Proclamation, 11 December 1704, Edinburgh

Procedure, 19 December 1704, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Eleventh day of December Jaj vijc and four years



Proclamation Adjourning the Parliament to the 1st of February

Proclamation Adjourning the Parliament to the first of February next, Being read was ordered to be recorded published and printed Whereof the tennor followes.
Ann By the Grace of God Queen of Great Brittain France and Ireland defender of the faith To our Lyon King at arms, and his Breithren heraulds, Macers of our privie Councill Pursevants, Messengers at arms, Our Sherriffs in that Conjunctly and Seaverallie speciallie constitute Greetting Whereas by the Last Act of the Last Session of the Current Parliament of this our ancient Kingdom The said Parliament was adjourned to the Sixteen day of December instant, Wee are therefore resolved to continue the said Adjournment, to the first day of February nixt to come; And that the members of our said Parliament may not be put to the trouble and charges of meeting up the said sixteen day of December, Wee with advyce of the Lords of our privy Councill Have adjourned and heirby adjourn our said Current Parliament, from the said Sixteen day of December instant, To the first day of February nixt to come Requyreing heirby all the members therof To attend Att Edinburgh the said day in the usuall manner and under the accustomed certifications by Law appointed Our Will is Herefore And we charge yow strictly and Command That in continent thir our Letters seen ye pass to the mercat Cross of Edinburgh And remanent head burghs of the several shyres and stewartries within this our ancient Kingdome And there in our name and authoritie make publict intimation that our said Parliament is adjourned to the said first day of February next to come. And ordaines these presents to be printed and published. Given under our Signet Att Edinburgh the Eleventh day of December And of our Rigne the second year 1704.

Att Edinburgh the Eleventh day of December Jaj vijc and four years



Proclamation Adjourning the Parliament to the 1st of February

Proclamation Adjourning the Parliament to the first of February next, Being read was ordered to be recorded published and printed Whereof the tennor followes.
Ann By the Grace of God Queen of Great Brittain France and Ireland defender of the faith To our Lyon King at arms, and his Breithren heraulds, Macers of our privie Councill Pursevants, Messengers at arms, Our Sherriffs in that Conjunctly and Seaverallie speciallie constitute Greetting Whereas by the Last Act of the Last Session of the Current Parliament of this our ancient Kingdom The said Parliament was adjourned to the Sixteen day of December instant, Wee are therefore resolved to continue the said Adjournment, to the first day of February nixt to come; And that the members of our said Parliament may not be put to the trouble and charges of meeting up the said sixteen day of December, Wee with advyce of the Lords of our privy Councill Have adjourned and heirby adjourn our said Current Parliament, from the said Sixteen day of December instant, To the first day of February nixt to come Requyreing heirby all the members therof To attend Att Edinburgh the said day in the usuall manner and under the accustomed certifications by Law appointed Our Will is Herefore And we charge yow strictly and Command That in continent thir our Letters seen ye pass to the mercat Cross of Edinburgh And remanent head burghs of the several shyres and stewartries within this our ancient Kingdome And there in our name and authoritie make publict intimation that our said Parliament is adjourned to the said first day of February next to come. And ordaines these presents to be printed and published. Given under our Signet Att Edinburgh the Eleventh day of December And of our Rigne the second year 1704.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 309-10.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 309-10.