Warrant, 28 April 1704, Edinburgh

Procedure, 19 December 1704, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the Tuentie Eight of Apprill One Thousand Seven hundereth and four years



Warrand Anent prest men

The Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill for the better regulating the Complaints made anent prest men and redressing the abuses therof Doe heirby Appoint The Committee underwrittin Viz The Marques of Lothian, The Earles of Buchan, Eglingtoun, Lauderdale, Loudoun, Findlatter, Forfar, Roseberrie, Glasgow, and Hoptoun, The Viscount of Primrose, The Lords president of Session, Register, Advocat, Justice Clerk, Halcraig, Rankeillor, Tillicultrie, Mr Francis Montgomery, Collingtoun, Carnwath, Prestongrange and the Lord Provest of Edinburgh or any tuo of them as a quorum to meet each day in the Committee roome of the Councill Chamber at Eleven in the foirnoon And there to abyde and hear and give their orders and determine Complaints till Tuelf a Clock Impouering any on of the Committee to give orders for arreisting and stopping or for searching or seizeing in order to tryall But that for determining and Adjudgeing in order to transporting or not The same to be done by two of the said Committee at least as the quorum thereof And the saids Lords forbidds all application to be made to any of the members of the said Committee raither for obtaining warrants for arreisting or determining the questions anent prestmen Except at the time and in the place forsaid And Recommends it to all the members of the said Committee That they receave noe Applications from either officer or pairty in the premisses Except in the manner and at the tyme and place above prescrybed And that from the Clerks of Councill allenerly or their servants And ordaines thir presents to be printed and published that non may pretend Ignorance.

Edinburgh the Tuentie Eight of Apprill One Thousand Seven hundereth and four years



Warrand Anent prest men

The Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill for the better regulating the Complaints made anent prest men and redressing the abuses therof Doe heirby Appoint The Committee underwrittin Viz The Marques of Lothian, The Earles of Buchan, Eglingtoun, Lauderdale, Loudoun, Findlatter, Forfar, Roseberrie, Glasgow, and Hoptoun, The Viscount of Primrose, The Lords president of Session, Register, Advocat, Justice Clerk, Halcraig, Rankeillor, Tillicultrie, Mr Francis Montgomery, Collingtoun, Carnwath, Prestongrange and the Lord Provest of Edinburgh or any tuo of them as a quorum to meet each day in the Committee roome of the Councill Chamber at Eleven in the foirnoon And there to abyde and hear and give their orders and determine Complaints till Tuelf a Clock Impouering any on of the Committee to give orders for arreisting and stopping or for searching or seizeing in order to tryall But that for determining and Adjudgeing in order to transporting or not The same to be done by two of the said Committee at least as the quorum thereof And the saids Lords forbidds all application to be made to any of the members of the said Committee raither for obtaining warrants for arreisting or determining the questions anent prestmen Except at the time and in the place forsaid And Recommends it to all the members of the said Committee That they receave noe Applications from either officer or pairty in the premisses Except in the manner and at the tyme and place above prescrybed And that from the Clerks of Councill allenerly or their servants And ordaines thir presents to be printed and published that non may pretend Ignorance.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 233.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 233.