Edinburgh the 4th September 1704
Recommendation In favours of the Duke of Argyle
His Grace the Duke of Argyle having represented to the Lords of Her privie Councill that their Lordships had by ane former ordinance of Councill Recomended to the Lord advocat to draw ane state and representation of the whole affair anent the Garrison in the house of Invergarrie belonging to MacDonald of Glengary that the samen might be led before her Majestie for her Majesties more full information therof and that His Grace had some pretensions to Glengarries Estte and thought himself particularly concerned in the forsaid Recommendation The saids Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill having considered the samen Doe heirby Recommend to Sir James Stewart Her Majesties advocat to prepair a state and representation of the whole rights and pretensions that the said Duke of Argyle may have to Glengarries said estate and that the samen together with the representation for Glengarry may be laid befor her Majestie for Her Majesties more full information theranent.
1. NRS, PC2/28, 292v-293r.
1. NRS, PC2/28, 292v-293r.