Edinburgh the 30th October 1704
Warrand for Setting Peter Aggat Commander of the Fox at liberty Furth of the Tolbuith of Edinburgh
The Lords of her Majesties privie Councill Doe heirby appoynt and ordain the Magistrats of Edinburgh and keepers of their Tolbooth to Sett at Liberty furth therof the persone of Captain Peter Aggat Commander of the Fox of Dunkirk upon his enacting himselfe in presence and to the satisfaction of Sir James Stewart her Majesties advocate that he shall procure […] Hyndshaw sone to Gilbert Hyndshaw one of the Keepers of the Tolbooth of Edinburgh now prisoner at Dinnant in France his Libertie with a sufficient passport to goe about his own lawfull affairs, and to return for Scotland and that betwixt and the first day of January nixt to come and Recommends to Sir James Stewart her Majesties Advocate to grant the petitioner a pass to return to his own Countrey upon his enacting himselfe in manner forsaid.
1. NRS, PC2/28, 297r-298r.
1. NRS, PC2/28, 297r-298r.