Order, 4 September 1704, Edinburgh

Procedure, 19 December 1704, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the 4th September 1704



Recommendation In favours of the six clerks of Session their servants

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lord high Chancellor, and the Lords of her Majesties privie Councill by the servants of the six Clerks of parliament Shewing That the petitioners ever since the late happy Revolution have punctually and duly attended all the Sessions of parliament and convention of Estates, alse well during the Reign of his late Majestie King William as of her present Majestie Queen Anne (whom God long preserve) and the haill Committies that were appoynted by the former parliaments, and on all occasions did readily serve not only in transcribing the minutes and publick acts and Lawes that were brought under the consideration of the parliament, But also in furnishing the Lords high Commissioners, the officers of state and the press for printing coppies, of such overtures minuts petitions or other writs as from tyme to tyme ther was occasion to requyre without any consideration or allowance for their said attendance pains and service, and however the petitioners acknowledge all that they have, or can doe to be their Duty yet they humbly concive that the Nation will not require their service without ordaining the petitionres some allowance in consideration of the pains and expensses theranent and therfore Creaving to the effect aftermentioned as the said petition bears. The Lords of her Majesties privy Councill having Considered the above petition given in to them by the Servants of the six Clerks of parliament, and the samen being read in their presence The saids Lords doe heirby Recommend the petitioners to the Lords Commissioners of her Majesties Thesaury, for such ane allowance as their Lordships shall think fitt. In consideration of their attendance and services during the last session of parliament, and haill other sessions since the Revolution and in transcrybing the minuts and publict acts during the space forsaid.

Edinburgh the 4th September 1704



Recommendation In favours of the six clerks of Session their servants

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lord high Chancellor, and the Lords of her Majesties privie Councill by the servants of the six Clerks of parliament Shewing That the petitioners ever since the late happy Revolution have punctually and duly attended all the Sessions of parliament and convention of Estates, alse well during the Reign of his late Majestie King William as of her present Majestie Queen Anne (whom God long preserve) and the haill Committies that were appoynted by the former parliaments, and on all occasions did readily serve not only in transcribing the minutes and publick acts and Lawes that were brought under the consideration of the parliament, But also in furnishing the Lords high Commissioners, the officers of state and the press for printing coppies, of such overtures minuts petitions or other writs as from tyme to tyme ther was occasion to requyre without any consideration or allowance for their said attendance pains and service, and however the petitioners acknowledge all that they have, or can doe to be their Duty yet they humbly concive that the Nation will not require their service without ordaining the petitionres some allowance in consideration of the pains and expensses theranent and therfore Creaving to the effect aftermentioned as the said petition bears. The Lords of her Majesties privy Councill having Considered the above petition given in to them by the Servants of the six Clerks of parliament, and the samen being read in their presence The saids Lords doe heirby Recommend the petitioners to the Lords Commissioners of her Majesties Thesaury, for such ane allowance as their Lordships shall think fitt. In consideration of their attendance and services during the last session of parliament, and haill other sessions since the Revolution and in transcrybing the minuts and publict acts during the space forsaid.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 295r-295v.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 295r-295v.