Act, 7 November 1704, Edinburgh

Procedure, 19 December 1704, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the 7th November 1704



Act the Toun of Edinburgh, and Recommendation to the advocat to call for George Drummond and adjust matters, betwixt him and the Toun anent criminall prisoners

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of her Majesties privie Councill by the Lord provost Magistrats and Counsell of Edinburgh, Shewing that wher their Lordships upon the third of October last being the Day of their annall2 Election of the Magistrats ther was procured from their Lordships ane act in favours of George Drummond Keeper of their Tolbooth of Edinburgh for payment making to him of the house dues of all prisoners as had been or should be incarcerat for murder thift and other such Crimes against which they Creave leave humbly to represent to their Lordships that this is a new unpresedented thing never before hard of, and they are certainly informed that their Lordships opinion were only that the Good Toune of Edinburgh were obliedged to provyde a sufficient Goall for keeping such prisoners, as all other Royall Burghs are obliedged to doe but that no payment of these dues by them to any of their Keepers was ever designed by their Lordships. And therfore Creaving their Lordships to reconsider and rectifie the forsaid act, as the said petition bears. The Lords of her Majesties privie Councill having Considered the above petition, Given in to them by the Lord Provost Magistrats and Councell of the Burgh of Edinburgh and the samen being read in their presence the saids Lords doe heirby stop all Execution to be past on ane act of their Lordships, In favours of George Drummond Keeper of the Tolbooth of Edinburgh of the Date the third day of october last, and Recommends to the Lord advocat and Provost of Edinburgh to call for the said George Drummond and adjust all Differences and matters betwixt the saids magistrats and Toun Councill of Edinburgh and him anent the house dues for Criminall prisoners at the sight of the Lords of her Majesties Thesaury allenarly.

Edinburgh the 7th November 1704



Act the Toun of Edinburgh, and Recommendation to the advocat to call for George Drummond and adjust matters, betwixt him and the Toun anent criminall prisoners

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of her Majesties privie Councill by the Lord provost Magistrats and Counsell of Edinburgh, Shewing that wher their Lordships upon the third of October last being the Day of their annall2 Election of the Magistrats ther was procured from their Lordships ane act in favours of George Drummond Keeper of their Tolbooth of Edinburgh for payment making to him of the house dues of all prisoners as had been or should be incarcerat for murder thift and other such Crimes against which they Creave leave humbly to represent to their Lordships that this is a new unpresedented thing never before hard of, and they are certainly informed that their Lordships opinion were only that the Good Toune of Edinburgh were obliedged to provyde a sufficient Goall for keeping such prisoners, as all other Royall Burghs are obliedged to doe but that no payment of these dues by them to any of their Keepers was ever designed by their Lordships. And therfore Creaving their Lordships to reconsider and rectifie the forsaid act, as the said petition bears. The Lords of her Majesties privie Councill having Considered the above petition, Given in to them by the Lord Provost Magistrats and Councell of the Burgh of Edinburgh and the samen being read in their presence the saids Lords doe heirby stop all Execution to be past on ane act of their Lordships, In favours of George Drummond Keeper of the Tolbooth of Edinburgh of the Date the third day of october last, and Recommends to the Lord advocat and Provost of Edinburgh to call for the said George Drummond and adjust all Differences and matters betwixt the saids magistrats and Toun Councill of Edinburgh and him anent the house dues for Criminall prisoners at the sight of the Lords of her Majesties Thesaury allenarly.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 298v-299r.

2. Sic.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 298v-299r.

2. Sic.