Edinburgh the 7th November 1704
Act in favours of Sir James Dalrymple for printing a book
The Lords of her Majesties privie Councill Doe heirby Grant to Sir James Dalrymple on of the Clerks of Councell and Session his airs and assigney’s the sole priviledge of printing vending and seeling ane book Entituled Collections concerning the Scottish History preceeding the Death of King David the first In the year One thousand one hundered and Fiftie three, wherin the soveraignity of the Croun and the Independency of the Church is cleared with ane account of the antiquity and purity of the Scottish Brittish Church and the Novelty of popery in this Kingdome and Discharges all other persones whatsomever to print Reprint sell or import into this Kingdome any of the saids books for the space of nynteen years from the Date heirof and that under the pain and penalty of Confiscation of the saids books, to the use of the said Sir James Dalrymple or his forsaids and furder under the penalty of fyve hundred merks Scots money to be payed by the Contraveeners to the said Sir James Dalrymple or his forsaids Besides the seizure and forfaulture forsaid.
1. NRS, PC2/28, 299r-299v.
1. NRS, PC2/28, 299r-299v.