Proclamation, 10 January 1704, Edinburgh

Procedure, 19 December 1704, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Tenth January One Thousand seventh hundereth and four years Called Extraordinar



Proclamation Anent passes and Passingers

Proclamation of Councill Appoynting the Magistrats of Seaport touns Collectors and Survyers To Cause search the Ships Come or to come into their Respective harbours for Armes and Ammunition and passengers aboard therof And annent passes to be granted to passengers goeing hence Being read The samen was voited approven and ordained to be published and Recorded off the Which proclamation the tennor followes
Anne By the Grace of God Queen of Great Breitan France and Ireland Defender off the Faith To […] Macers of our privie Councill Messengers at armes our shirriffs in that pairt, Conjunctly and seaverally specially Constitute Greeting Wheras we are informed of ivell designes and practices set on foot By Disaffected persones for raising insurrectiones within this our Kingdome and procureing Invasiones therof by our Declaired Enemies We have thought Fitt with advyce off the Lords off our privie Councill To Command and Ordaine Lykeas We heirby Command and Ordaine all masters of ships either arrived since the first of December Last or arriving after the date heirof To give ane account of what armes, or ammunition they may have aboard or may have brought home To the Magistrats and Collectors off the respective ports wher they arrive As also off what passengers they have brought or may bring home with them from any forragin Countries presently or immediatly upon their arrivall As Lykewayes that the saids Magistrats and Collectors doe enquyre after or search the said ships for ane Exact discovery off what armes and ammunition they may have brought home or may have aboard and give to the Clerks off our Councill a particular account therof with all Dilligence and in the mean tyme that they may secure the same As also that they may take particular notice off all the saids passengers Especially off such as have been lately in and may be come from any of the Dominions off the French King or may be other wayes suspect and take security off them to appear befoir our privie Councill when Called Or otherwayes if they see Cause That they Detaine them prisoners untill our privie Councill be accquainted and give their orders in that matter And we further Command and appoint All Masters off Ships outward bound to any forragine Countrie to take noe passengers aboard for their transport unless they produce authentick passes from a privie Councellor The Sherriff off the shyre, or Magistrat off the seaport when they are bound And that the saids Magistrats Make a record off all the saids passengers and their passes to be Exhibit upon Demand Certefeing all Masters off Ships and Magistrats who shall not observe or who shall Contraveen the presmisses That they shall be proceeded againest by the Lords off our privie Councill and punished with all rigour Our Will is Herefor And we Chairge yow strictly and Command That in Continent thir our Letters seen ye pass To the mercat Cross off Edinburgh and to the mercat crosses off the remanent sea port Touns within this Kingdome and other places needfull And therat In our name and authoritie make publict Intimation heirof that non may pretend Ignorance And ordaines thir presents to be printed and published And ordaines our solicitors To transmitt Coppies hereoff To the Magistrats off the seaverall sea port touns And to the surveyers off the sea ports For their due observance off the premisses Given under our signet att Edinburgh The Tenth day of January And off our Rigne the second year 1704.

Att Edinburgh the Tenth January One Thousand seventh hundereth and four years Called Extraordinar



Proclamation Anent passes and Passingers

Proclamation of Councill Appoynting the Magistrats of Seaport touns Collectors and Survyers To Cause search the Ships Come or to come into their Respective harbours for Armes and Ammunition and passengers aboard therof And annent passes to be granted to passengers goeing hence Being read The samen was voited approven and ordained to be published and Recorded off the Which proclamation the tennor followes
Anne By the Grace of God Queen of Great Breitan France and Ireland Defender off the Faith To […] Macers of our privie Councill Messengers at armes our shirriffs in that pairt, Conjunctly and seaverally specially Constitute Greeting Wheras we are informed of ivell designes and practices set on foot By Disaffected persones for raising insurrectiones within this our Kingdome and procureing Invasiones therof by our Declaired Enemies We have thought Fitt with advyce off the Lords off our privie Councill To Command and Ordaine Lykeas We heirby Command and Ordaine all masters of ships either arrived since the first of December Last or arriving after the date heirof To give ane account of what armes, or ammunition they may have aboard or may have brought home To the Magistrats and Collectors off the respective ports wher they arrive As also off what passengers they have brought or may bring home with them from any forragin Countries presently or immediatly upon their arrivall As Lykewayes that the saids Magistrats and Collectors doe enquyre after or search the said ships for ane Exact discovery off what armes and ammunition they may have brought home or may have aboard and give to the Clerks off our Councill a particular account therof with all Dilligence and in the mean tyme that they may secure the same As also that they may take particular notice off all the saids passengers Especially off such as have been lately in and may be come from any of the Dominions off the French King or may be other wayes suspect and take security off them to appear befoir our privie Councill when Called Or otherwayes if they see Cause That they Detaine them prisoners untill our privie Councill be accquainted and give their orders in that matter And we further Command and appoint All Masters off Ships outward bound to any forragine Countrie to take noe passengers aboard for their transport unless they produce authentick passes from a privie Councellor The Sherriff off the shyre, or Magistrat off the seaport when they are bound And that the saids Magistrats Make a record off all the saids passengers and their passes to be Exhibit upon Demand Certefeing all Masters off Ships and Magistrats who shall not observe or who shall Contraveen the presmisses That they shall be proceeded againest by the Lords off our privie Councill and punished with all rigour Our Will is Herefor And we Chairge yow strictly and Command That in Continent thir our Letters seen ye pass To the mercat Cross off Edinburgh and to the mercat crosses off the remanent sea port Touns within this Kingdome and other places needfull And therat In our name and authoritie make publict Intimation heirof that non may pretend Ignorance And ordaines thir presents to be printed and published And ordaines our solicitors To transmitt Coppies hereoff To the Magistrats off the seaverall sea port touns And to the surveyers off the sea ports For their due observance off the premisses Given under our signet att Edinburgh The Tenth day of January And off our Rigne the second year 1704.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 117-18.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 117-18.