Edinburgh The Tuenty Eight day of March Jaj vijc and four years
Commission by the Council
Commission Infavours off Adam Drummond of Meggins To be Steuart principall of the Steuartrie of Stratherne and etc
Commission Infavours of Adam Drummond of Meginsh To be steuart principall of the steuartrie and Lordshipe of Strathern and Balquhidder and Baillie of the Regality of Drummond Being read The samen was votted approven and signed and ordained to be Recorded And appoints the said Commission to ly in the Clerk of Councill’s hands till the Viscount of Dupline be therewith accquainted And Recommends to Her Majesties Advocat To wryt to the Viscount of Dupline thereanent And that the Clerks of Councill Communicat the answer to the Councill befoir giveing out of the said Commission Whereof the tennor followes
The Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill Considering That the offices of Stewart principall of the stewartrie and Lordshipe of Stratherne and Balqwhidder and Baillie of the Regality off Drummond is vaccant and non exercing the same In respect of James Lord Drummond’s being Steuart principall of the said Steuartrie and Lord of the said Regality and soe ought to appoint ane Steuart and Baillie therin his being unqualified and not haveing sworne and subscryved the oath of alleadgence to Her Majestie nor haveing signed the assurance conforme to the acts of parliament and proclamation’s of Councill made thereanent Therefore To have Made Constituted and Ordained Likeas the saids Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill by these presents Makes Constitutes and Ordaine’s Adam Drummond of Meggins to be steuart principall of the said steuartrie and Lordshipe of Stratherne and Balquhidder and Baillie of the Regality of Drummond Giveing and Granting unto him (Dureing the Councills pleasure only or ay and whyll the said Lord Drummond or his successors be qualefied in the termes of the saids Acts of parliament and proclamations of Councill) The offices of Steuart principall of the said steuartrie and Lordshype of Stratherne and Balquhidder and Baillie of the Regality of Drummond With all and sundrie powers, Jurisdiction’s, priviledges, prehemmencies, Fies duties, Casualities, profites, liberties, and immunites whatsomever therto belonging as the samen were possest and Enjoyed by any preceeding Steuart principall and Baillie within the said steuartrie and Regality By sitting and holding Courts, Judgeing, decyding, and Determining in all actiones Causes as weell Civill as Criminall Bloods and Ryots and upon lyfe and Limb and all other action’s causes as weell Civill as Criminall and affaires pertaining to the saids officers of steuart principall and Baillie of the said Steuartrie and Regality by sitting and holdeing Courts als fully and freely in all respects and conditions as any other steuart or Baillie of the said steuartrie and Regality was in use and had right to doe of befoir And to make creat and substitut Deputs and substituts under him in the affoirsaids offices (for whom he is to be answerable) With officers, serjants, Dempsters and other servants of Court And the samen samen2 als oft as need bees to alter and Change And to intromitt with and uptake all fies, Casuallites, Commodites, deuties, and profites belonging to the saids offices Dureing the space abovementioned With all Bloodwitts, Escheits, and amerciaments of the saids Courts off Steuartrie and Regalitie And Generallie with power to the saids Adam Drummond of Meggins as steuart principall and Baillie off the said steuartrie and Regalitie To doe use and Exerce all and Sundrie other things concerning pertaining and belonging to the saids offices of steuart principall and Baillie of the said Steuartrie and Regality Dureing the space forsaid als fully and freely in all Respects as any other steuart or Baillie thereof hes done used or exerced The said Adam Drummond of Meggins befoir he enter to Exerce the saids offices off steuart principall and Baillie of the said steuartrie and Regalitie first suearing the oath of alleadgence and signing the same with the assurance To Her Majestie Conforme to the acts of parliament and proclamationes off Councill made thereanent Given Att Edinburgh The tuenty Eight day of March Jaj vjc and four years Sic Subscribitur Lothian P Buchan Roseberrie Glasgow Garnock. Primrose. Hew Dalrymple James Steuart J Hamilton F Montgomerie W Cuninghame
1. NRS, PC1/53, 207-9.
2. Sic.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 207-9.
2. Sic.