Warrant, 30 October 1704, Edinburgh

Procedure, 19 December 1704, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the 30th October 1704



Warrand for citeing Severall persons at the instance of the Meacers of Councill, for exhibiting wreats belonging to them as Meacers

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lord high Chancellor and the Lords of her Majesties privie Councill by their Maxers. Shewing that wher their petitioners having but latelie come to be their Lordships Macers and that through the Death of their predecessors they are almost rendered incapable of knowing the office soe truly as they ought to doe, and seeing that ther are severall papers in the hands of […] Reid Sheriffe Clerk of Haddingtoune who married the Relict of John Henderson one of the saids macers, and in the hands of […] Hendersone of Kirklandhill and alse in the hands of […] Relict of George Weir Macer, and lykewayes in the hands of John Hogg late meacer which peapers do truly belong to us, as their Lordships meacers, and if they were produced they would certainly give great insight to their petitioners, as to the knowledge of their said office, and therfore Creaving to the effect aftermentioned as the said petition bears. The Lords of her majesties privy Councill having Considered the above petition Given in to them by the Macers of Councill, and the same being read in their presence, The saids Lords Doe heirby Recommend to Sir James Stewart her Majesties advocat with anie other privie Councellor who shall be present and concurr with him to call for the persones abovementioned alleadged havers of wryts relating to the petitioners offices and to examine them upon oath anent what peapers they had or have in their Custody concerning the said office and to appoynt and ordain them to exhibite the saids peapers in the hands of the Clerks of Councill till the affair be reported, Reserving alwayes till the havers of the wryts have Defences againest Delivery of the Samen to the petitioners as accords, and grants warrant to Messengers to Summond them to appear before the Lord advocat at Edinburgh the […] day of […] nixt to come to the effect abovementioned.

Edinburgh the 30th October 1704



Warrand for citeing Severall persons at the instance of the Meacers of Councill, for exhibiting wreats belonging to them as Meacers

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lord high Chancellor and the Lords of her Majesties privie Councill by their Maxers. Shewing that wher their petitioners having but latelie come to be their Lordships Macers and that through the Death of their predecessors they are almost rendered incapable of knowing the office soe truly as they ought to doe, and seeing that ther are severall papers in the hands of […] Reid Sheriffe Clerk of Haddingtoune who married the Relict of John Henderson one of the saids macers, and in the hands of […] Hendersone of Kirklandhill and alse in the hands of […] Relict of George Weir Macer, and lykewayes in the hands of John Hogg late meacer which peapers do truly belong to us, as their Lordships meacers, and if they were produced they would certainly give great insight to their petitioners, as to the knowledge of their said office, and therfore Creaving to the effect aftermentioned as the said petition bears. The Lords of her majesties privy Councill having Considered the above petition Given in to them by the Macers of Councill, and the same being read in their presence, The saids Lords Doe heirby Recommend to Sir James Stewart her Majesties advocat with anie other privie Councellor who shall be present and concurr with him to call for the persones abovementioned alleadged havers of wryts relating to the petitioners offices and to examine them upon oath anent what peapers they had or have in their Custody concerning the said office and to appoynt and ordain them to exhibite the saids peapers in the hands of the Clerks of Councill till the affair be reported, Reserving alwayes till the havers of the wryts have Defences againest Delivery of the Samen to the petitioners as accords, and grants warrant to Messengers to Summond them to appear before the Lord advocat at Edinburgh the […] day of […] nixt to come to the effect abovementioned.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 296v-297r.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 296v-297r.