Warrant, 17 March 1704, Edinburgh

Procedure, 19 December 1704, Edinburgh

Edinburgh The Seventeenth day of [March] Jaj vjc and four years



Warrand for Raising of Letters againest the Highland Clans

The Lords of Her Majesties privy Councill Doe heirby Appoint and ordaine The persones underwrittin Viz The Laird McIntoch younger, Mcpherson of Clunie To be cited by Councill Letters To Compeir befoir the saids Lords upon the Tuenty fyfth day of Apprill nixt to come and the Captaine of Clanronald and McDonald of Benbecula To Compeir also befoir the saids Lords upon the […] day of June nixt to come And all to find sufficient inland Caution to the effect To be Contained in the principall Letters And for that effect Recomends to Sir James Steuart Her Majesties Advocat To cause raise the Lybles at his Instance And ordains the solicitors To Cause Execut the same accordingly And appoints and ordaines The saids Letters To Contain ane protection for Ten dayes befoir the dayes of Compearance and Fyfteen dayes thereafter And ordaines the Laird of Mcintoch Elder to be Expunged out of the List signed by the Committee.

Edinburgh The Seventeenth day of [March] Jaj vjc and four years



Warrand for Raising of Letters againest the Highland Clans

The Lords of Her Majesties privy Councill Doe heirby Appoint and ordaine The persones underwrittin Viz The Laird McIntoch younger, Mcpherson of Clunie To be cited by Councill Letters To Compeir befoir the saids Lords upon the Tuenty fyfth day of Apprill nixt to come and the Captaine of Clanronald and McDonald of Benbecula To Compeir also befoir the saids Lords upon the […] day of June nixt to come And all to find sufficient inland Caution to the effect To be Contained in the principall Letters And for that effect Recomends to Sir James Steuart Her Majesties Advocat To cause raise the Lybles at his Instance And ordains the solicitors To Cause Execut the same accordingly And appoints and ordaines The saids Letters To Contain ane protection for Ten dayes befoir the dayes of Compearance and Fyfteen dayes thereafter And ordaines the Laird of Mcintoch Elder to be Expunged out of the List signed by the Committee.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 197-8.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 197-8.