Edinburgh The Thrid of February One Thousand seven Hundereth and four yeirs
Letter: royal
Letter from The Councill To To2 the Queen
Letter from the Councill to the Queen in answer to Her Majesties Letter To their Lordships Annent Her Majesties transmitting Coppies of the papers and Letters relative to the plot Being read the same was approven voted signed and ordained to be recorded And Recommended to the Advocat To transmit the same to Her Majestie Wherof the tenor followes
May it please your Majestie
The Coppies of the paper and Letters relaiting to the plot transmitted to us by your Majestie out of your Royall Cair and vigilance for our preservation and saifty (3which in all humble duty we most thankfully acknowledge Have been laid and read befoir us And there appear such evidences therin of most wicked Councills and practices both at St Germans the French Court and else where against your Majesties Government and the pace of this and all your Majesties Kingdomes as are fully convincing and satisfeing to us as they must be to all who consider them As also that these ill practices are still under a closs and dangerous prosecution And Therfor as we cannot but approve all the means and methods That have been taken by your Majestie’s allowance for discoveries in this matter Soe we shall continue to use our out most dilligence to prosecute those that have been or shall be made And therby to prevent the mischeifs that soe visibly threaten But with all we must still represent to your Majestie our present weak and defenceless condition specially for want of arms and ammunition And that we humbly judge Ten Thousand stand of arms at least with proportionall Anmunition to be requisite and necessary for the saifty and security of this and your Majesties other Dominions and what further shall occurr wee shall be cairfull to Communicate to your Secretaries from tyme to tyme to be laid befoir your Majestie And thus wishing That God may long preserve and prosper your Majesties lyfe and Reign and defeat all the Evill designes of your Enemies Wee are May it please your Majestie your Majesties most Loyall, most faithfull and most obedient subjects and servants sic subscribitur Marr, Buchan, Eglingtoun, Lauderdale, Loudoun, Finlatter, Northesk, Roseberry, Glasgow, Garnock, Primrose, Hew, Dalrymple James Steuart, Robert McKenzie, Collin Campbell, Archbald Hope, James Falconer, George Ramsay, Francis Montgomry
1. NRS, PC1/53, 141-2.
2. Sic.
3. Closing bracket missing.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 141-2.
2. Sic.
3. Closing bracket missing.