Edinburgh The Fyfteen day of March Jaj vijc and Four years
Decreit The Agent for the Kirk Against Mr Patrick Chalmers Intruder at Rayn
Anent The Lyble or Letters of Complaint Raised and persewed Befoir the Lords of Her Majesties privy Councill att the instance of John Blair agent for the Kirk With concurse of Sir James Steuart Her Majesties Advocat for her highness intrest In the matter underwrittin Mentioning That where By the sixth Act of the fourth Session of King William’s parliament Entituled Act for takeing the oath of alleadgence and assurance It is statute That all preachers and Ministers of the Gospell whatsomever Doe swear the oath of Alleadgence and that they subscryve the same with the assurance sett doun in the said Act Certefeing Ministers provyded to Kirks and not swearing as said is shall be deprived of their Benefices and stipends and the preachers not provyded to Kirks shall be punished By banishment or otherwayes As the Lords of Her Majesties privy Councill shall think fitt Lykeas By the Tuenty second act of the fyfth session of the same parliament It is statute That whoever thereafter should Intrude them selves into any Church or possess Manse and benefite or Exercise any pairt of the Ministeriall function within any paroch without ane orderly Call from the heretors and Eldershipe and legall admission of the presbitry of the bounds should be removed and Declaired Incapable of Injoying any Church steepend or Benefice for the space of seven years therafter And further It is Recommended to the Lords of Her Majesties privy Councill To remove all such who proceeding the said Act Did since the Establishment of the present Church Government Intrude in manner forsaid Yet Nevertheless It is of verity That Mr Patrick Chalmers late Minister at […] Intruder in the Kirk of Rain Conterar to the saids Acts of parliament Does presume and Continue To preach and Exerce the other pairts of the Ministeriall function without haveing qualefied himself To Her Majestie By swearing the oath of Alleadgence and subscryving the same with the assurance As also the said Master Patrick Chalmers hath intruded him self into the said Church of Rain without any orderly Call from the Heretors and Eldershipe and legall admission from the presbitry of the Bounds and as a further Evidence of his Disafection to the present setled Church Government The said Mr Patrick Chalmers Does not pray for Her Majestie Notwithstanding It be specially appointed By proclamation’s of Councill made theranent And refuses to read the publict proclamationes appointed by authority for keeping of solemn dayes of fasting By all which It is evident That the said Mr Patrick Chalmers is guilty of the penalties and Certefications Contained in the saids Acts and proclamationes conforme to his Condition and Character Which being proven He ought to be punished Conforme to the forsaids Acts and proclamationes and for hereafter restrained from Committing any such thing in tyme Comeing To the Example and terror of others To Committ the lyke in tyme Comeing And anent The Chairge given to the said Mr Patrick Chalmers defender To have Compeired personally befoir the Lords of Her Majesties privy Councill at ane Certaine day now by past To have answered to the forsaid Complaint And to have heard and seen such order and Course taken thereanent as appertains Under the pain of Rebellion and putting of him to the horne As in the Lyble or Letters of Complaint and Executiones therof at more length is Contained Which Lyble Being upon the day and date of thir presents Called in presence of the saids Lords And the said persewar Compearing personally at the Barr with Sir James Steuart Her Majesties Advocat, and Sir David Dalrymple Her Majesties solicitor And the said Mr Patrick Chalmer’s Defender Being oftymes Called and not Compearing tho Laufully citted And the Lyble being read in the saids Lords of privie Councill there presence and they haveing considered the same They granted certeficatione against the said Mr Patrick Chalmers Defender in respect of his absence and not Compearing as said is And ordaines Letters of Denunciatione To be Direct to Macers or Messengers at arm’s for Commanding them To pass to the mercat cross of […] and other places needfull And thereat In Her Majesties name and authority Duely Laufully and orderly Denounce the said Mr Patrick Chalmer’s Her Majestie’s Rebell and put him to Her highness horne And ordain all his moveable goods and gear To be Escheat and inbrought to Her Majesties use for his Contempt and Disobediance.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 189-91.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 189-91.