Att Edinburgh the Thrid day of October Jaj vijc and four years
Letter: royal
Letter from the Queen’s Majestie To The Councill for Adjourning the parliament to the 16 of December
Letter from her Majestie to the Councill for Adjourning the parliament to the Sixteenth of December nixt, Read and ordered to be recorded Wherof the tennor followes.
Supra Scribitur Anne Regina
Right Trusty and right well beloved Cousin and Councellor, Right Trusty and entirely beloved Cousins and Councellors, Right trusty and well beloved Cousins and Councellors, Right Trusty and weell beloved Councellors, And Trusty and weell beloved Councellors We Greet yow well. Whereas by the last Act of the last Session of our Current Parliament of that our Ancient Kingdome, The same was Adjourned to the seventh day of October next to come, And whereas the state of our affairs doeth not require this meeting so soon; It is our Will and pleasure, And we doe heirby Authorize and require yow, To ishue furth a Proclamation in our name Continueing the Adjournment of that our Parliament, To the Sixteen day of December next ensueing the date of these presents And requiring all the members thereof to attend that day at Edinburgh in the usuall way and under the accustomed Certifications. For doeing wherof this shall be your warrand, And so we bid yow heartily fairweell. Given at our Court Att Windsor Castle the Tuenty fourth day of September 1704 And of our Rigne the Thrid year. By Her Majesties Command Sic Subscribitur Cromertie
1. NRS, PC1/53, 279-280.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 279-280.