Dolphingstoune
Procedure: remission: [Petition Doctor Alexander Skeen]
Act: Act Samuell Kirkpatrick
Act: Act Jannet Moffat
Warrant: Warrand for farder Dilligence Lord Jedburgh Against Witnesses
Act: Act Major Wishart
Petition: [Petition Mr Patrick Gordon]
24 March 1692
Act: Act appoynting Midlamylne to be factor to Stenadge estate
Decreet: Certification Javiswood against Brand
Decreet: Decreit Rasper Against Viscount of Kenmuir
Act: Act Mr Patrick Gordon
29 March 1692
Procedure: committee formed: Comittie in the Lybell Lord Jedburgh Against Livt Lauder
Decreet: Interloquitor Jeriswood Against Brand
Procedure: report: Report of the Comittie The Lord Yester and others Against The Presbytery of Dumferling
Procedure: report: Report of the Comittie The magistrats heritors and elders of Bruntisland Against The Presbytrie of Kirkaldie anent Mr Johnstone
Order: Sist executione The [Earl of] Linlithgow Against Mrs Hay for the stipend of Inschmachan
21 April 1692
Procedure: remission: Remitt to the thesaurie anent the burgh of Aberdeen Montross etc
Act: Act Biggar of Wolmett for getting up a bond
Procedure: Remit In favors of James Scot Souldier
Order: Sist execution Smart against Simervell and Mrs Hay
Decreet: Interloquitor Mr James Aird
Procedure: committee formed: Committie anent Mr Androw Bruce minister at Pitenweyme
Procedure: committee formed: Committie anent Mr William Lindsay
Procedure: committee formed: Comittie anent horss taken frae
30 April 1692
Warrant: Warrand for giveing out Lord Neill Campbells furnitur furth of Dambarton Castle
6 May 1692
Order: Sist execution Couper Against Ireland
Act: Act The Presbytries of Stirling and Dunblaine Against Lindsay
11 May 1692
Act: Act Thomas Stewart
12 May 1692
Procedure: committee formed: Comittie anent Mr Bruce minister at Pittenweyme
17 May 1692
Procedure: [Sir Robert Sinclair of Stevenson to attend rendezvous of heritors in Haddington]
Procedure: [Lord Hatton to attend rendezvous of heritors in Edinburgh]
Procedure: [Laird of Blackbarrony added to committee on seized horses]
Petition: [Petition from Stirling concerning fencible men]
Warrant: Warrand for giveing back the sheriff Court books of Stirling
Decreet: Interloquitor anent seazed horses
20 May 1692
Act: Act James Dykes Cordinar
Procedure: [Lord Polwarth granted leave of absence]
Procedure: remission: [Letters from Commissioners of Supply remitted to committee]
2 June 1692
Procedure: remission: Remitt anent the horss Coupers in Glasgow
9 June 1692
Order: Recomendation To the Solicitor to take tryall of the suficiencie of Sprinkells Cautioner
10 June 1692
Act: Act Mr Mongo Carnegie
14 June 1692
Act: Act and Commission: Sir James Ramsay Against The Earl of Seaforth
15 June 1692
Act: Act Patrick Mowbray
16 June 1692
Decreet: Decreet Suspension Wilson of Brakie Against Mr John Wilsone
Decreet: Interloquitor Mr James Kirkwood Against The Magistrats of Linlithgow
Procedure: committee formed: Comittie The Solicitor and modorator of the Presbytries of Stirling and Dumblane Against Mr William Lindsay minister
Procedure: remission: Remitt to the thesaurie John Adair
21 June 1692
Decreet: Interloquitor Mr James Kirkwood Against The Magistrats of Linlithgow
Warrant: Warrand for delivering up Robert Clerks compt books
Decreet: Interloquitor Ker of Moristoune Against Home of Coldinghame
Procedure: committee formed: Comittie Pitcairne Against Skeen
22 June 1692
Act: Act and Remitt Mr Thomas Forrester Against The Parishioners of Kellearnie
Procedure: committee formed: Committie anent Mr James Hunter
23 June 1692
Decreet: Interloquitor The Laird of Dunn Against George Ogilvie
Decreet: Decreet absolvitor Mr William Black Against Shaw
28 June 1692
Petition: [Petition Margaret Rasper]
