Order, 4 September 1704, Edinburgh

Procedure, 19 December 1704, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the fourth day of September Jaj vijc and four years



Orders to Captain Gordon to saill to Newcastle

The Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill Doe heirby Command and Ordaine Captaine Thomas Gordon Commander of her Majesties Friggat the Royall Mary, To saill the Eight day of September instant wind and weather serving from Leith to Newcastle, and to receave under his Convoy the shipp belonging to Archibald Drummond hyred by the Lords Commissioners of her Majesties Theasaurie For transporting and Carrying the French prisoners for present in the Tolbooth of Edinburgh, Cannongate, and Leith. And there and at the said port To delyver the saids prisoners to any person or persons haveing her Majesties warrand for receaveing of them And upon the saids Captain Gordons arryvall ther. The saids Lords Doe heirby Appoint and Ordaine him to intimat these his orders to the Mayor and Aldermen of New Castle or any others haveing warrand and order for receaving the saids prisoners And the saids Lords appoints and Ordains the said Captaine Gordon to return from New Castle to Leith. And to bring under his Convoy such Scotch ships as are homeward bound up.

Att Edinburgh the fourth day of September Jaj vijc and four years



Orders to Captain Gordon to saill to Newcastle

The Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill Doe heirby Command and Ordaine Captaine Thomas Gordon Commander of her Majesties Friggat the Royall Mary, To saill the Eight day of September instant wind and weather serving from Leith to Newcastle, and to receave under his Convoy the shipp belonging to Archibald Drummond hyred by the Lords Commissioners of her Majesties Theasaurie For transporting and Carrying the French prisoners for present in the Tolbooth of Edinburgh, Cannongate, and Leith. And there and at the said port To delyver the saids prisoners to any person or persons haveing her Majesties warrand for receaveing of them And upon the saids Captain Gordons arryvall ther. The saids Lords Doe heirby Appoint and Ordaine him to intimat these his orders to the Mayor and Aldermen of New Castle or any others haveing warrand and order for receaving the saids prisoners And the saids Lords appoints and Ordains the said Captaine Gordon to return from New Castle to Leith. And to bring under his Convoy such Scotch ships as are homeward bound up.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 274.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 274.