Act, 18 January 1704, Edinburgh

Procedure, 19 December 1704, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the 18th of Janwary 1704



Act In favours of Hugh Catheart of Castletoun

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill By Hugh Cathcart of Carletoun Shewing That where Her Majestie by her warrand for a patent to be a knight baronet under her Majesties Royall hand In favours of the petitioner and his Heirs male for ever The said warrand by oversight wants these words of being past per saltum And therfore humbly Craveing to the effect aftermentioned as the said petition bears The Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill haveing considered the above petition given into them by Hugh Cathcairt of Carletoun and the samen being read in their presence The saids Lords Doe heirby Appoynt and ordain the patent in favours of the petitioner to be Knight barronet, to pass the sealls per saltum And for that effect Grants warrand to the director of Her Majesties Chancelarie and his Deputs to wryt out the Samen And to the keeper of the Great Seall and his Deputs to append the Samen therto without passing any other Register or seall

Edinburgh the 18th of Janwary 1704



Act In favours of Hugh Catheart of Castletoun

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill By Hugh Cathcart of Carletoun Shewing That where Her Majestie by her warrand for a patent to be a knight baronet under her Majesties Royall hand In favours of the petitioner and his Heirs male for ever The said warrand by oversight wants these words of being past per saltum And therfore humbly Craveing to the effect aftermentioned as the said petition bears The Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill haveing considered the above petition given into them by Hugh Cathcairt of Carletoun and the samen being read in their presence The saids Lords Doe heirby Appoynt and ordain the patent in favours of the petitioner to be Knight barronet, to pass the sealls per saltum And for that effect Grants warrand to the director of Her Majesties Chancelarie and his Deputs to wryt out the Samen And to the keeper of the Great Seall and his Deputs to append the Samen therto without passing any other Register or seall

1. NRS, PC2/28, 277r-277v.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 277r-277v.