Letter: royal, 11 February 1704, Edinburgh

Procedure, 19 December 1704, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the Eleventh day of February One Thousand seven hundereth and four years


Letter: royal

Letter from the Councill To Her Majestie anent the Duke of Atholls memoriall and Letter

Letter from the Councill to her Majestie anent the Duke of Atholl memoriall and Letter Read and ordered to be Recorded whereof the tenor follows.
May it please your Majestie
When wee were meet yesterday in Councill My Lord Dunmore one of our Member presented to the board a Letter sealled and Directed to the Lord president and Remanent Lords of your Majesties privie Councill with another open paper Entituled Memmoriall and Narrative to the Queen By the Duke of Atholl Giveing ane account of the discovery of Captain Simon Fraser and his accomplices and told us that boeth were from the Duke of Atholl his Brother The Letter wee laid aside unopned as Judgeing unproper for any Subject to address your Councill in the manner By way of Letter and wee also took notice That the other paper was a Memoriall a Narrative to your Majestie Which occasioned some surprize Because we hade receaved from your Majestie a full narrative of the plote with all the papers relating to it without any mention of this Wherupon my Lord Dunmore was asked iff the Duke of Atholl had signefied to him that he transmitted it to your Councill By your Majesties allowance But he owning noe such warrand and only offering the papper as haveing the honour to be of your Majesties Councill And judgeing it might be of use for the better discoverie of the plote wee allowed it to be read and Lykewayes that a Coppie should be made of it to remain with us towards the aforsaid discoverie But without any further proceedure Judged it our duty to return the principall Memoriall and Narrative to your Majestie as now wee doe that it being laid befoir your Majestie as it is directed wee might know your Majesties minde and plesure about it wee are May it please your Majestie Your Majesties most Loyall most faithfull and most obedient Subjects and servants sic subscribitur Mar P:; Buchan, Eglingtoun Lauderdale Loudoun, Findlatter, Hyndfoord, Glasgow, Northesk, March, Roseberrie, Garnock, Primrose, Hew Dalrumple, James Steuart, A Hope, Robert Steuart, George Ramsay, F Montgomrie, Robert Sinclair W Morisone H Cunynghame Ar: Douglass.

Edinburgh the Eleventh day of February One Thousand seven hundereth and four years


Letter: royal

Letter from the Councill To Her Majestie anent the Duke of Atholls memoriall and Letter

Letter from the Councill to her Majestie anent the Duke of Atholl memoriall and Letter Read and ordered to be Recorded whereof the tenor follows.
May it please your Majestie
When wee were meet yesterday in Councill My Lord Dunmore one of our Member presented to the board a Letter sealled and Directed to the Lord president and Remanent Lords of your Majesties privie Councill with another open paper Entituled Memmoriall and Narrative to the Queen By the Duke of Atholl Giveing ane account of the discovery of Captain Simon Fraser and his accomplices and told us that boeth were from the Duke of Atholl his Brother The Letter wee laid aside unopned as Judgeing unproper for any Subject to address your Councill in the manner By way of Letter and wee also took notice That the other paper was a Memoriall a Narrative to your Majestie Which occasioned some surprize Because we hade receaved from your Majestie a full narrative of the plote with all the papers relating to it without any mention of this Wherupon my Lord Dunmore was asked iff the Duke of Atholl had signefied to him that he transmitted it to your Councill By your Majesties allowance But he owning noe such warrand and only offering the papper as haveing the honour to be of your Majesties Councill And judgeing it might be of use for the better discoverie of the plote wee allowed it to be read and Lykewayes that a Coppie should be made of it to remain with us towards the aforsaid discoverie But without any further proceedure Judged it our duty to return the principall Memoriall and Narrative to your Majestie as now wee doe that it being laid befoir your Majestie as it is directed wee might know your Majesties minde and plesure about it wee are May it please your Majestie Your Majesties most Loyall most faithfull and most obedient Subjects and servants sic subscribitur Mar P:; Buchan, Eglingtoun Lauderdale Loudoun, Findlatter, Hyndfoord, Glasgow, Northesk, March, Roseberrie, Garnock, Primrose, Hew Dalrumple, James Steuart, A Hope, Robert Steuart, George Ramsay, F Montgomrie, Robert Sinclair W Morisone H Cunynghame Ar: Douglass.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 149.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 149.