Warrant: Warrand Mr Keneth Mckenzie to cite Balnagowen and others
Warrant: Warrand for taking Kirkwoods oaths in Suplement
Act: Act Johnstoun and Wauch Against Kirkwood Linlithgow
30 June 1692
Procedure: committee formed: Comittie Oswald Against Captain Burnet
5 July 1692
Act: Act Anent the books of Caithnes shyre
Procedure: remission: Remitt The heritors of the Cruives of Donn Against The heritors of the Neither Cruives et a contra
7 July 1692
Act: Act The Tacksmen Against Dundas
Warrant: Warrand for letters of horning at the instance of the poor merchants of Glasgow
Procedure: committee formed: Committie Doctor Weymes anent the affairs of the Collodge of St Androwes
Procedure: committee formed: Comittie anent Dame Christian Dundas
12 July 1692
Procedure: committee formed: Committie Mr John Dundas Against Kelsoe and others
14 July 1692
Procedure: committee formed: Committie Home qra Dunlop
Act: Act and Remit The Lady Kinfaunes and her Sone and the Laird of Kinfauns and his tutor
Act: Act Mr James Gray of Balnagoun and Commissioners of supply of Aberdeenshyre
Act: Act Margrat Rasper Against The Viscount of Kenmure
19 July 1692
Procedure: committee formed: Comittie Muir against Lord Bargeny
Act: Act for farder dilligence Home of Coldinghamlaw
20 July 1692
Procedure: [Lord Cardross added to committee concerning Dr Weymes]
21 July 1692
Act: Act Drumond of Meginsh for the keyes of the Mans of Erroll
Act: Act In favors of James Smart and John Paterson for aprysing some horses
26 July 1692
Procedure: committee formed: Comittie Eccles qra Mcquarters and others
Order: [Ramsay and Purves, witnesses in libel against James Dunlop]
Order: Recomendatione to the thesaurie The Commissioners of Supply of Berwick shyre
28 July 1692
Decreet: Decreet The Presbytrie of Glasgow Against Howstoune
29 July 1692
Order: Order to the Presbytrie of Kirkaldie
2 August 1692
Order: Order for delivering to the Solicitor some orders of Councill anent Captain Wallace
Act: Act Mcwhirters witnesses
Decreet: Decreet and Act Gordone Against Leith and Gordone
Warrant: Warrand for bringing in Ninian Mercer prisoner
2 August 1692 (pm)
Decreet: Decreet absolvitor Cairnes of Torr Against Murray
Decreet: Decreit absolvitor hinc inde Betwixt The Lairds of Moristoune and Coldinghamlaw
Order: Recomendatione to the thesaurie anent William Irvins house dues
Procedure: committee formed: Committie For Reviseing the amounts resting be the forces to the Countrey
Procedure: remission: Remitt anent the Bibliothecary of Dunblaine
Act: Act For the Committies modifieing the expenses of the witnesses
3 August 1692
Act: Act Androw Mortoune
4 August 1692
Act: Act Earl of Kilmarnocks brother and Sisters
Procedure: committee formed: Committie anent James Turner
Procedure: committee formed: Comittie Anent Urquhart and Monro ministers
4 August 1692 (pm)
Decreet: Decreet Suspending the letters The Lord Bargany Against Hew Muir
9 August 1692
Act: Act Mr James Hunter
Act: Act Howames elder and younger
9 August 1692 (pm)
Procedure: committee formed: Committie Mr Archibald Inglis
Act: Act James Pitcarne and Janet Corss
Act: Act Dame Christian Dundas relict of Sir Walter Seatton
Decreet: Decreet Dundas Against Kelso and others
10 August 1692
Act: Act Lord Bargeny Against Muir
Procedure: remission: Remitt Tillibodie qra The Laird of Dunns
Procedure: committee formed: Comittie Mr William Nimo
11 August 1692 (pm)
Act: Act The Commissioners of Supply of the Shyre of Innverness
Decreet: Decreet The Earl of Kintoir Master of Forbes and others Against The heritors of the Cruves and Fishings of Neitherdon
Order: Sist executione Laird of Dunn qra Ogilvie and his Cautioner
12 August 1692
Decreet: Interloquitor anent Hownames
