Act, 30 November 1704, Edinburgh

Procedure, 19 December 1704, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the 30th November 1704



Act In favours of the Burgh of Annan

Anent The petition given in and presented to the Lords of his Majesties privie Councill, by the Magistrats and Toun Councill of the Burgh of Annan, Shewing, That there being a Bridge of Fyve arches built over the river of Annan for the Service of the Leidges and preserveing ane ready passage of Such as had occasion to travell for Merchandise or otherwayes to and from the Shires of Drumfreis Galloway and Air to England was now furnished upon the great expensses travell and pains of the petitioners, and that the maintaining and keeping in repair of the said Bridge, and the high wayes and Cassyes leading to, from, and at the said Bridge, did necessarly requyre ane greater charge and expence yearly to be laid then the petitioners were able to affoord, as also by the Sixteen act of the Second parliament King Charles Second, The repairing and keeping up of bridges, and upholding the Cassyes and wayes leading to and from the Same, are so farr Considered as ane usefull and necessary work, That power was expressly given to their Lordships, To ordain the levieing of modern Customes at Bridges, for the repairing and upholding therof And to appoynt the endurance of the same as their Lordships Should See cause Conforme to which power given to their Lordships small Customs had been allowed and appoynted to be uplifted at severall Bridges within this Kingdome and particularly by their Lordships act of the date the Twentie nynth of July Jaj vic nyntie Seven years, there were allowed and appoynted to be Collected and uplifted at Bothwell bridge the small customes following For repairing and upholding therof, Viz: For each foot man Two pennies each horseman, Sex pennies for everie ox Cow, Stirk, quey, horse, mare, Staig or others of these kinds Four pennies for each Load of victuall, eight pennies, for each pack of merchandise or other goods two Shilling all Scots money, And that for the Space of three nyntein years, Commenseing from the tyme therinmentioned, And the forsaid Bridge over the river of Annan being of alse generall use, And requyring no less charge and expence to repair and uphold the same, And therfore Craving to the effect aftermentioned as the said petition bears, The Lords of his Majesties privie Councill having Considered the petition given in to them be the Magistrats and Toun Councill of the Burgh of Annan, and the Samen being read in their presence, The Saids Lords have allowed and ordained, and heirby allowes and Ordaines The small Customes and Duties of Two pennies for each footman sex pennies for each horseman, Four pennies for each ox, Cow, Stirk, quey, horse, mare, Staig, and others of these kinds, and eight pennies for each load of victuall, And two shilling for each pack of Merchandise or other goods all Scots money, To be levied exacted and uptaken at the Said Bridge over the river of Annan for the Space of Three Nynteen years, Commenseing from the first day of January next to Come, by the petitioners, For upholding maintaining and repairing the said bridge, or Such as the petitioners Shall imploy For collecting and uplifting therof upon there giving bond and finding Sufficient Caution to imploy the same for the forsaid at the sight alwayes of the Marquess of Annandale, his heirs and Successors

Edinburgh the 30th November 1704



Act In favours of the Burgh of Annan

Anent The petition given in and presented to the Lords of his Majesties privie Councill, by the Magistrats and Toun Councill of the Burgh of Annan, Shewing, That there being a Bridge of Fyve arches built over the river of Annan for the Service of the Leidges and preserveing ane ready passage of Such as had occasion to travell for Merchandise or otherwayes to and from the Shires of Drumfreis Galloway and Air to England was now furnished upon the great expensses travell and pains of the petitioners, and that the maintaining and keeping in repair of the said Bridge, and the high wayes and Cassyes leading to, from, and at the said Bridge, did necessarly requyre ane greater charge and expence yearly to be laid then the petitioners were able to affoord, as also by the Sixteen act of the Second parliament King Charles Second, The repairing and keeping up of bridges, and upholding the Cassyes and wayes leading to and from the Same, are so farr Considered as ane usefull and necessary work, That power was expressly given to their Lordships, To ordain the levieing of modern Customes at Bridges, for the repairing and upholding therof And to appoynt the endurance of the same as their Lordships Should See cause Conforme to which power given to their Lordships small Customs had been allowed and appoynted to be uplifted at severall Bridges within this Kingdome and particularly by their Lordships act of the date the Twentie nynth of July Jaj vic nyntie Seven years, there were allowed and appoynted to be Collected and uplifted at Bothwell bridge the small customes following For repairing and upholding therof, Viz: For each foot man Two pennies each horseman, Sex pennies for everie ox Cow, Stirk, quey, horse, mare, Staig or others of these kinds Four pennies for each Load of victuall, eight pennies, for each pack of merchandise or other goods two Shilling all Scots money, And that for the Space of three nyntein years, Commenseing from the tyme therinmentioned, And the forsaid Bridge over the river of Annan being of alse generall use, And requyring no less charge and expence to repair and uphold the same, And therfore Craving to the effect aftermentioned as the said petition bears, The Lords of his Majesties privie Councill having Considered the petition given in to them be the Magistrats and Toun Councill of the Burgh of Annan, and the Samen being read in their presence, The Saids Lords have allowed and ordained, and heirby allowes and Ordaines The small Customes and Duties of Two pennies for each footman sex pennies for each horseman, Four pennies for each ox, Cow, Stirk, quey, horse, mare, Staig, and others of these kinds, and eight pennies for each load of victuall, And two shilling for each pack of Merchandise or other goods all Scots money, To be levied exacted and uptaken at the Said Bridge over the river of Annan for the Space of Three Nynteen years, Commenseing from the first day of January next to Come, by the petitioners, For upholding maintaining and repairing the said bridge, or Such as the petitioners Shall imploy For collecting and uplifting therof upon there giving bond and finding Sufficient Caution to imploy the same for the forsaid at the sight alwayes of the Marquess of Annandale, his heirs and Successors

1. NRS, PC2/28, 320v-321v.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 320v-321v.