Edinburgh the Fourthteenth day of February One Thousand seven hundereth and four years
Act Liberating John and Donald Frazers
Anent The petition given and presented to the Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill By John and Donald Frazers prisoners in the Tolbuith of Edinburgh Shewing That her Lordships poor petitioners Being most unfortunatly troubled and put to ane Expence above their condition By the bringing of the petitioners from their houses in Inverness and mean Imployments first to Inverlochie and then to Edinburgh upon suspicion of ill practices againest the Government from which Their Lordships after Examination have found them Innocent And Notwithstanding off the orders given to sett the petitioners at Libertie yet Because we have noe money to Extract ane act for our Liberation nor the ordinary fies to the Good man of the Tolbuith and his servants wee are still detained howbeit He the said John Frazer is Extreamly deseased and boeth of the petitioners in extream want of all necessaries for lyfe And seeing without any crime or guilt in the petitioners They are put to the Charige of comeing Two hundered myls in the worst season of the year and most return and hes been keept here a moneth and haveing noething of our owen to defray all this Chairges and it hes been allwayes the Laudable custome off this and all weell Governed Nationes to defray the Chariges that the leidges are put to By publict authority without the least guilt in them And Therefore Craveing their Lordships To consider the petitioners misfortune and mean Circumstances and to ordaine such a soume to be given to the petitioners As their Lordships shall think reasonable for defraying their necessary Expence and for Exrtacting ane act of Liberation and the other dues for setting the petitioners at liberty or other wayes to give such effectwall orders theranent as their Lordships shall think fitt As the said petitione Bears The Lords of Her Majesties privy Councill Haveing Considered the above petition Given into them By John and Donald Frazers prisoners in the Tolbuith of Edinburgh and the samen being read in their presence The saids Lords Recommends the keepers of the Tolbuith of Edinburgh To the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesties Theasaurie for the petitioners house dues and dischairges the keepers of the said Tolbuith to keep in or detain the petitioners.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 153.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 153.