Att Edinburgh the Twenty thrid day of November Jaj vijc and four years
Act Infavours of Mr Patrick Ogilvie
Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill By Mr Patrick Ogilvie; Shewing That where the petitioner had their Lordships Commission to guard the coast toward Ireland from the Import of Irish victuall horse and Cattle and that their Lordships judged it necessary that the petitioner should have a party of souldiers to attend and assist him in the Discharge of that trust. The petitioner did his outmost endevour to acquitt himselfe therein; But it haveing pleased the Livetennent General to call back the said party in order to the reveiw of the forces, he could doe noe more service in that post, And yet so soon as the Council ordered him back and gave a new Recommendation to the Livetennent General to supplie the petitioner with a new pairty, He instantly return’d to the west; But this reveiwing of the forces not being over. The petitioner waited thereabout five weeks to noe better purpose then to discover the Great abuses committed as to the forsaid import from Ireland; for the petitioner hes gott ane account of Ane Hundereth Boats that have imported victual in his interoval Conforme to a List thereof produced, and the import and receipt is in truth become so General, that any man that would repress it, without the assistance of souldiers must resolve to abandon it or be deforced, The petitioner needs not tell their Lordships of the complaint that’s made boeth from the West and from the North of this import of Irish victual and of the prejudice sustained by it But this the petitioner must humbly offer to their Lordships That without affixed Independent Company It appears imposible that their Commission and the trust they repose in the petitioner can be effectualy execute for which he humbly proposes that his former pairty of Fourty Foot and Twenty Dragoons may be fixed so as they constantly attend the said service untill recalled by their Lordships special order, which their Lordships knew best how to order either by themselves or by recommending it to Her Majestie how it may be done effectually. For the petitioner must againe declaire to their Lordships that without this assistance he hes too much convinced their Commission cannot be execute nor the great and many abusses restrained. The Lords of Her Majesties privie Council Haveing considered the petition given into them By Mr Patrick Ogilvie And the samen being read in their presence The saids Lords Doe heirby Declare that the party of fourty foot and Twenty Dragoons last, sent to the west Country to assist the petitioner in the Execution of his Commission against the import of Irish victual It is and ought to be affixed and settled pairty in that place Therefore the saids Lords Doe heirby Appoint and Ordaine The pairty forsaid of fourty foot, and Twenty Dragoons, to be affixed and settled pairty there And appoints and Ordains them to continue under the direction of the said Mr Patrick Ogilvie for the end forsaid and not to be recalled without a speciall warrand from the Councill thereanent.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 292-3.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 292-3.