Att Edinburgh the fourth day of September Jaj vijc and four years
Warrand for Breaking the Great and Quarter Sealls
The Lords of her Majesties privie Councill Doe heirby Appoint and Ordain the Great and Quarter sealls that are newly Engraven by James Clark Ingraver in the Mint to be made use of in tyme comeing And appoints and ordains The old great and Quarter sealls to be defaced and broken In presence of Councill and delyvered in manner following Viz The broken Great seall to Sir Alexander Ogilvie of Forglen Depute keeper thereof, And the broken Qyarter seall to Ronald Campbell Depute keeper of the samen Which accordingly this day was done And Appoints James Clark Engraver of the Mint to engrave the signet of the Justiciary And the Clerk to make use of the old signet till the new be engraven.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 274.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 274.