Edinburgh the 5th September 1704
Act appoynting Mr David Williamsone and Swintoune to give account of the Collection for Releiving the prisoners and slaves at Algeirs
Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lord High Chancellor and the Lords of her Majesties privy Councill by Jannet Buchanan Relict of David Turper in Dysert, Shewing that Archibald Turpe the petitioners son has been detained a slave by the Turks in Algeirs these five years bygone and labours under most heavy and unsupportable bondage, and their Lordships being The only mean under God able to Deliver a poor Scots man and Christian from the Tyranny of such cruell and bitter Enemies to Christians, and that their Lordships were formerly pleased to appoynt a Contribution for releiveing some other prisoners and my son, Notwithstanding wherof my son still remains in Slavery. And therfore Creaving their Lordships for Gods sake To cast ane eye of pity upon the Condition of my said son who is Detained in such sad slavery, and appoynt a Ransome for his Liberty, or doe otherwayes therin as their Lordships in their wisdome shall think fitt, as the said petition bears. Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of her Majesties privy Councill by Jannet Buchanan Relict of David Turpie in Dysert, and the samen being read in their presence the saids Lords Doe heirby appoint and ordain Mr David Williamsome and […] Swintoune Clark in the Cannogate who received the voluntar Collections for Releiving Archibald Turpie the petitioners son and severall other prisoners who were detained as slaves by the Turks in Algeirs to be advertised to wait upon the Councill first Councill day in october, and give to their Lordships in writing under their hands ane full and particular accompt what is become of the money sua collected, and why it was not applyed for the end forsaid, With certification if they failzied their bonds will be registrat againest them and their Cautioners, and they charged therupon.
1. NRS, PC2/28, 295v-296r.
1. NRS, PC2/28, 295v-296r.