Procedure, 8 February 1704, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the 8th of February 17041



[Note of business]

The Councill mett and did no privat bussines

Edinburgh the 8th of February 17041



[Note of business]

The Councill mett and did no privat bussines

1. NRS, PC2/28, 279v. No sederunt recorded.

2. NRS, PC2/28, 279v.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 279v. No sederunt recorded.

2. NRS, PC2/28, 279v.

Order, 8 February 1704, Edinburgh

Edinburgh The Eight of February One Thousand seven Hundereth and four years



Recommendation To the Lord Advocate To draw Letters to the Secretaries and to the Duik of Ormond anent Hunters shipe

The Lord Advocat Haveing represented to the Councill That one Master Huntars shipe being in Ireland was arreisted there upon the Councills Declairing Hyndmans shipe that was seized By Master Patrick Ogilvie after due tryall taken therein By their Lordships To be a laufull seizure Therfore The saids Lords off Her Majesties privie Councill Doe heirby Recommend to Sir James Steuart Her Majesties Advocat To prepair and bring into the Councill nixt Councill day Two Letters to be sent From their Lordships giveing ane account therof one off the saids Letters to be Direct to Her Majesties Secretaries off state for this Kingdome To be laid befoir Her Majestie And the other to be Direct To the Ducke of Ormond Lord Livetenent off Ireland.

Edinburgh The Eight of February One Thousand seven Hundereth and four years



Recommendation To the Lord Advocate To draw Letters to the Secretaries and to the Duik of Ormond anent Hunters shipe

The Lord Advocat Haveing represented to the Councill That one Master Huntars shipe being in Ireland was arreisted there upon the Councills Declairing Hyndmans shipe that was seized By Master Patrick Ogilvie after due tryall taken therein By their Lordships To be a laufull seizure Therfore The saids Lords off Her Majesties privie Councill Doe heirby Recommend to Sir James Steuart Her Majesties Advocat To prepair and bring into the Councill nixt Councill day Two Letters to be sent From their Lordships giveing ane account therof one off the saids Letters to be Direct to Her Majesties Secretaries off state for this Kingdome To be laid befoir Her Majestie And the other to be Direct To the Ducke of Ormond Lord Livetenent off Ireland.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 146.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 146.

Warrant, 8 February 1704, Edinburgh

Edinburgh The Eight of February One Thousand seven Hundereth and four years



Warrand to Collonell McArtney for beating of Drums for Levying ane Regiment off Foot To be Commanded By him

The Lords of Her Majesties privy Councill Doe heirby grant Licence and warrant To Collonell George McKartney or others haveing warrant from him, To beat Drums within the severall Burghs off this Kingdome, Where they shall have occasione To resort for Levying ane Regiment off Foot To be Commanded By the said Collonell George To serve Her Majestie in Flanders upon English Establishment And allowes the said Collonell or these haveing his warrand To have the use off the prisons in any Burgh within this Kingdome for detaining and keeping the persones soe to be Levyed and taking one untill they shall be transported for Holland And ordaines all Magistrats and others to give ther Concurrance to the said Collonell or these having his warrand To secure the persones soe to be Levyed and willingly taken on upon ther owen propper Chariges and Expensses And prohibits and Dischairges all Disorders or abusses to be Committed in Levying and secureing as above But alwayes to keep themselves within the Bounds the Law prescribs.

Edinburgh The Eight of February One Thousand seven Hundereth and four years



Warrand to Collonell McArtney for beating of Drums for Levying ane Regiment off Foot To be Commanded By him

The Lords of Her Majesties privy Councill Doe heirby grant Licence and warrant To Collonell George McKartney or others haveing warrant from him, To beat Drums within the severall Burghs off this Kingdome, Where they shall have occasione To resort for Levying ane Regiment off Foot To be Commanded By the said Collonell George To serve Her Majestie in Flanders upon English Establishment And allowes the said Collonell or these haveing his warrand To have the use off the prisons in any Burgh within this Kingdome for detaining and keeping the persones soe to be Levyed and taking one untill they shall be transported for Holland And ordaines all Magistrats and others to give ther Concurrance to the said Collonell or these having his warrand To secure the persones soe to be Levyed and willingly taken on upon ther owen propper Chariges and Expensses And prohibits and Dischairges all Disorders or abusses to be Committed in Levying and secureing as above But alwayes to keep themselves within the Bounds the Law prescribs.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 145-6.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 145-6.

