Warrant, 28 March 1704, Edinburgh

Procedure, 19 December 1704, Edinburgh

Edinburgh The Tuenty Eight day of March Jaj vijc and four years



Warrand for setting David Baillie on the Tron and transporting him to Blackness Castle

Upon Information given by Her Majesties Advocat That David Baillie prisoner in the Tolbooth of Edinburgh when he was caried to the Tron by a sentence of privie Councill upon the Tuenty second day of March instant There to stand betuixt the hours of Eleven to Tuelf hours in the foirnoon with ane paper on his breast bearing these words Infamous Lybeller, Had in open and manyfest contempt of the authority of privy Councill And the saids Lords their sentance Torne the said paper twice from of his breast and disdainfully put on his hate whyll under the said sentence which was accknowledged by the said David Baillie personallie at the Barr And Lykewayes attested by some members at the board Therefore The Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill Haveing found the said Contempt sufficiently proven They Ordaine the Magistrats of Edinburgh by their toun officers attended with ane sufficient guard To cause carry the said David Baillie from the Tolbooth of Edinburgh to the Tron with his hands bound behind his back bare headed and ane paper upon his breast bearing these words Infamous Lybeller, and ordain’s the said David Baillie soe to be carried to morrow being the Tuenty nynth instant and put within the iron grate at the tron and there to stand from the hours of Eleven to Tuelf in the foirnoon And Ordaines one of the present Baillies of Edinburgh to attend and see the forsaid sentence punctually put in execution And ordaines the saids Magistrats of Edinburgh thereafter to delyver the said David Baillie to the Commanding officer of such a pairty of Her Majesties forces who shall come to receave him And Recommends to Livetennent Generall George Ramsay Commander in Cheiff of Her Majesties forces and in his absence To the Commandant in this place for the tyme To send a sufficient pairty of Her Majesties forces Duely Commanded upon the Tuenty Nynth day of March instant by Tuelf of the Clock in the foirnoon To receave the said David Baillie from the Magistrats of Edinburgh And transport him from Edinburgh to the Castle of Blackness and Delyver him prisoner there To the governour of the said Castle or in his absence to the nixt Commanding officer of that Garrison There to be detained till he be transported to the West Indies And to report ane receipt of the said David Baillie under the hands of the Governour of the said Castle or the nixt Commanding officer.

Edinburgh The Tuenty Eight day of March Jaj vijc and four years



Warrand for setting David Baillie on the Tron and transporting him to Blackness Castle

Upon Information given by Her Majesties Advocat That David Baillie prisoner in the Tolbooth of Edinburgh when he was caried to the Tron by a sentence of privie Councill upon the Tuenty second day of March instant There to stand betuixt the hours of Eleven to Tuelf hours in the foirnoon with ane paper on his breast bearing these words Infamous Lybeller, Had in open and manyfest contempt of the authority of privy Councill And the saids Lords their sentance Torne the said paper twice from of his breast and disdainfully put on his hate whyll under the said sentence which was accknowledged by the said David Baillie personallie at the Barr And Lykewayes attested by some members at the board Therefore The Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill Haveing found the said Contempt sufficiently proven They Ordaine the Magistrats of Edinburgh by their toun officers attended with ane sufficient guard To cause carry the said David Baillie from the Tolbooth of Edinburgh to the Tron with his hands bound behind his back bare headed and ane paper upon his breast bearing these words Infamous Lybeller, and ordain’s the said David Baillie soe to be carried to morrow being the Tuenty nynth instant and put within the iron grate at the tron and there to stand from the hours of Eleven to Tuelf in the foirnoon And Ordaines one of the present Baillies of Edinburgh to attend and see the forsaid sentence punctually put in execution And ordaines the saids Magistrats of Edinburgh thereafter to delyver the said David Baillie to the Commanding officer of such a pairty of Her Majesties forces who shall come to receave him And Recommends to Livetennent Generall George Ramsay Commander in Cheiff of Her Majesties forces and in his absence To the Commandant in this place for the tyme To send a sufficient pairty of Her Majesties forces Duely Commanded upon the Tuenty Nynth day of March instant by Tuelf of the Clock in the foirnoon To receave the said David Baillie from the Magistrats of Edinburgh And transport him from Edinburgh to the Castle of Blackness and Delyver him prisoner there To the governour of the said Castle or in his absence to the nixt Commanding officer of that Garrison There to be detained till he be transported to the West Indies And to report ane receipt of the said David Baillie under the hands of the Governour of the said Castle or the nixt Commanding officer.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 209-10.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 209-10.