Edinburgh The Eight of February One Thousand seven Hundereth and four years1
Earl of Buchan; Earl of Eglingtoun; Earl of Lauderdale; Earl of Loudoun; Earl of Northesk; Earl of Forfar; Earl of Dunmore; Earl of March; Earl of Hyndfoord; Earl of Roseberry; Earl of Glasgow T:D:; Earl of Hoptoun; Viscount Garnock; Lord Haddo; Lord Polewarth; Lord President of Session; Lord Advocat; Lord Justice Clerk; Lord Halcraig; Lord Anstruther; Lord Rankillor; Lord Phesdo; Lord Tillecultrie; Livt: Generall Ramsay; Mr Fra: Montgomry; Laird of Stevensone; Laird of Caverse; Laird of Carnwath; Lord Provost of Edinburgh
1. NRS, PC1/53, 144.
2. NRS, PC1/53, 144.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 144.
2. NRS, PC1/53, 144.