Letter: royal, 22 March 1704, Edinburgh

Procedure, 19 December 1704, Edinburgh

Edinburgh The Tuenty second of March One Thousand seven Hundereth and four years


Letter: royal

Letter from The Councill To The Queen

Letter from the Councill to the Queens Majestie In answer to Her Majesties former Letter anent Recruits being read The samen was approven signed and ordered to be Recorded And Recommended to My Lord Advocat To transmitt the same to her Majestie accordingly Wherof the Tennor followes
May it please your Majestie
Your orders transmitted to us for giving the officers come from Holland all due Encurradgement and assistance for makeing their Recruits shall be cairfully observed But on this occasione Wee humbly conceave that it would be much for the advantage of your Majesties subjects and Lykewayes for the Interest of your allies and makeing the Recruits which are now or may be hereafter requyred effectuall that your Majestie would be pleased To Recommend it to your Ambassadour or Resident at the Hague To treat and settle with the states such a Capitulation for the six Scotts Regiments that yow have in their service as they are inuse to make with their other Allies whose forces and Subjects they imploy And particularly that no forraigne officers may be Imposed upon them in the caice of vaccances that may happen and that they may be Continued to be standing Regiments boeth in pace and warr they performing on their pairt whatever shall be aggreed by the said Capitulation And what may be further requisite to this matter wee have Recommended to your Majesties Secretaries to lay befoir yow that your Majestie may give the orders necessary in this affair Wee are May it please your Majestie your Majesties most faithfull, Most Loyall and most obedient subjects and servants Edinburgh the 22d March 1704 sic subscribitur Lothian Loudoun Glasgow Garnock Primrose Hew Dalrymple James Steuart Robert McKinzie John Hamilton Robert Steuart F Montgomery Robertt Sinclair James Foulls W Morison.

Edinburgh The Tuenty second of March One Thousand seven Hundereth and four years


Letter: royal

Letter from The Councill To The Queen

Letter from the Councill to the Queens Majestie In answer to Her Majesties former Letter anent Recruits being read The samen was approven signed and ordered to be Recorded And Recommended to My Lord Advocat To transmitt the same to her Majestie accordingly Wherof the Tennor followes
May it please your Majestie
Your orders transmitted to us for giving the officers come from Holland all due Encurradgement and assistance for makeing their Recruits shall be cairfully observed But on this occasione Wee humbly conceave that it would be much for the advantage of your Majesties subjects and Lykewayes for the Interest of your allies and makeing the Recruits which are now or may be hereafter requyred effectuall that your Majestie would be pleased To Recommend it to your Ambassadour or Resident at the Hague To treat and settle with the states such a Capitulation for the six Scotts Regiments that yow have in their service as they are inuse to make with their other Allies whose forces and Subjects they imploy And particularly that no forraigne officers may be Imposed upon them in the caice of vaccances that may happen and that they may be Continued to be standing Regiments boeth in pace and warr they performing on their pairt whatever shall be aggreed by the said Capitulation And what may be further requisite to this matter wee have Recommended to your Majesties Secretaries to lay befoir yow that your Majestie may give the orders necessary in this affair Wee are May it please your Majestie your Majesties most faithfull, Most Loyall and most obedient subjects and servants Edinburgh the 22d March 1704 sic subscribitur Lothian Loudoun Glasgow Garnock Primrose Hew Dalrymple James Steuart Robert McKinzie John Hamilton Robert Steuart F Montgomery Robertt Sinclair James Foulls W Morison.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 203-4.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 203-4.