Warrant, 20 July 1704, Edinburgh

Procedure, 19 December 1704, Edinburgh

Att Holyroodhouse the Twenty day of July Jaj vijc and Four years. Ante meridiem



Warrand to the Magistrats of Edinburgh and Baillies of Leith For searching the ships for passingers come from abroad

His Grace Her Majesties high Commissioner, And Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill, Doe heirby Give order and warrand: To the Magistrats of Edinburgh and Baillies of Leith, That they goe aboard all ships and vessells presently aryved, and that shall aryve from Holland and from beyond seas in the road or port of Leith, And to Examine the skippers upon all the passingers they have brought home Viz whom they brought from the ports or pairts they parted frae, where they landed them by the way or upon any Coast and whom they have still aboard. That they give up their names and Designationes. And that they allow non of them, that are yet aboard to come ashoar untill they make report. As the saids skippers will be answerable. And that the saids Magistrats and Baillies Call for the assistance of souldiers necessary from the Commander in Cheiff, for the makeing of the said search and Examination. And the Commander in Cheiff is heirby Authorized. To give the said assistance when demanded.

Att Holyroodhouse the Twenty day of July Jaj vijc and Four years. Ante meridiem



Warrand to the Magistrats of Edinburgh and Baillies of Leith For searching the ships for passingers come from abroad

His Grace Her Majesties high Commissioner, And Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill, Doe heirby Give order and warrand: To the Magistrats of Edinburgh and Baillies of Leith, That they goe aboard all ships and vessells presently aryved, and that shall aryve from Holland and from beyond seas in the road or port of Leith, And to Examine the skippers upon all the passingers they have brought home Viz whom they brought from the ports or pairts they parted frae, where they landed them by the way or upon any Coast and whom they have still aboard. That they give up their names and Designationes. And that they allow non of them, that are yet aboard to come ashoar untill they make report. As the saids skippers will be answerable. And that the saids Magistrats and Baillies Call for the assistance of souldiers necessary from the Commander in Cheiff, for the makeing of the said search and Examination. And the Commander in Cheiff is heirby Authorized. To give the said assistance when demanded.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 262.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 262.