Letter: royal, 8 February 1704, Edinburgh

Edinburgh The Eight of February One Thousand seven Hundereth and four years


Letter: royal

Letter from the Queen To The Councill Anent ane Regiment off Foot To be levyed and Commanded by Collonell McArtney

Letter from the Queens Majestie To the Councill Anent a Regiment of foott To be levyed By Collonell George McArtney Being read the samen was ordered to be Recorded and a warrand Appoynted to be Extended in the Commone forme Wherof the tennor followes
Sic Supra Subscribitur2 Anne Regina
Right Trusty and right well beloved Cousin and Councellor Right Trusty and Enteirly beloved Cousins and Councellors Right Trusty and right well beloved Cousins and Counsellors Right Trusty and weell beloved Cousins and Counsellors Right Trusty and weell beloved Councellors and Trusty and weell beloved Counsellors Wee greet yow well Whereas We doe think it necessary for our service That more Forces Be Raised and Transported To Ho-land to act in Conjunction with our Allies Therefore We have given Commission To Collonell George McArtney To Raise a Regiment off Foot in that our Antient Kingdome Which is to be Commanded by him and payed on the English Establishment And that the same may be Levyed more speedily It is our Will and pleasure and Wee Doe heirby Requyre yow To give all due Incurragement and Assistance To the said Collonell for Raising of the said Regiment, as is usuall and Consistant with the Laws of That our Kingdome For Doeing off which this shall be your warrand And soe wee bid yow heartilie farewell Given att our Court Att At James the 29th day of January 1703/4 And of our Rigne the 2d year By Her Majesties Command Sic Subscribitur Queensberry.

Edinburgh The Eight of February One Thousand seven Hundereth and four years


Letter: royal

Letter from the Queen To The Councill Anent ane Regiment off Foot To be levyed and Commanded by Collonell McArtney

Letter from the Queens Majestie To the Councill Anent a Regiment of foott To be levyed By Collonell George McArtney Being read the samen was ordered to be Recorded and a warrand Appoynted to be Extended in the Commone forme Wherof the tennor followes
Sic Supra Subscribitur2 Anne Regina
Right Trusty and right well beloved Cousin and Councellor Right Trusty and Enteirly beloved Cousins and Councellors Right Trusty and right well beloved Cousins and Counsellors Right Trusty and weell beloved Cousins and Counsellors Right Trusty and weell beloved Councellors and Trusty and weell beloved Counsellors Wee greet yow well Whereas We doe think it necessary for our service That more Forces Be Raised and Transported To Ho-land to act in Conjunction with our Allies Therefore We have given Commission To Collonell George McArtney To Raise a Regiment off Foot in that our Antient Kingdome Which is to be Commanded by him and payed on the English Establishment And that the same may be Levyed more speedily It is our Will and pleasure and Wee Doe heirby Requyre yow To give all due Incurragement and Assistance To the said Collonell for Raising of the said Regiment, as is usuall and Consistant with the Laws of That our Kingdome For Doeing off which this shall be your warrand And soe wee bid yow heartilie farewell Given att our Court Att At James the 29th day of January 1703/4 And of our Rigne the 2d year By Her Majesties Command Sic Subscribitur Queensberry.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 145.

2. Sic.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 145.

2. Sic.

Procedure, 8 February 1704, Edinburgh

Edinburgh The Eight of February One Thousand seven Hundereth and four years



[Eglingtoun elected Preses]

In absence of the Lord High Chancellour and Lord president of privie Councill The Earle of Eglingtoun Elected preces.

Edinburgh The Eight of February One Thousand seven Hundereth and four years



[Eglingtoun elected Preses]

In absence of the Lord High Chancellour and Lord president of privie Councill The Earle of Eglingtoun Elected preces.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 144-5.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 144-5.

Sederunt, 8 February 1704, Edinburgh

Edinburgh The Eight of February One Thousand seven Hundereth and four years1



Earl of Buchan; Earl of Eglingtoun; Earl of Lauderdale; Earl of Loudoun; Earl of Northesk; Earl of Forfar; Earl of Dunmore; Earl of March; Earl of Hyndfoord; Earl of Roseberry; Earl of Glasgow T:D:; Earl of Hoptoun; Viscount Garnock; Lord Haddo; Lord Polewarth; Lord President of Session; Lord Advocat; Lord Justice Clerk; Lord Halcraig; Lord Anstruther; Lord Rankillor; Lord Phesdo; Lord Tillecultrie; Livt: Generall Ramsay; Mr Fra: Montgomry; Laird of Stevensone; Laird of Caverse; Laird of Carnwath; Lord Provost of Edinburgh

Edinburgh The Eight of February One Thousand seven Hundereth and four years1



Earl of Buchan; Earl of Eglingtoun; Earl of Lauderdale; Earl of Loudoun; Earl of Northesk; Earl of Forfar; Earl of Dunmore; Earl of March; Earl of Hyndfoord; Earl of Roseberry; Earl of Glasgow T:D:; Earl of Hoptoun; Viscount Garnock; Lord Haddo; Lord Polewarth; Lord President of Session; Lord Advocat; Lord Justice Clerk; Lord Halcraig; Lord Anstruther; Lord Rankillor; Lord Phesdo; Lord Tillecultrie; Livt: Generall Ramsay; Mr Fra: Montgomry; Laird of Stevensone; Laird of Caverse; Laird of Carnwath; Lord Provost of Edinburgh

1. NRS, PC1/53, 144.

2. NRS, PC1/53, 144.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 144.

2. NRS, PC1/53, 144.