Att Edinburgh the Nynth day of May One Thousand seven Hundered and four years
Proclamation Dischargeing the Export of money
Ann By the Grace of God, Queen of Great Brittain France and Ireland defender of the faith To […] Macers of our privie Councill Messengers at armes, our sherriffs in that pairt, Conjunctlie and severallie speciallie Constitute Greetting. Forasmuchas By many Acts of parliament, The exporting of money or bullion furth of the Kingdome Is most strictly prohibit, And particularly by the Act of parliament Charles 2d parliament 1st Session 3d Caput 11: It is appointed, that all merchants skippers, Customers, and keepers of the Cocquets, swear before the Lords of Thesaurie, or High Thesaurer for the time or Thesaurer Depute, Not to Export, nor suffer the same to be exported, nor to conceall the exporting therof, and that noe merchant or skipper, Trade or make voyadge, to any Forraigne place, before they take the said oath, under the paine of the fifth pairt of there moveables, Which paine is over and above the Confiscation of the money ordained by the other Acts of parliament, and there is only allowed to passengers Sixty pound Scots for there Charges, As the said Act more fully proports. Notwithstanding of which good and necessary Acts yet money hath been, and is exported contrair therunto, to the great hurt and prejudice of the realme. For restraining of which abuse. Wee with advice of the Lords of our privie Councill, have ordered and doe heirby order and Command, the forsaids Acts of Parliament against the Exportation of money, to be most strictly and punctuallie observed And for makeing the same more effectuall. Wee heirby promise and give to any person who shall make discovery of the said unlaufull exportatione and shall convict the Exporter therof, That he shall have the thrid pairt of the said money exported for his reward and pains. And Furder we heirby Impower and Require the Lords of our privie Councill or any Committee to be by them appointed, To call before them any merchants skippers, or others suspected, and delated for haveing transported money unlaufully or who shall transport the same unlaufullie for hereafter and to take all Laufull probation against them by oath or other wayes whereby they may be convicted, and to give sentence against them Conforme to the forsaids Acts of Parliament, and to reward the Discovers as above Our Will is Herefore And we Charge yow strictly and Command, That in continent thir our Letters seen ye pass, To the marcat Cross of Edinburgh, and remanent mercat Crosses of the head burghs of the severall Shyres and Stewartries, Within this Kingdome, And thereat in our Name and authority Make publict Intimation hereof, That non may pretend Ignorance. And ordains thir presents to be printed and published. Given under our signet Att Edinburgh The Nynth day of May. And of our Rigne the Thrid year 1704.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 238-9.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 238-9.