Letter: royal, 12 December 1704, Edinburgh

Procedure, 19 December 1704, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Twelfe day of December Jaj vijc and four years


Letter: royal

Letter by The Councill To The Queens Majestie anent Recruits

Letter by the Councill to the Queens Majestie in answer to Her Majesties Letter to their Lordships anent recruits Being read The samen was voted approven and signed and ordained to be recorded, and this night transmitted to the Secretaries which accordingly was done Whereof the tennor follows
May it please your Majestie
We have receaved your Letter ordering all due encuragement and assistance to be given to your officers of the Scots Regiments abroad and raising their recruits, which we cannot but the more readily and cheerfully observe in the account of the happy success of your Majesties arms which we most heartily congratulat and hope that God shall alwayes continue with more and more signal advantages. When we receaved the lyke Letter from your Majestie on […] Last in our return we intreated that yow would be pleased to interpose for the six Scots Regiments yow have in the states service that they may be settled upon a Just capitulation And this being soe much for the honour of your Majesties Ancient Kingdome and the interest of your service And Lykewayes for the true encuragement of the Recruits demanded. We must againe humbly represent That it may please your Majestie To grant a Commission under the Great seall of this Kingdome to such as yow shall think fitt to name for treating and concluding this Capitulation and of this Commission We have desired your Secretaries to lay a Draught before yow. But that in the mean tyme the oppertunity may not be neglected. We most humbly and earnestly desire that your Majestie would be pleased to signifie to the Duke of Marleborrough while in these pairts That he conferr with the Colonels of your said Regiment Touching the Articles of this Capitulation. And that he with them may prepare and adjust the affair with the states as farr as possible untill the said Commission duely expead may be sent to bring the same to a happy conclusion Which we doubt not shall be to the Honour and satisfaction of this our ancient Kingdome and to the advantage of the states service, And that God may long preserve and prosper your Majestie, Shall ever be the prayer of May it please your Majestie Your Majesties most Loyall, Most faithfull and most obediant Subjects and servants Sic Subscribitur Tweddell chancellor, Annandale P:; Crafurd, Sutherland, Buchan, Lauderdale, Loudoun, Leven, Belcarres, Forfar, Ruglen, Hopetoun, James Steuart, George Baillie, John Hamilton, W Anstruther, James Falconer, F Montgomerie, John Home, John Cockburn, Patrick Johnstoun; Dated at Edinburgh the 12th of December 1704.

Att Edinburgh the Twelfe day of December Jaj vijc and four years


Letter: royal

Letter by The Councill To The Queens Majestie anent Recruits

Letter by the Councill to the Queens Majestie in answer to Her Majesties Letter to their Lordships anent recruits Being read The samen was voted approven and signed and ordained to be recorded, and this night transmitted to the Secretaries which accordingly was done Whereof the tennor follows
May it please your Majestie
We have receaved your Letter ordering all due encuragement and assistance to be given to your officers of the Scots Regiments abroad and raising their recruits, which we cannot but the more readily and cheerfully observe in the account of the happy success of your Majesties arms which we most heartily congratulat and hope that God shall alwayes continue with more and more signal advantages. When we receaved the lyke Letter from your Majestie on […] Last in our return we intreated that yow would be pleased to interpose for the six Scots Regiments yow have in the states service that they may be settled upon a Just capitulation And this being soe much for the honour of your Majesties Ancient Kingdome and the interest of your service And Lykewayes for the true encuragement of the Recruits demanded. We must againe humbly represent That it may please your Majestie To grant a Commission under the Great seall of this Kingdome to such as yow shall think fitt to name for treating and concluding this Capitulation and of this Commission We have desired your Secretaries to lay a Draught before yow. But that in the mean tyme the oppertunity may not be neglected. We most humbly and earnestly desire that your Majestie would be pleased to signifie to the Duke of Marleborrough while in these pairts That he conferr with the Colonels of your said Regiment Touching the Articles of this Capitulation. And that he with them may prepare and adjust the affair with the states as farr as possible untill the said Commission duely expead may be sent to bring the same to a happy conclusion Which we doubt not shall be to the Honour and satisfaction of this our ancient Kingdome and to the advantage of the states service, And that God may long preserve and prosper your Majestie, Shall ever be the prayer of May it please your Majestie Your Majesties most Loyall, Most faithfull and most obediant Subjects and servants Sic Subscribitur Tweddell chancellor, Annandale P:; Crafurd, Sutherland, Buchan, Lauderdale, Loudoun, Leven, Belcarres, Forfar, Ruglen, Hopetoun, James Steuart, George Baillie, John Hamilton, W Anstruther, James Falconer, F Montgomerie, John Home, John Cockburn, Patrick Johnstoun; Dated at Edinburgh the 12th of December 1704.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 312-13.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 312-13.