Att Edinburgh the Twenty thrid day of November Jaj vijc and four years
Warrand for apprehending some Dragoons for killing a man att Laingtoun
Sir James Steuart Her Majesties Advocat Haveing represented to the Council That there was one […] Deans in Langtoun shoot through his own door by some of the Dragoons lying there, And that his Lordship had given orders to the commanding officer of the place to send the saids Dragoons to the Tolbooth of Edinburgh therinto remain whyle they should be legallie tryed, And that the said Commanding officer had conveened the said warrand and refused to send them as said is. Therefore the saids Lords of Her Majesties privie Council, Doe heirby Recommend to the said Lord Advocat, To ishue out orders by authority And in name of the saids Lords To any officers of Her Majesties forces within this Kingdome for apprehending of the Dragoons forsaid and committing them to prison as said is ay and whyle they be tried Conforme to Law, And appoints the saids officers to give obediance unto the forsaid warrand, As they will be answerable upon their heighest perrill.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 290-1.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 290-1.