Letter: royal, 9 May 1704, Edinburgh

Procedure, 19 December 1704, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Nynth day of May One Thousand seven Hundered and four years


Letter: royal

Letter from the Queens Majesty To The Councill for Reduceing the four Regiments Commanded by the Marques of Lothian, The Earles of Hyndfoord and Mar and Lord Strathnaver

Supra Scribitur Anne Regina
Right Trusty and Right weell beloved Cousine and Councellors Right Trustie and Entirely beloved Cousines and Councellors Right Trusty and weell Beloved Cousines and Councellors, Right Trusty and weell beloved Councellors, and Trusty and weell beloved Councellors. We greet yow weell, We are informed, That the Two Companies appointed for the security of the Highlands and the adjacent Countries against the thefts and Depredations to performe there duty with great Advantage to the Countries lying to the south and East of Lochness; But the Countries and Shyres lying to the North and west of Lochness (which containe a great tract of Highlands) cannot be weell protected unless there be a Thrid Company, which shall be fittly posted as to these places And we being most desireous to do any thing that may tend to the preservation of the peace, and saifty of our good subjects, Have thought fitt to grant a Commission for a Company of foot To Major Duncan McKenzie to be added to […] Consisting of fifty sentinells, tuo Lievtennents, tuo Serjants, tuo Corporalls, and one piper, and that the other two Highland Companys be reduced to the same number of Fifty Sentinells, tuo Livetennents, tuo Serjants, tuo Corperalls and one piper each. And where as the Regiment of foot Commanded by our Right Trusty and Right weell beloved Cousine and Councellor […] Earle of Mar, and the other Regiment of foot Commanded By our Right trusty and Right weell beloved Cousin […] Lord Strathnaver, Doe consist of Twenty seven Sentinells in each Company, and the two Regiments of Dragoons, Commanded by our Right Trusty, and Right weell beloved Cousins and Councellours […] Marques of Lothian and […] Earle of Hyndfoord, Consist of Tuenty six Centinells to each Company To the end that all the Companys of foot and Dragoons may consist of ane Equall number of Twenty five sentinells in each Company. It is our Royall pleasure, That tuo Centinells be reduced out of Each Company of the said Two Regiments of foot, and one Centinell out of each Company of the said tuo Regiments of Dragoons, whereby a fund will remain sufficient for paying of this new Highland Company, which is also to consent of One Captain, Two Livetennents, two Serjants, two Corporalls, one Piper, and Fifty Centinalls; the pay whereof will extend to the same, with the pay of those reduced as is above said And we require yow with all convenient dilligence to order the said Company to be established and posted fifty for proctecting the said Highlands and Country adjacent beyond Lochness for preventing and repressing thefts and other disorders, and for apprehending guilty persons, and that they may be assistant to our Courts of Justice in Execution of Laws and sentances, And in generall to give them such orders as from time to time Yow shall find necessary for the ends a forsaid And we heirby appoint That he and his Company shall act in persuance of your Instructiones and obey such Commands as they shall receave from yow or the Commander in Cheiff of our forces for the time; And they are to remain in their respective posts, untill removed by our order or yours. And so Wee bid yow heartily farewell. Given at our Court at St James’s the tuelth day of Apprile 1704. And of our Rigne the thrid year By her Majesties Command sic subscribitur Cromertie.

Att Edinburgh the Nynth day of May One Thousand seven Hundered and four years


Letter: royal

Letter from the Queens Majesty To The Councill for Reduceing the four Regiments Commanded by the Marques of Lothian, The Earles of Hyndfoord and Mar and Lord Strathnaver

Supra Scribitur Anne Regina
Right Trusty and Right weell beloved Cousine and Councellors Right Trustie and Entirely beloved Cousines and Councellors Right Trusty and weell Beloved Cousines and Councellors, Right Trusty and weell beloved Councellors, and Trusty and weell beloved Councellors. We greet yow weell, We are informed, That the Two Companies appointed for the security of the Highlands and the adjacent Countries against the thefts and Depredations to performe there duty with great Advantage to the Countries lying to the south and East of Lochness; But the Countries and Shyres lying to the North and west of Lochness (which containe a great tract of Highlands) cannot be weell protected unless there be a Thrid Company, which shall be fittly posted as to these places And we being most desireous to do any thing that may tend to the preservation of the peace, and saifty of our good subjects, Have thought fitt to grant a Commission for a Company of foot To Major Duncan McKenzie to be added to […] Consisting of fifty sentinells, tuo Lievtennents, tuo Serjants, tuo Corporalls, and one piper, and that the other two Highland Companys be reduced to the same number of Fifty Sentinells, tuo Livetennents, tuo Serjants, tuo Corperalls and one piper each. And where as the Regiment of foot Commanded by our Right Trusty and Right weell beloved Cousine and Councellor […] Earle of Mar, and the other Regiment of foot Commanded By our Right trusty and Right weell beloved Cousin […] Lord Strathnaver, Doe consist of Twenty seven Sentinells in each Company, and the two Regiments of Dragoons, Commanded by our Right Trusty, and Right weell beloved Cousins and Councellours […] Marques of Lothian and […] Earle of Hyndfoord, Consist of Tuenty six Centinells to each Company To the end that all the Companys of foot and Dragoons may consist of ane Equall number of Twenty five sentinells in each Company. It is our Royall pleasure, That tuo Centinells be reduced out of Each Company of the said Two Regiments of foot, and one Centinell out of each Company of the said tuo Regiments of Dragoons, whereby a fund will remain sufficient for paying of this new Highland Company, which is also to consent of One Captain, Two Livetennents, two Serjants, two Corporalls, one Piper, and Fifty Centinalls; the pay whereof will extend to the same, with the pay of those reduced as is above said And we require yow with all convenient dilligence to order the said Company to be established and posted fifty for proctecting the said Highlands and Country adjacent beyond Lochness for preventing and repressing thefts and other disorders, and for apprehending guilty persons, and that they may be assistant to our Courts of Justice in Execution of Laws and sentances, And in generall to give them such orders as from time to time Yow shall find necessary for the ends a forsaid And we heirby appoint That he and his Company shall act in persuance of your Instructiones and obey such Commands as they shall receave from yow or the Commander in Cheiff of our forces for the time; And they are to remain in their respective posts, untill removed by our order or yours. And so Wee bid yow heartily farewell. Given at our Court at St James’s the tuelth day of Apprile 1704. And of our Rigne the thrid year By her Majesties Command sic subscribitur Cromertie.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 236-7.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 236-7.