Order: Rasper against Kenmuir
Warrant: Warrand for Coll Cuninghame
Warrant: Committie anent Doctor Weymes
13 September 1692
Procedure: remission: Remitt Davidson Against Cockburne
14 September 1692
Order: Recomendatione Margrat Rasper
Letter: royal: Letters of Denunciation Gilchrist Against Gilchrist
Order: Recommendation To the Sollicitor anent the Magistrats of St Androwes
Judicial Proceeding: Dalrymple qra The magistrats of Kirkintilloch
15 September 1692
Decreet: Interloquitor Mr James Kirkwood qra The magistrats of Linlithgow
Procedure: remission: Remit Calquhoune Against The Wrights in Linlithgow
Act: Act Dumbeath and his brothers
Act: Act The Collector of the Bishops rents
16 September 1692
Act: Act The Principall and Regents of St Leonards Collodge in St Androwes
Warrant: Warrand for Giving up James Campbells bond anent the Stipend of Callander
11 October 1692
Procedure: remission: Remitt To the Solicitor anent The toune of St Androwes
Petition: [Petition heritors of Cranstoune]
Act: Act Sir James Ramsay Against The Earl of Seaforth
Decreet: Decreet and Remitt Roxburgh and his Curators Against The Wrights in the Cannogate
12 October 1692
Procedure: [St Andrews electing magistrates]
Procedure: committee formed: Committie for examineing persones anent the rabling of the minister of Anan
13 October 1692
Decreet: Interloquitor anent the Toune of St Androwes
Warrant: Warrand for burieing The Lady Ardross in the Abbay Church
8 November 1692
Warrant: Warrand for Subsistance money to Serjant Bland
Procedure: [Serjant Bland]
Act: Act John Aitchison to be baillie of Thirlstain etc
15 November 1692
Act: Act Anent dayes for Publict and Privat bussines
Judicial Proceeding: Hamilton Against Foster and others
Act: Act Walkinshawes
Petition: [Petition Lord Rankeillor]
17 November 1692
Act: Act Doctor Weymes
Procedure: [Concerning Alexander Tait, skipper]
Order: Order Anent the toune of St Androwes
22 November 1692
Act: Act Robison and Davidson
Decreet: Decreet absolvitor Hownames Against Irving and Wauch
24 November 1692
Judicial Proceeding: Remitt Robertsone Against Scot etc
29 November 1692
Order: Recomendatione To the Solicitor anent John Garbat and others
8 December 1692
Procedure: [Laird of Stivenson added to committee concerning Doctor Weymes]
Judicial Proceeding: Remitt Hay against Cuninghame and others
13 December 1692
Procedure: remission: Comittie anent Mr Howisone
Petition: [Petition Innes of Leuchars]
Procedure: [Note concerning Linlithgow town council]
Petition: [Petition Exchange Coffee House]
15 December 1692
Decreet: Interloquitor Borthwick anent The Gleib of Falla
Order: Recomendatione For Examineing Moss
16 December 1692
Warrant: Warrand to the keepers of prisones to take Securitie anent Souldiers
Procedure: committee formed: Comittie anent a Chimney in the Councill Roome
20 December 1692
Warrant: Warrand for Stivenson to Conveen the heritors and Commissioners in Hadingtonshyre
Procedure: committee formed: Comittie Dalgardno and Jamisone
22 December 1692
Warrant: Warrand for new letters Cockburne Against Cuninghame
Procedure: report: [Report Dalgardno and Jamison]
Procedure: [Additions to committee concerning Margaret Rasper]
27 December 1692
Petition: [Petition Countess of Lauderdale]
Decreet: Decreet Suspension The Marishall Collodge Against The heritors of Foveraigne
Act: Act and Remitt The Inhabitants of the Cannogate
Order: Order anent Dalgardno and Jamison
Warrant: [Captain Robert Young]
Petition: [Petition Charles Emeltoune]
Act: Act The Lady Dumbeath
29 December 1692
Act: Act Viscount of Kingstoune
Act: Act William McFaydzean
Act: Act and Remitt Anna Hamiltone
Petition: [Petition Charles Emeltoune]
Act: Act and Remitt John Stivensone